Side quests | Saint-Lambert map in AC Unity
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Key points of Map of Saint-Lambert - Les Invalides - Paris Stories and Nostradamu Enigmas - Assassin's Creed: Unity
Paris Stories
Mysterious Murders
Social Club Task
Nostradamu Enigmas
Helix Rift
Co-op Mission
Social Club Task
Cafe des Invalides - The social club offers " Smoky, Yet Robust ", "Spiky Bourbon" and "Special delivery" quests.
Paris stories - Cartouche's Memoirs
Difficulty level: 5/5
Reward: 25000 Livres
Your task is to retrieve two diaries. Both of them are in the chests in restricted areas. They are guarded by big groups of guards, including numerous snipers. There also are alarm bells there. A direct attack, without softening the guards beforehand is out of the question.
In the area, there are many entrances, hiding places and walls. It much resembles a labyrinth and is surrounded with buildings. After you have cleared the rooftops, you will have many opportunities to perform silent attacks, both from the ground and from the air. This is why you should pick your favorite method - bombs, cherry bombs, berserker blades, firearms and so on - use them to eliminate the opponents. After you have cleared the area near the chest, grab the diary and run. Return both diaries to the quest giver.
Paris stories - Turtle, Snake, Bear, Paper, Scissors
Difficulty level: 5/5
Reward: 25000 Livres
Your mission is to kill three targets. One of them is in the market, the second one in a restricted area and the third one in the neighboring yard. All of them are accompanied by high-level guards.
There are many methods to complete this mission and the easiest one requires you to buy berserker blades. Sneak up to the target and use the blade against him. Do this after you have made sure that you will not be spotted from, e.g. a rooftop, or a stall. If you have done that properly, the target attacks his guards and after a while, is killed by them. If you are spotted, throw a smoke bomb and escape. The opponents soon lose interest in you, while busy fighting their maddened ally. If you run out of ammo, buy it at the local shop.
The only problem you may have is with the target hiding in the building. You may have no opportunity to get him silently and hit him with the berserker blade. In such a case, first use bombs and firearms to eliminate the guards. Then, attack the man. The building is small and therefore sneaking is difficult here. Also, it is likely that you are spotted then.
After you kill all three, escape the area and become anonymous.
Paris stories - Vicious Verses
Difficulty level: 4/5
Reward: 25000 Livres
You need to retrieve three books. They are in three chests close to each other, in a restricted area. There are swarms of guards there, including snipers on rooftops. Also, you can find alarm bells there. The building is several-story high, has many opened doors and windows. Therefore, pick the method that you find the most convenient. Just remember that you should first clear the roofs of the snipers. Thanks to this, the mission gets much easier.
After you have obtained the books, return them to the quest giver.
Social Club missions - Smoky, Yet Robust
Difficulty level: 5/5
Reward: 37500 Livres
Fast-travel to the vineyard. Your task is to clear it of the opponents. The enemies are around and inside the vineyard, but you are required to kill only some of them. As for the rest, you can ignore the and escape the area, as soon as you eliminate the marked targets.
Start the mission by clearing the area around the vineyard. There are several snipers there, who may cause trouble, if left alone. Also, eliminate the ones on the rooftop. Then, enter the vineyard grounds and eliminate the opponents one after another. All of them are on the same level and they are close to each other so, a direct attack may not be the best idea, Also it is a good tactic to lure some of them, outside of the vineyard grounds and eliminate them there, silently. Also, you can climb to the rooftop, use berserker blades on the strongest enemies and deal with the rest, after the turmoil starts. The mission ends after you defeat the last marked target.
Social Club missions - Spiked Bourbon
Difficulty level: 5/5
Reward: 12500
The mission area is far away so, approach it by fast traveling. Do not fast travel to the premises of the palace . After you do that, you will fail the mission.
Your mission is to kill four Templars at the Bourbon Palace. IT is full of guards of high levels, who mostly move around in groups. Also, there are alarm bells here, as well as quite a few snipers on the roofs. Direct fight is bound to fail you here and this is why you need to use a special tactic. It is best to do that in small steps, by killing a target, escaping the site and returning after you have lost your pursuers.
The first target is strolling to the South of the Palace. He is alone and among a thick crowd. Use this to your advantage and execute the Templar. Pick the moment at which the target is far away from guards. The remaining three targets are in the restricted area so, be careful.
The second target is strolling within the Palace walls. The easiest way to eliminate him is with the assassination from above, from the rooftop. Clear the roof of the guards and jump onto the victim. Then escape, while tossing smoke, or flash bombs behind you. The tactic is similar for the third target, whom you find in the Western part of the Palace, strolling near the walls.
The fourth target is to the North of the Palace. Also there, there is a thick crowd, but far less guards. Approach the Templar, while he is walking away from the guards, stab him with the hidden blade and escape. The boundary of the mission area is near so, you only have to become anonymous.
Social Club missions - Special Delivery
Difficulty level: 5/5
Reward: 12500
Go to the marked area and use the Eagle Vision. Wait for the guard with the delivery to leave his post. You can rob him, kill and loot him. Along the path, there are few guards so, both methods are good enough.
With the packet, approach the marked guards and talk to them. Thanks to this, you learn tyhe name of your target.
