Styx: Shards of Darkness. 15 good games players rarely see through

Styx: Shards of Darkness

Release date: September 14, 2017

  1. Platforms: PC, PS4, Xbox One
  2. Developer: Cyanide Studio
  3. Genre: stealth / TPP

Stealth games and RPGs – these are the two main genres that suffer from a lack of sufficiently engaged players. People willing to spend many hours exploring the game world, or simply patient enough to still want a replay after having alerted the guards for the nth time. When it comes to stealth games, Styx: Shards of Darkness has nothing to be ashamed of compared to its competitors Especially since it's a series that's a little more complicated, a little less hands-on and definitely relying on the ingenuity of the person sitting in front of the screen. Besides, it has a really cool and charismatic protagonist – a goblin assassin.

It is probably also the least recognizable title from the stealth games presented in our list. Developed by a relatively small Parisian studio (who can count how many French developers are mentioned in our article, and consider if it is mainly the French who make such great but hardly engaging games?). Wonder if this year's Call Of Cthulhu will turn out to be something equally inaccessible to the masses of "bored audience"...

Did you know that one of Team Cyanide's previous games, Game Of Thrones, was completed by even fewer people than Styx? The last, fifteenth chapter was completed by 11% of players on Steam and just over 9% on Sony's PlayStation 3 console. When we consider the number of fans of this tale of Westeros' warring families, the result seems remarkably bleak.




Trophy name

Percentage of players who completed the game




Percentage of players who completed the introduction



Slowly but surely?

Percentage of players who completed the first mission



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