DCS AH-64D Apache: AGM-114K Hellfire II Missile
This part of the DCS AH-64D Apache guide introduces the AGM-114K Hellfire missile. We provide detailed instructions on how to use the Hellfire missiles. We explain how to aim the Hellfire at a target with a laser. We explain the LOBL LOAL methods and how to use the missiles as a pilot, CPG gunner and with the help of George AI and JTAC.
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In this chapter of the DCS: AH-64D Apache simulator guide, we present detailed instructions on how to use the AGM-114K Hellfire II laser guided missiles. You will find out all the differences between LOBL and LOAL launch modes and types of trajectories. We also show how to illuminate the target with a laser and how to use Hellfires from the position of the co-pilot/gunner, the pilot seat with the help of George AI and using the JTAC unit.
- AGM-114K Hellfire II Overview
- AGM-114K Hellfire missile firing modes
- Required keybinds
- Hellfire settings
- TADS / IHADSS symbology for Hellfire missiles
- Hellfire in LOBL mode
- Hellfire in LOAL mode
- Rapid fire - attacking multiple targets at the same time
- Hellfire with George AI - pilot seat
- Hellfire with JTAC - Pilot or CPG seat
- Changing the laser code
- Restrictions - Why and when Hellfires cannot be used?
AGM-114K Hellfire II Overview
The AGM-114K Hellfire II air-to-ground missile is the main weapon of the AH-64D Apache helicopter. It was designed to destroy armored targets, especially tanks, but it can also be used against other objects. The K (Kilo) version is a semi-active, laser guided (SAL) missile that can lock on a laser designation from its own source (TADS system) or from another plane, helicopter, UAV and JTAC unit. It requires continuous laser illumination of the target until impact - so it is not a "fire and forget" weapon (version K).
The effective range of the Hellfire is approximately 8 kilometers. The Apache can carry a total up to 16 Hellfires, but in practice, the most common configuration is 8 missiles, with 4 on each pylon. The AGM-114K is operated mainly by the CPG. Although the pilot has the ability to fire the missiles, he always needs someone to designate a target with laser - CPG or some other source mentioned earlier.

AGM-114K Hellfire missile firing modes
The Hellfire Kilo version can be used in two modes:
Lock On Before Launch (LOBL "low ball")
LOBL mode means that the target is locked and designated by laser before firing the missile. This mode, in combination with the DIR (direct) trajectory type, is used when you have a clear line of sight to the target and you want the missile to reach it as quickly as possible.
Lock On After Launch (LOAL)
LOAL mode means that the target is locked and designated by laser after firing the missile. In the LOAL mode, choosing the right trajectory is important depending on situation. Typically the HI (high) or LO (low) types are used. In both cases, the missile first climbs to a high altitude and then begins to drop on the target. With HI trajectory, the climb rate is a bit steeper.

In DCS World , delayed laser illumination works best when we fire the missile from the farthest possible distance, approx. 8 km. If the missile is fired at closer distances, it usually fails to lock on the laser beam.
LOAL mode with DIR (direct) trajectory is used in rare situations, when an obstacle appears between the target and the helicopter, interfering with the continuous laser illumination of the target. The BACKSCATTER message may then prevent the missile from launching in LOBL mode.
With LOAL, the HI or LOW trajectory is much more often used to use the maximum range of the weapon or to attack while staying hidden behind a natural cover, e.g. a hill or a line of trees. We can also use the HI or LO trajectory when the laser designation is done by another unit, such as JTAC or capable aircraft.
Required keybinds
Category Pilot AH-64D
- TRIGGER GUARD - OPEN - opens the trigger guard
- GUN TRIGGER 1st DETENT - launches the missile
- WEAPONS ACTION SELECT - M (right) - selects Hellfire missile
- all buttons required to operate GEORGE AI HELPER
CPG AH-64D category
- TRIGGER GUARD - OPEN - opens the trigger guard
- GUN TRIGGER 1st DETENT - launches the missile
- LHG WEAPONS TRIGGER - fires the missile with a TEDAC trigger
- LHG WEAPONS ACTION SELECT - M (right) - selects Hellfire missile
- LHG STORE UPDATE - STORE - saves a map point with a target location
- LHG LINEAR MOTION COMPENSATOR (LMC) - turns on LMC system for easy tracking a moving target
- RHG LRFD 2nd DETENT (Laser Ranger Finder and Designator) - fires a constant laser beam
- RHG MANUAL TRACKER - controls TADS cameraRHG SIGHT SELECT TADS - selects TADS as active sight source
- all the necessary buttons to operate the TADS system
Hellfire settings
All the settings can be made both from the pilot's seat and the co-pilot/gunner seat (the "2" key on the keyboard). If you intend to use the trigger on the cyclic (stick), open its cover first by pressing the TRIGGER GUARD OPEN.