Walk away from the gate, a bit, and climb to the roof. Clear it of the snipers and use the Eagle Vision to find L'Au. The officer is strolling on the inside of the Military Academy. Note that the Academy area has been divided into three parts, separated with gates. Climb onto one and wait for L'Au. Assassinate him from above. The gate is close to the boundary of the mission area so, right after the assassination, hop over the low wall and escape. There is a fair chance that you will not be spotted and, if this happens, they will be unable to start the pursuit.
Do not attack the officer directly. Inside, there are too many guards of high levels. If necessary, you can deal with some of them, using firearms, berserker blades of poison gas bombs. Still, this is optional.
Mysterious Murders - The Death of Philibert Aspairt
Difficulty level: 4/5
Reward: Flamberg
The culprit: Sister Sorel
Number of clues: 25
catacombs (under the ground, 6 clues):
Loose beads next to the corpse
The Bible next to the fire
Set of keys
Crate of Chartreuse in the corner
Old satchel
Worn shovel
Convent (4 clues):
The blood of Christ
Stack of bibles
Bottles of Chartreuse
Statement of sister Sorel
Tavern (6 clues):
Bottles of Chartreuse
Bottles of wine and liquor
Statement of Catherine
Statement of Antoine
Statement of Navarre
Statement of Jerome
Merchant Stall (3 clues):
New shovels
Statement of Guillaume
Apothecary Stand (1 clue):
Statement of Adrien
Graveyard (5 clues):
Half buried coffin
Worn bible
Small wooden cross on the flag; easy to miss
Statement of Noel
Helix Rifts - Medieval - Battlefield
Difficulty level: 5/5
Money Reward: 5/5
Assassin Intelligence Data: 3
Duration: 3 minutes
Your greatest problem in this mission are the dropping catapult projectiles. Keep an eye on the area around you. The red, expanding circles on the ground mark the spots where the projectiles hit. They do not deal too high damage, but they knock you down and you lose time, as a result. Apart from that, the area is small and has some more of the green data packs than the other rifts. In this mission, there are no opponents.
To find the assassin, you need to collect 700 points. To receive a money bonus, you need to collect additional 1200 points, i.e. a total of 1900 points.
Helix Rifts - Medieval - Quarry
Difficulty level: 5/5
Money Reward: 5/5
Assassin Intelligence Data: 3
Duration: 3 minutes
The only linear rift. In here, you do not backtrack and you keep running ahead, for the most time.
There are three traps here. The first one are the dropping rocks in the Quarry. After you get hit, you lose lots of health points and they knock you down. To avoid them, climb onto the wall and run up. In here, there are quite a few points to do not run straight towards the exit, and take a turn to pick them up. In sequence 11, the way ahead is to the right. In this mission, it is on the same side, but you need to get up.
The second trap is on the bridge. Several seconds after you walk onto the bridge, the boundary of the simulation starts to move. This is why, you should not stop to collect the green data pack and run ahead. You should be able to get to the other side, while collecting the packs along your path.
You will get to the keep. In the front yard, there are warriors 20 points each. They have no firearms so, you can easily shoot them or escape from them. Additionally, the yard is under catapult fire. One hit drains lots of your health and knocks you down. The portal, just like in the case of the campaign, is on the destroyed bridge. In this part of the mission, you can divert to collect some extra points.
To find the assassin, you need to collect 700 points. To receive a money bonus, you need to collect additional 1300 points, i.e. a total of 2000 points.
Co-op missions - Women's March
Difficulty level: 5/5
Reward: 3 Sync points, 5 more during the mission. Master Military Coat, Master Sans Culottes Hood, Legendary Prowler Bracers.
Your mission is to protect Theroigne and her friend. Both of the women walk slowly ahead but, just like in the Infernal Machine you cannot get too far away from them. Otherwise, you desynchronize.
The first obstacle appears after a short walk, in the form of a small group of the extremists of high levels. Both of the women are good fighters but they do not do that well against this group. You can attack them head-on or from the side. Thanks to the latter, you will kill, at least, one of them, before he realizes what is going on. Sneaking is out of the question so, prepare bombs and firearms.
The second fight takes place in a restricted area. This time, apart from the opponents, you also need to mind snipers. A good tactic to clear roofs in the first place and help Theroigne on the ground afterwards. The women are incapable of defending against sniper fire and one can deplete as much as a third of their health. As for the rest of the opponents, you need to deal with them in the customary way. It is a good idea to have several berserker blades on you. Thanks to this, you will decrease the numbers of the enemy.
You will reach a gate. Your task here is to kill three commanders of the garrison. The threesome are inside a buildind, which you can access through windows or the door locked with high level locks. INside, there is a considerable number of opponents of high levels, who arriva right after the fighting starts. The number of snipers is quite low so, you can ignore them and take to the officers immediately. Between the individual parts of the building, you can move thanks tothe balcony above the gate.
The last mission is to sabotage three cannons. They are in a restricted area and are guarded both by a big group ofsnipers and small groups of the extremists on the ground. Start by clearing the roofs and deal with the enemies below afterwards. Most of them are scattered around the area, thanks to which you can kill them without being spotted. Still, watch out because near the cannons, there are alarm bells with much stronger guards around. If you want to sabotage a cannon, you will either have to kill them off or distract them. The latter will rather not work so, get ready for a fight. To sabotage a cannon, you need to stand to the right of it, right next to the slot for the wick.
After you sabotage the cannons, leave the area.
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