Remix the memories of Charles Cartier-Wells | Episode 8 Remember Me Guide
Last update: 11 May 2016
Just like a number of times earlier, start by watching through the memoir which, apart from Charles Cartier-Wells features his daughter Nilin. In many respects, this memoir is unique because, you are going to modify his memory of him having used the Hunt Glove for the first time. More than 20 years ago, Charles used the glove to look into the mind of the young Nilin, to remix her memory of the accident in which her mother, Scylla lost her leg. The plan is that you make Charles believe that the experiment with the glove failed through, which resulted in Nilin's death instead of erasing the unpleasant memories from her past as planned.
After the memory replay process is over, rewind the memory. There is one glitch to find and it appears at the moment when Charles stands behind the young Nilin while getting prepared to use the glove (Hunt Glove Prototype - the above screenshot). Stop here and press the interaction key/button.
Performance of the above action will allow you to look into the matters of remixing memory even deeper. After you watch to the successful attempt to use the prototype on Nilin, you will have to implement changes that will cause memory error and a completely reverse result.