Arm weapons by pressing ARMAMENT A / S and ARM highlighted. If you want to make changes to the settings while still on the ground, press GND-ORIDE first. Activate the Hellfire missiles with the Weapon Action Select M button. The box around the ARM / SAFE will change to a dashed line and the Hellfire missile setting options will appear around the screen. The first missile ready for use will be highlighted in white.

Press the UTIL button.

Make sure the laser is turned on. The dot symbol next to the word LASER must be filled in. Press the button next to it if you need to turn on the laser and UTIL again to go back to the main screen.

Make sure the missiles are set to the correct laser code you intend to use. If you fly mainly single-player missions and you destroy all the targets yourself, you don't have to change anything. The default code A - 1688 always works then.
But if you fly big, co-op missions on multiplayer servers, usually unique laser codes must be set so that the missiles will not confuse guidance with other aircrafts operating in the mission area. Detailed instructions on how to change the codes are provided later in this entry. The basic information is:
- LST - Laser Search and Track - code for searching other unit's laser beam (e.g. JTAC, wingman, aircraft)
- LRFD - Laser Range Finder and Designator - code for the TADS system's laser
- A, B, C ... etc. - abbreviated symbols for different laser codes, e.g. A-1688, B-2111 etc. The letters I and O are not used to avoid confusion with 1 and 0.
- PRI, ALT - Hellfire missile code for the PRIMARY and backup ALTERNATE channels from the four available channels. The missile will always search for the primary channel beam first, and then, the backup one.

The letters on the missile symbol mean:
- Upper letter - assigned primary laser code, e.g. A, B - it should match the LRFD or LST code, depending on who is illuminating the target, L - laser guided missile on the pylon
- Lower letter - weapon status: R (ready) - ready to use, S (standby) - will be used next, T (tracking) - laser beam detected, sensor is tracking the target.

- TYPE - missile type, allows you to switch between Hellifres type I and II - without function
- MODE - selects mode: NORM - all missiles are guided with the primary laser code, RIPL - subsequent missiles are guided with the primary and secondary laser code alternately, MAN - requires manual switch to the next missile with the Missile Advance button on the TEDAC after every launch . The most common option is NORM.

TRAJ - allows you to select the missile trajectory:
- HI (high) - steep climb right after launch
- LO (low) - less steep climb right after launch
- DIR (direct) - direct flight straight to the target with minimal climb. Requires an unobstructed line of sight between the helicopter and the target

LRFD - lets you select a segment of rangefinder pulses when determining range to target:
- FIRST - first segment of the pulses will be used to determine target range (most often used)
- LAST - last segment of the pulses will be used to determine target range (e.g. when the target is behind a tree)
TADS / IHADSS symbology for Hellfire missiles

- TADS LOS Reticle - TADS crosshair
- Missile Constrain Box - indicates the position of the missile seeker relative to the missile datum line It shows where the TADS sight is currently looking in relation to the helicopter's nose, which in this case is the TADS crosshair. In the screen above, the target is to the left and slightly below the aircraft's nose. Constrain Box does not show the target's physical location in the field - the target is marked by the center of the TADS crosshair. The Missile Constrain Box position allows you to see how much you can maneuver the helicopter so that the missile sensor can still detect the laser illuminating the target.
- Various information about Hellfire status. In this case, you can see the DIR trajectory and the NORM mode.

If the TADS is looking at the target outside of the missile's tracking limits, the Missile Constrain Box line will change to dotted line. In this case, the TADS is looking too far down.

