Side quests | Temple map in AC Unity
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Key points of Map of Temple - Le Marais - Paris Stories, Nostradamu Enigmas and Multiplayer Missions - Assassin's Creed: Unity
Paris Stories
Murder Mysteries
Social Club Missions
Nostradamu Enigmas
Helix Rift
Cooperation Mission
Theft Mission
Social Club Missions
Cafe du Marais – The social club offers " Artful Dodger ", "Dramatic Escape" and " Breaking the Habit" quests
Cooperation Mission
Political Persecution – On the rooftop, next to the cockade
Paris stories - Scene Stealer
Difficulty level: 4/5
Reward: 5000 Livres
This mission requires you to complete Critical Comedown. You can find it in the Arsenal district.
On the second floor of the marked building, there is an important journal. Your task is to obtain it. The building is locked shut and the only available entrance is through the main door. Inside, there are quite a few guards, but they are scattered and not always do they look in your direction. With a bit of attentiveness, you will be able to walk around them or eliminate them stealthily. Mainly, try to do the latter, because you will be returning the same way, once you have obtained the journal. Do not attack them directly. The guards are scattered but their levels are high and they can be quite a challenge. Obtain the journal and take it back to the quest giver.
Mysterious Murders - Barber of Seville
Difficulty level: 1/5
Reward: Broadsword
The culprit: Ficarron
Number of clues: 15 (2 on the Courtyard, 5 in the Cafe, 8 in the Outdoor Theatre)
The Courtyard (2 clues):
The corpse. Around, there is blood. Use Eagle Vision and follow the bloody trail.
The Handbill
The Cafe (5 clues):
The corpse in the armchair. This one and the three remaining clues are on the upper floor, you need to enter through the window.
The razor on the ground
The crumpled letter in the room
The poster nailed to the wall
Statement of Bertrand on the ground floor
The Outdoor Theatre (8 clues):
The Fire site
The prop table
Costume Rack (the wardrobe)
Anonymous note at one of the carriages
There is a note of the meeting, nailed to the carriage
Statement of Pascal
Statement of Rose
Statement of Ficarron
Social Club missions - Artful Dodger
Difficulty level: 1/5
Reward: 700 Livres
You are up for a longer walk to the site, which is a restricted area. Once there, you need to find the leader of the group of smugglers. The area is small and pairs of smugglers are at the gates. Snipers on the rooftops. All of them have low levels, but there is quite a few of them here. First of all, eliminate the guards at the gates, then the snipers and finally, attack the ringleader. You can eliminate him silently or attack him directly, whichever you prefer. After the fight, escape the scene and become anonymous.
Social Club missions - A Dramatic Exit
Difficulty level: 3/5
Reward: 700 Livres
Go to the marked area. Use the Eagle Vision, to find Duke De Barrois. The Duke is among a thick crowd and he is accompanied by numerous guards. Additionally, around, there are other opponents and snipers so, a direct duel is not an option, especially that the Duke puts up a fight. He has quite a few health points and strong strikes and with his guards, he is sure to defeat you. You can use smoke bombs, kill the duke quickly and escape. Also, you can sneak up to him, amog the crowds and stab him with the hidden blade. After the assassination, escape the scene.
Social Club missions - Breaking the Habit
Difficulty level: 4/5
Reward: 2500 Livres
Your target is the captain of the brigands. He is staying in a restricted area and is accompanied by a dozen-or-so opponents of high levels. Around, there are no snipers. The best method do complete the mission is to climb to the top of the church. Using the Eagle Vision, you can find out that there are few opponents around the target. Start with an air assassination and eliminate the captain quickly. The duel with him may be difficult, due to his high level. Fortunately, not all of the opponents launch to his aid so, they will not be able to win thanks to the advantage in numbers. After the assassination, escape the scene.
Nostradamus Enigma - Aquarius
Difficulty level: 5/5

The symbol is on the rooftop of the house close to the local social club.

You find the first solution on the roof of the Temple keep, on the wall of the short tower, near the place where you first fought Germain.

The second solution is on the Temple keep's grounds, next to the fountain.

