Mission 13: Devil's Dalliance | Lost Souls DMC: Devil May Cry Guide
Last update: 11 May 2016
SOUL 1/7 - Soul can be found when the begin battle ends and before moving on. Turn around when you get to the Divinity Statue and get onto an upper balcony.
SOUL 2/7 - Soul can be found nearby the first Divinity Statue, under the stairs.
SOUL 3/7 - Soul can be found on your way to the first round. When you reach crossroads (with two-colored plates) go right and then turn right again, jumping on platforms.
SOUL 4/7 - You find a Soul after winning the third round.
SOUL 5/7 - You can find this Soul on your way to the fifth round. During your march look for an upper platform, which is reachable for Angel Lift. Move forward until you get to the bigger platform with a secret.
SOUL 6/7 - You can find soul on your way to the sixth round. When you get onto a main platform (with a Divinity Statue), look for a smaller levitating shelf and jump on it. Continue using an Angel Lift until you reach the last platform.
SOUL 7/7 - You can find this Soul on your way to the sixth round, just after you use Boost Ring and before reaching a final crossroads.