The garrison WoW: Warlords of Draenor Guide
Last update: 11 May 2016
Warlords of Draenor introduces an entirely new element into the game, which is the garrisons. A garrison is a city/fortress the belongs to the player and it is on the player that it depends, in which way it develops and what is built there. You can decide in several key issues, concerning the garrison.
The first thing that should be on your mind is to fill your garrison with buildings. You have a dozen-or-so buildings to choose from. The function of each one is different and profits you in a different way. There are three tiers of development for each building, where each higher tier provides you with additional bonuses. Additionally follower, your buildings and your "plots" have been divided into groups, basing on their size. And so, on a big plot, you can build only the buildings that fall into the category of big ones. Unfortunately, even with the town hall upgraded to the highest tier, the number of available plots is much lower than the number of the available buildings. Therefore, you are forced to choose only the ones that you deem the most useful to you and focus on developing those structures. To make the choosing easier for you, the next part of this chapter provides the descriptions of all the available buildings.
The next innovation introduced by the expansion is the party system. During your journeys, you encounter many heroes that you can invite into your garrison as a follower. You will have the option to assign them to the individual buildings, which boosts the profits that you receive from them, or dispatch them on missions that provide you with gold and supplies, and your followers wit experience. Also this element of the game has been presented in the next chapter of this guide.
Apart from these two main functions, which your garrison fulfills, there also is a number of minor functions. The garrison is the most important place for you, in all of Draenor. It is here that you receive the majority of your quests and meet the traders of your interest. In the garrison buildings, you can develop your profession, mine ore in the mines or pick herbs. It is here that the commander's table is located, thanks to which you dispatch your followers on missions. It is the place, where you spend long hours, while playing the Warlords of Draenor.