- Missile Constrain Box - changes into a large square when the missile sensor starts tracking the laser beam
- Target range measured by laser. Appears after using the LRFD Trigger 2nd Detent laser trigger. It allows you to check if the missile is within the range of approx. 8 kilometers to the target.
- The current status of the weapon - in this case, the PRI CHAN TRK (Primary Channel Tracking) says that the missile is tracking a target illuminated by the primary channel laser beam.

Above the Field of Regard, messages from the Weapon Inhibit group are displayed about the current restrictions on using the active weapon. The meaning of the messages is described further in the entry.
Hellfire in LOBL mode

Check if all settings are correct:
- Armament A / S - ARM
- Trigger Guard Open
- Weapon Action Select - M
- LRFD code same as missile PRI code
- TRAJ - projectile trajectory - usually DIR
- Laser On (UTIL page)

Search for a target with the TADS finder and the correct acquisition source set.

If the helicopter or target is moving, turn on the Linear Motion Compensator LMC. It aids tracking a moving target.

Press and hold the LRFD Trigger 2nd Detent laser beam. The distance to the target will appear at the bottom. Check that there are no Weapon Inhbit messages about usage restrictions. If the laser beam is detected by the missile sensor, the Missile Constrain Box will enlarge and the message about tracking the beam of the selected channel will be displayed on the right.

Launch the missile while holding the laser trigger all the time. Continue to illuminate the target with the laser and keep the TADS crosshair on the target with the RHG Manual Tracker until impact. HF TOF = 12 - Hellfire Time of Flight will show in the weapon status window. It shows the remaining time in seconds until missile impact.

When TOF reaches zero, Hellfire will hit the target, of course on condition that the target was illuminated by laser all the time.
Hellfire in LOAL mode
HI or LO trajectory

Check if all settings are correct:
- Armament A / S - ARM
- Trigger Guard Open
- Weapon Action Select - M
- LRFD code same as missile PRI code
- TRAJ - projectile trajectory - DIR
- Laser On (UTIL page)

On the TSD screen, turn on the ATK (attack) phase. Note the status HI NORM and the Constrain Box which matches the TADS LOS Reticle with this trajectory setting.

Aim the TADS LOS reticle at the target area - at this moment it does not have to be precisely on the target. Press the LRFD Trigger 2nd Detent laser trigger and while holding it, press the STORE button on the left handgrip to create a map point with the target's location.

Set the created point as the "acquisition" source. Press ACQ on TSD then COORD .

From the list that appears, select the point you have just created, in this case T01 .

With acquisition source set to the target map point (T01), fire the missile. Note that after selecting acquisition source to the T01, Missile Constrain Box returned to its position, showing the camera's position relative to the helicopter's nose. MSL LAUNCH - message when launching a missile. MSL NOT READY - standard message when the system switches to the next Hellfire on the pylon - it appears for a brief moment.

After launching the missile, the pilot should keep the helicopter as steady as possible, to ensure undisturbed laser illumination. Watch the weapon status box. First, the timer to impact will appear.

You can start illuminating the target with laser as soon as you are ready. The last moment for this is the LASE 1 TRGT message . From now on, you must press the LRFD TRIGGER 2nd DETENT laser trigger and keep the sight reticle on the object to be destroyed. If necessary, turn on the Linear Motion Compensator ( LMC ).

Keep the sight on target while keeping the laser trigger pressed. Watch the TOF timer counting down.

At TOF = 0 the Hellfire will hit the illuminated spot.
DIR trajectory

Check if all settings are correct:
- Armament A / S - ARM
- Trigger Guard Open
- Weapon Action Select - M
- LRFD code same as missile PRI code
- TRAJ - projectile trajectory - DIR
- Laser On (UTIL page)

After acquisition source is set, search for target with TADS Note that for delayed illumination, the target should be at the maximum Hellfire range, approx. 8-9 kilometers. Press the laser trigger to check the target distance.

LOAL mode and DIR trajectory are usually used when the BACKSCATTER message appears. It means that the laser illumination beam is obstructed by some objects. But it is not a prerequisite. In real life, "Backscatter" often occurs when there is a lot of dust in the air interfering with the laser beam. In DCS World it is not as accurately simulated.

Launch the missile without illuminating the target with a laser. Pay attention to the weapon status box.

