Interrogate Leighton and examine his belongings at Scotland Yard | A Half Moon Walk SH: Crimes and Punishments Guide
Last update: 11 May 2016
Use the map to go to Scotland Yard. After talking to Lestrade, head to the Evidence Room and take a look at Leighton's belongings: Rolled cigarettes, Watch and Leighton's gun, which you should examine in the close-up mode.
Look at the Cylinder and then rotate the gun so that you can open it. Examine the Shells.
Connect "Leighton's revolver" with "Different shots". You will obtain two options: "Simultaneous shots" and "Firing position".
Connect "Two victims" with "Leighton's revolver". You will obtain "Double murder".
Connect "Common statement" with "Leighton's revolver". You will obtain "Compelling evidence".
Head to the cell and call Leighton Chapman for interrogation. Ask him to tell you his side of the story.
Leighton Chapman portrait:
- Grew up on the street (Deep scar; Occasional fights);
- Hotheaded (Recent beating);
- Office clerk (Fancy scarf; Downtown fashion; Cushy job);
- Committed a crime (Westgate Prison tattoo).
In the QTE, select: Westgate prisoners (also an Evidence in the Casebook) and continue the interrogation.
Connect "Old acquaintance" with "Lootless". You will obtain "Personal motive".
Connect "Leighton's statements" with "Common statement". You will obtain "Imaginary man".