Complete captain Trace's memory | Episode 7 Remember Me Guide
Last update: 11 May 2016
Remain in the room in which you stole captain Trace's memory. Take a look around to find a SAT Hatch as well as the tipped server shown in screenshot 1, which Nilin can climb. Continue climbing to reach a small balcony above. In here you can find a Mnesist Memory.
[New Journal Entry: Neo-Paris VIPs- Charles Cartier-Wells]
Return downstairs and go towards the only available door. Follow the linear path here to the mall. Stop after you reach a discernibly bigger hall and examine the debris shown in the above screenshot, where there is a Scaramech.
You can now continue along your path and open the next door. After you walk into the next area, you will have to put up a fight. Right now, you are fighting against Mourner Leapers, and you will be obstructed by the smaller Prowler Leapers and Reconversion Leapers.
This fight is very similar to the one where you had to fight Johnny Greenteeth at the end of the previous episode. The mourner leapers have at their disposal skills identical to the ones that Johnny had. That is why you should employ the same strategy to defeat them. Use the "standard" mutants to keep Nilin's health high (regeneration moves) and to cut down the cooldown times Cooldown Pressen). In the meantime, also avoid frequently to prevent being hit by the teleporting monsters.
Analogically to the encounter with Johnny, you need to strive to prevent the mourner leapers from teleporting, by initiating the Sensen DOS special attack.
After you have stunned the mourner leapers, run up to them and launch against them the strongest attacks you can afford like Sensen Fury or the Logic Bomb. Try to inflict as much damage as possible because the Reconversion Leapers are immune to Sensen DOS and they may try to knock you off your pace, in the meantime.
The best method to eliminate the Mourner Leapers is to eliminate them one by one, especially that they have a lot of health points. While attacking, await the moment when you receive a message of the possibility to execute them (Terminate). That is when you should run up to the mutant and press the interaction key/ button to initiate the QTE event: kick (RMB), punch (LMB) kick (RMB). Eliminate both of the Mourner Leapers and deal with the standard ones, which, by this time, will be no challenge to you.