The pilot should now properly position the helicopter so that nothing interferes with the laser beam. Observe the weapon status box. Shortly, a message LASE 1 TRGT will appear to fire the laser and start target illumination. Squeeze the LRFD Trigger 2nd DETENT .

Continue illuminating until impact.
Rapid fire - attacking multiple targets at the same time
Under favorable conditions, it is possible to fire Hellfires quickly in succession to destroy multiple targets one by one. However, it requires a lot of skill in the CPG seat, because all missiles will be guided with the same laser beam. You will need to skillfully control the laser and switch it to the next target at the right moment. For this reason, it is only possible if the targets are relatively close together and the helicopter is at the max Hellfire's range, about 8 kilometers. Such distance should provide enough time to switch to the next targets.

All the preparations before the launch of the first missile are the same as for the LOBL mode, except that the trajectory HI can be set to extend the flight time of the missile.

Designate the target with the laser and fire the first missile. Watch the weapon status box.

FIRE MSLS (Fire Missiles) will appear shortly after. At this moment, fire the second missile.

When the first missile hit the target, the TOF counter will switch to the second fired missile that is still on its way to the target.

Immediately after the first missile's impact, move the sight reticle at the second closest target while continuing to illuminate with the laser. Watch the TOF counter and be quick and precise, because the time window to switch the targets is quite short.

Illuminate the target until impact. Watch the status box as the FIRE MSLS message will keep popping up whenever the next missiles can be launched. This way you can fire all the missiles one after the other in a short time. After each hit you can direct the next Hellfire to a new target.
Hellfire with George AI - pilot seat
Using Hellfires with George AI Helper in the pilot's seat is much simpler and faster, but there is always a risk of shooting at allied units. In DCS World George can distinguish the enemy from friendlies, but he is not perfect.

Turn on the TADS video on one of the MFD monitors to see what the CPG is aiming at.

Enable the George AI Helper interface (LCtrl V by default).

Press the George AI Interface LEFT SHORT (default "A") to switch to Hellfires. Then George AI Inteface UP LONG (default "W") to change ROE (Rules of Engagment) to Weapons Free - it gives constant permission to open fire.

Point the IHADSS LOS Reticle on the target area and press the George AI Interface UP SHORT (default "W") to start searching for targets at that location. If CPG detects vehicles there, their list will appear on the left.

Use the George AI Interface UP and DOWN buttons ("W" and "S") to select the target to destroy from the list. On the video screen, the crosshair reticle will change position to indicate the target's location, although the view cannot be zoomed in as much, as on the TADS screen.

After selecting the target, press George AI Interface RIGHT SHORT (default "D") to order the missile launch. If the helicopter is within range (8 kilometers or closer) and properly aligned with a clear line of sight to the target, Geroge will lock the target and fire the missile. On the video MFD screen the camera will change the zoom level a bit, allowing you to watch the attack result.

When the missile hit its target, the list will disappear. To use Hellfires again, press the George AI Interface DOWN LONG keys ("S" by default) to search the previous location again. Press George AI Interface UP SHORT ("W" by default) to start a new search at the position indicated by the IHADSS LOS reticle.
Hellfire with JTAC - Pilot or CPG seat
While playing coop on multiplayer servers, another allied unit can also take care of laser designation - it can be player in a capable aircraft or a vehicle. In the case of single player mode, you can use a JTAC unit, as long as it was set in the mission editor. It can designate a target for you.
If the mission includes its participation, Hellfires can work as "fire-and-forget" weapon. After proper setup and communication with JTAC, just launch the missile. JTAC will do the rest - it will illuminate the target until impact.

In the COM screen use the MAN function and set the JTAC radio frequency specified in the mission briefing.

The JTAC laser code by default is 1688, which is Apache primary A channel code. Make sure that the LST (Laser Search Tracker) is set to the A-code channel, (not LRFD) and the missiles are also set to A. The easiest way is to change the LRFD channel to B.

Press RAlt / to bring up the radio menu, then select F4 - JTAC and report the desired time to spent in the area. Continue exchanging messages up to the standard "9 lines" where you will learn the target type, coordinates and the laser code (1688). If you need to create a map point to find the target area, convert the coordinates from 6 digits to 8 by adding 0 after every three digits, e.g. 303 697 will change to 3030 6970. In many missions, the vicinity of the JTAC operation will be already designated as one of the waypoints or its coordinates will be included in the mission briefing.