The third solution is under the Temple keep, on the sarcophagus, next to the treasure chest, near the second fight with Germain. You can get to the underground over the stairs that you took, while looking for Germain in the last memory of the 12th sequence.
Helix Rifts - Occupied Paris - Covert
Difficulty level: 4/5
Money Reward: 4/5
Assassin Intelligence Data: 2
Duration: 3 minutes
You are under the Eiffel Tower. ON the square area, there are many ropes extended, several wooden platforms, quite a few of and guards. The guards are patrolling the area on the ground or watch it over from the platforms. All of them are armed with firearms and they will use it, even if you stand next to one (treat them like the shooters in the revolutionary Paris). For this reason, it is a bad idea to stand behind their backs. If you are spotted, kill them at close quarters, if you have been running towards them, or turn back and shoot them.
Additionally, the whole area is being searched with spotlights. Do not enter their light, or you will be fired at by the snipers. The snipers pack quite a firepower and they are capable of killing you with, only, several shots.
To find the assassin, you need to collect 600 points. To receive a money bonus, you need to collect additional 900 points, i.e. a total of 1500 points.
Helix Rifts - Occupied Paris - Tower
Difficulty level: 4/5
Money Reward: 4/5
Assassin Intelligence Data: 2
Duration: 3 minutes
This mission is similar to the previous one but, this time, you are inside the tower and the portal is inside. For this reason, while escaping, you will have to jump into it. As for the opponents, everything remains unchanged.
To find the assassin, you need to collect 600 points. To receive a money bonus, you need to collect additional 900 points, i.e. a total of 1500 points.
Helix Rifts - Occupied Paris - Data Harvest
Difficulty level: 4/5
Money Reward: 4/5
Assassin Intelligence Data: 2
Duration: 3 minutes
In this mission, you are inside the tower again. Inside, there are metal platforms and airships around it. This time around, there are no guards, nor seekers. Still, you can fire at the airships with the machine guns positioned in two spots. An airship attacks as soon as you get to the side of the tower, where the machine gun is. While inside the tower, you do not need to worry about anything. A knocked-down airship is worth 100 points.
To find the assassin, you need to collect 600 points. To receive a money bonus, you need to collect additional 900 points, i.e. a total of 1500 points.
Co-op missions - Political Persecution
Difficulty level: 4/5
Reward: 3 Sync points, 5 more during the mission. Improved Bourgeois Bracers, Improved Prowler Bracers, Arno's Master Coat.
Your first task is to talk to the Girondists. You have 5 minutes to talk to, at least, two. If time allows you to, you can have more conversations. Each Girondist is staying in a restricted area. The area around is being guarded by numerous guards on high levels. There are many ways, in which you can access the building - through the windows, doors with locks of high levels or through the main entrances. The main entrances are better guarded, whereas locks require you to buy appropriate abilities and lockpicks. Try not to engage the guards. There are lots of them and they are very strong, which makes them quite a challenge.
Your second task is to set two stacks, on the Bastille's grounds, on fire, which is going to be the go signal for the Girondists. Bastille is full of opponents of high levels, usually in groups of two or three. The chance to hie from them is low so, prepare to fight. You can enter the main gate, you can climb the wall. The fires are on the tops of the two towers. Setting them on fire will take lots of time so, before you take to doing that, clear the area nearby. After you set them on fire, get off the fire, or you will burn to the death. The fires are heavily guarded, especially the one higher up. Around them, there also are alarm bells. Fortunately, they are close to each other so, after you climb the keep, you should be able to deal with them quickly.
Another task requires you to open the sewer passage. You need to climb down and start the mechanism that opens the door. The first one is in front of the restricted area and three more on the in the area. There are many guards here, but they are scattered. In case of detection, you will have to fight a strong, but small, group. As long as they do not use an alarm bell, that is. You need to watch out for the snipers. There are lots of them here, they come in groups and they cover quite an area. The chances of sneaking past are low.
Finally, approach the boat. wait for the Girondists and then, for the information that the mission has been successful.
Co-op heists - Royals, Guns and Money
Difficulty level: 4/5
Reward: 5000 Livres plus up to 10000 more
Your task is to steal the money of the Royalists. On the grounds of the residence there are three chests, out of which only one is the actual on. All three are being guarded by hordes of guards and shooters on rooftops. There is a slight probability that after you enter, you will not be spotted, because the opponents are densely deployed and they patrol the grounds. therefore, you will have to eliminate them carefully, one after another- or fight lots of high-level opponents.
All of the windows are shut so, you can only get inside in three ways - through one of the guarded entrances, though the roof or through a door with a 3rd level lock. In the entire structure there are lots of stairs and intersections. It is easy to get lost here and run up against an enemy patrol.
The chest that you are looking for is on the ground floor, in the corner of the building. To reach it, you will have to cross a heavily-guarded yard and enter the building through the window or one of the doors with locks of the 3rd level. Searching the rest of the chests gives you nothing s, you can ignore them.
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