Pursuit of harpies - part number one | 8: Eyeless DMC: Devil May Cry Guide
Last update: 11 May 2016
Start from using Angel Boost to return onto a shelf with prisoner and frighten attacking Harpies. Now you have to pursuit them. To do so, use Ophion Angel Lift on a latch (screen above).
Turn right and use Angel Lift again. In the next room you have to use Demon Pull. Jump onto a freshly slid out platform, getting into a bigger room. On the left you can another point on which you can use Angel Lift.
Approach a crystal in the wall. Of course, you have to destroy it using well known attack of charged Eryx gauntlets.
SECRET ROOM: If you repeat this mission with Aquila from the tenth level, turn right just after going through a wall (screen above). Throw blades at grapevine and use Angel Boost to get into an unlocked room. Here you find another Lost Soul.
BONUS MISSION: Stay where you have found a Lost Soul and go right, reaching a Secret Door (1st screen above). If you have a Copper Key you can open it and begin a bonus mission A Taste of Heaven. It's rather a difficult mission, because both Dante and his enemies dies from a single blow. Unfortunately, your opponents have shields what means that you have to hit them more than once to defeat them. I recommend to begin with eliminating flying monsters and then the rest of them. Use your best attacks (a skill Devil Trigger may be helpful too) to not risk too much and make it in the particular time.
Make sure that you're in the room with destroyed wall and move forward. Destroy the second crystal, what unlocks an entrance to a small room with Small Vital Star. Exit the room, turn around and catch a platform (screen above) using a Demon Pull.
Stay in the same place, because after revolving a platform, a Boost Ring appears. It means that you have to use Angel Lift and after getting nearby the levitating shelf (screen above) you have to press also jump button what accelerates you. Move forward, stopping at the edge. Wait until metro passes you.