Side quests | Sorbonne map in AC Unity
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Key points of Map of Sorbona - Le Quartier Latin - Paris Stories and Nostradamu Enigmas - Assassin's Creed: Unity
Paris Stories
Mysterious Murders
Nostradamus Enigmas
Thief Mission
Paris Stories
Carmalite Nuns – At the church entrance
Mysterious Murders
Hand of Science - school – A trail of blood from the murder scene leads there
Hand of Science - bedroom – Enter through window or through level 1 door
Assassination of Jean-Paul Marat - sewers – the descent is nearby
Paris stories - The Condorcet Method
Difficulty level: 3/5
Reward: 2500 Livres
Your task is to retrieve two documents. Both of them are in restricted areas, guarded by numerous men. There are so many of them that stealthy operation may be difficult. Additionally, one ofthem has captured a civilian that you cannot kill. Also, you cannot rob him, if someone spots you. This is why it is better to lure small groups out of the mission area and kill them. Also, a direct attack also may fail, as long as you do not have a supply of bombs and ammo. Otherwise, you will be outnumbered by the enemy.
Return the retrieved documents to the quest giver.
Paris stories - Carmalite Nuns
Difficulty level: 3/5
Reward: 700 Livres
You need to protect the marching nuns. They are accompanied by a small group of allies, but they are too weak to be able to deal with all the enemies along the path. The game will mark your targets so, simply follow the nuns and eliminate each marked opponent. You will be fighting the opponents both on ground and with the snipers so, prepare a supply of ammo. There are going to be so many opponents towards the end that you will probably fail to defeat them all. But you have to, because the mission ends after the nuns reach their destination, even if some of the extremists survive.
The green markers on the map represent only a checkpoint and not the final destination. Therefore, this is not where the mission ends, because there appears the next one, after you reach it. Altogether, there are around five of them.
Mysterious Murders - Hand of Science
Difficulty level: 4/5
Reward: Wood covered harquebus
The culprit: Frison
Number of clues: 18
Courtyard (6 clues):
Bloody bible next to the corpse
Exam of Pierre
Exam of Lionel
Trail of blood
Statement of Lionel
Statement of Pierre
Church (2 clues):
Statement of deacon Manon
Statement of Father Carriveau
School (the trail of blood leads here, 5 clues):
Smashed bottles to the left of the entrance
Lesson Plan
Vials to the right of the desk
Statement of Georges
Statement of Frison
Bedroom (2 clues):
The journal next to the bed
The key under the bed, at the other side of the room
Office (3 clues):
The list of chemicals on the floor, next to the escritoire
Manifesto on the table at the wall
Scrap of paper at the door
Mysterious Murders - The assassination of Jean Paul Marat
Difficulty level: 2/5
Reward: Messer
The culprit: Charlotte
Number of clues: 22
Marat's house (6 clues):
Marat's corpse
List of traitors next to the body
Bloody knife
The empty bottle of tonic at the window
The journal on the fireplace
Charlotte's letter on the floor at the lower level.
Statement of Jacquesa
The street (3 clues):
Statement of Madeline
Statement of Chantelle
Statement of Jacqueline
Apothecary Stall (1 clue):
Statement of Grigoire
Merchant Stall (2 clues):
The leaflet on the wall
Statement of Mathieu
Sewers (the descent is nearby, 2 clues):
The letter from Simmone near the fire
The corpse at the other side of the room
Prison (Faubourg Saint-Germain, 5 clues):
Statement of Simmone
Statement of Albertine
Statement of Therona
Statement of Jasper
Statement of Charlotte
Hotel (Saint-Jacques, 2 clues):
Book of Plutarch on the desk
Charlotte's letter on the desk
Shop (1 clue):
Statement of Dominique
Co-op heists - It belongs in a museum
Difficulty level: 5/5
Reward: 25000 Livres plus up to 45000 more.
You need to find a masterpiece four pieces of work. The actual one is in the ball room. The room is in the Southern part of the palace in its center, at the first floor.
There is an easy way in. At the beginning of the mission, approach the palace from the East. Eliminate the snipers and the rest of the enemies on the roof and hang down against the Southern wall of the building. Find the two guards at the gate. On their left, at the first floor, there is an opened window, from which it is close to the ballroom.
If necessary, you can enter the palace via an alternative route. There is one of the gates and several opened windows to choose from. Unfortunately, each of these is well guarded. At the gates, there are both guards and alarm bells, and in the majority of windows, there are snipers with guards. The snipers are especially dangerous, because they spot you before you approach the palace. Before that, it is a good idea to explore the area and search out the possible threats in Eagle Vision.
At the upper floor, there are lots of opponents of high levels and alarm bells. Start a fight with one enemy and soon, others will arrive. This is why, it is best if you had a supply of berserker blades on you. You poison several opponents, the rest will attack them and leave you alone. Also, you can attempt stealthy assassinations. The area is big and it offers many spots, where you can lurk for the guards. If it comes to that, you can attract the attention of a big group of guards and lose them, by tossing smoke bombs. Before the opponents return to their positions, some time will pass, which you can use to steal the masterpiece.
Before the theft, make sure that you kill the snipers on the balconies around the ballroom. Be careful, because some of them are accompanied by additional guards and they may raise the alarm if you are not careful enough.
After you steal the masterpiece, leave the area along the same path that you took to get here.
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