Boss: Bob Barbas - first part of the battle | 10: Bad News DMC: Devil May Cry Guide
Last update: 11 May 2016
Encounter with Bob Barbas has few parts and its own rights. Firstly, get to know with main attacks of the boss. Blue color means that a ray of light will appear there, so you have to avoid this.
Purple and green are for rays running on the ground, which you have to jump over. A good way to stay longer in the air is to charge weapon. It'll be especially useful in further parts of the battle, when some rays get wider.
Yellow stands for the wall of light. Don't run from the arena but look for holes in the wall, running through them. Walls are in both lower and upper part of the wall.
Don't try to attack boss in normal way, he is untouchable. Instead of this, focus on red marks on the arena. After reaching one of those, you have to charge Eryx and attack it from the air, like in the case of red crystals.
After hitting the mark, Bob should stop attacking you. Approach him quickly and make your best attacks.
When you notice that a red circle appear around a boss move away to not get hurt. Wait until it explodes and then attack boss again. Explosion of the second circle equals boss's return, so you shouldn't attack him for now.
Now you have to repeat stated above actions, which are avoiding attacks and running on the arena to hit the red mark.
You need to zero first bar of boss health. Then the short cut scene should be displayed. Use an Angel Lift at a latch.