On the TSD map, activate the ATK (attack) phase and create a map point with a TG (target) in the area given by JTAC coordinates. Use the LRFD Trigger 2nd Detent laser trigger and the STORE button to create the point. Set the new T0x point as acquisition source. Press SLAVE to point the camera at the target.

Press SLAVE again to set the camera free. On the screen you will see the area indicated by the JTAC. The message REMOTE means that the system is ready for remote laser illumination by another unit, because the laser code of the LRFD's own designator (B) does not match the Hellfire's primary code. The REMOTE message is not present at the pilot's seat, because all laser designations are remote for the pilot. He cannot do it himself.

Continue exchanging messages with the JTAC until LASER ON - LASING . JTAC will then activate the laser and you can either launch the missile now...

... or, while sitting in the CPG's seat, you can point the camera directly at the target illuminated by the JTAC to watch the missile hitting its target. To do this, select SKR (seeker), the Hellfire missile sensor, as the acquisition source.

Press SLAVE . The TADS camera will focus on the point that Hellfire's sensor "sees" and will follow it until you press SLAVE again.

If you want more immersion, you can continue exchanging messages with the JTAC until approval to open fire "Cleared Hot!". But that's optional. As soon as the "Lasing" message will appear, you can fire the missile - just press the trigger. The Missile Constrain Box will change to large, indicating that that the missile is locked on target.

After firing the missile, you can turn back the helicopter and fly away. JTAC will take care of the rest. Or, you can watch the TADS screen and wait for the impact. To do so, deslave the camera first by pressing SLAVE button, because immediately after the impact, the missile sensor will be destroyed and the camera will lose its acquisition source.
JTAC will announce the result of the attack anyway. If JTAC was watching a group of targets, it will be possible to attack again by exchanging a few further messages beforehand. Cooperation with JTAC can also be performed in the pilot's seat, but you will not be able to watch the video feed as on the TADS screen.
Changing the laser code

Press the CODE button.
The default change option is for your own LRFD designator. On the screen's sides you will see stored presets with various codes to choose from. Just press the one you want, e.g. B.

Press the SET button to select the LST code in the same way. LST is the laser beam used by another unit to remotely illuminate targets

If necessary, you can change specific code numbers by selecting the FREQ (frequency) function.

The 4-digit code can be entered on the keyboard unit and confirmed with Enter. Note - not all number combinations will work!

The CHAN (channel) function allows you to assign specific letter codes for four channels: Primary 1 (PRI), Backup 2 (ALT), and Channels 3 and 4. Select a channel with the top button and then one of the presets. Press CHAN to exit to the Hellfire Home Screen.

On the main screen, you can change the code assignments for the channels: Primary 1 PRI and Backup 2 ALT. Press the desired channel button.

Choose from the available options.

Finally, check that the laser source code (LRFD or LST) matches the basic PRI code of the missile. It is the upper letter on the missile symbol on the MFD screen.
Restrictions - Why and when Hellfires cannot be used?

Ballistic Limit is the most common case of inability to launch Hellfires. It appears when the target is out of range or when the laser is turned off on the WPN -> UTIL screen. In many situations, launching a missile is still possible, especially if it is just an "out of range" issue.

Pylon Limit or Pylon Angle will appear when the helicopter is pointing at the target, but the upward or downward tilt angle prevents the missile sensor from "seeing" the acquisition source. Turn the helicopter so that the missile sensor is within its field of view limits pointed at the target area.

Yaw Limit appears when the Missile Constrain Box is too far left or right of the TADS reticle. The helicopter's nose is pointing too far from the target and the Hellfire's sensor is unable to see it. In this case, the pilot must use the anti-torque pedals to turn the helicopter towards the target.

Backscatter is a temporary disturbance in the operation of the laser beam. It can occur, for example, when the laser beam passes through too much dust after an explosion or when the helicopter hovers too low over a sandy, dusty area. In DCS, it generally does not have much impact on the gameplay and appears rarely.

MSL NOT READY (Missile not ready) is the standard message when the system switches to the next Hellfire after launch. It disappears within a second.
NO MISSILIES informs you when you are out of Hellfires.
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