Side quests | The Pantheon map in AC Unity
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Key points of Map of Panteon - La Bievre - Paris Stories and Nostradamu Enigmas - Assassin's Creed: Unity
Paris Stories
Mysterious Murders
Nostradamus Enigmas
Co-op Mission
Paris stories - Swiss Stash
Difficulty level: 5/5
Reward: 7500 Livres
The first part of the mission is not too difficult. You need to steal a letter from a restricted area, where there are lots of guards. The owner of the letter will not react to any of your attempts to rob him, but the guards will. This is why you either need to distract them with cherry bombs and rob the man quickly, or get ready to put up a demanding fight with guards of high level. Nearby, there is a bell so, one of the guards is sure to call reinforcements in. What is even worse, the guards are close to each other so, you should better forget about luring them away in small groups. Attack one and have the rest on your back.
Your second objective is to check out on four chests. Two of them are in the barn and they are being guarded by a big group of extremists and a sniper. The enemies have high levels and it is unlikely that they allow you to verify that silently. This is why, you should expect a tough fight.
The third chest is in the attic of the house. Enter through the roof. Thanks to this, you will avoid engaging the guards below.
The last chest is inside the house with closed windows. The only way in is through the main door and on over the stairs. The enemies are plentiful here, but there is an option to eliminate them silently. If you do not want to do that, simply attack them. After you have looted all of the chests, return to the robbed man and talk to him. This will conclude the mission.
Paris stories - Coat of Arms
Difficulty level: 5/5
Reward: 7500 Livres
Get to the marked area and climb to the house's upper floor. Talk to the tailor. After the conversation, go to the tannery.
The workshop is a small stronghold filled with snipers and extremists of high levels. It has few opened windows and the main door is locked with a level 2 lock. Sneaking is a lost cause so, t is better to prepare for an onslaught from the front. Possibly, for luring the opponents out, in small groups, or for eliminating them at a long range (firearms, crossbow, poison gas bombs and so forth). Reach the tanner and talk to him.
Return to the quest giver. After a short talk, he attacks you, accompanied by several guards. They have high levels so, make the job easier for yourself with smoke bombs pr flash bombs. After you defeat all of the opponents, talk to the tailor. The conversation concludes this mission.
Co-op missions - Moving Mirabea
Difficulty level: 5/5
Reward: Reward: 3 Sync points, 5 more during the mission. Legendary Napoleonic Breeches, Master Bourgeois Belt, Master Musketeer Bracers.
First of all, you need to reach the Pantheon. The area is being heavily guarded and the nearby roofs are spotted with snipers. The mission seems to be difficult, but it is easy, as a matter of fact. As long as you know the right way.
Start by taking a look around the building. Find the jibs, thanks to which you can get higher quickly. They are being guarded by the opponents on the ground and snipers in the neighboring house so, start by taking them out. Use a jib and get to the roof, over the scaffolding and the wall. Under the dome, there is an opened door. Walk inside, find the ladder and climb down. You will get to the balconies over the main part of the building. Around, there are several snipers so, get rid of them. The descent to the underground is opposite the entrance, at the other side of the building. It is being guarded by a small group of guards. Use the balconies and scaffoldings to get there, kill the guards and get down. The levels of the opponents are high, but there are few of them so, you should have no problems eliminating them. Make sure that none of them uses the alarm bell.
While underground, first deal with all the guards. There are few of them, they are scattered and they are guarding areas with a number of pillars and hiding places. You should be able to kill all of them without causing the alarm. After you kill all the opponents, go into the marked area and use the Eagle Vision. You will notice zodiac signs glowing on walls. Approach them. If the counter next to the mission description has gone up, this means it is enough. Reveal all of the zodiac signs and approach the stone torches.
Use the Eagle Vision. On the floor, you will notice the zodiac signs that you revealed. Stand behind one of the torches and press the interaction button. One of the rings on the floor has just turned in the clockwise direction. Keep turning all of the rings until all the zodiac signs are positioned in the golden rectangle on the floor. If you have done everything correctly, a door will open. Enter the crypt and collect the Mirabeau artifact.
Under the ground, there has just appeared a sizeable group of guards. They are deployed in the way that will enable you to kill silently, at least, some of them. Deal with the remaining ones, or sneak past them. Use the torch to open the door. You cannot simply dash past the guards, because you need to be anonymous to be able to use the torch. The guards are on high levels so, fighting them is not the easiest thing.
After you climb up, sneak towards the exit. The guards here are far less numerous so, if you are in a hurry, dash past towards the door and throw Smoke bombs behind. Leave the area and become anonymous.
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