Episode 5 | SAT Patches Remember Me Guide
Last update: 11 May 2016
The patch is lying on the balcony in the flooded district. It is not easy to get to. Stop right after you get to the first part of the flooded city (screenshot 1). Approach the edge and drop down to grab onto the red pipes (screenshot 2). Shimmy to the left which will get you to the balcony with the collectible on it (screenshot 3).
The patch is on the table in the enclosed area that is difficult to access. While exploring this district, stop after you reach a rooftop with orange door (screenshot 1). Ignore the door and take a look around for a drain pipe that Nilin will be able to climb onto(screenshot 2). Climb the pipe to the very top and leap towards the ledges to the left. Finally, pull up and explore the optional area to collect the patch from the table.
The patch is on the roof that is difficult to access, in the area where Nilin had to dodge from Captain Trace's jet for the last time. Focus on finding this collectible only after you get rid of the enemy plane, i.e. after you leap towards it in order to steal Trace's memory. Locate the scaffolding shown in screenshot 1, and make your way onto that structure. Turn around and grab onto the red pipe to shimmy to the left. Leap towards the vertical pipe and towards the ledge to the left. Climb onto the roof and stand in the spot shown in screenshot 2. Leap towards the lower fragment of the roof that you can see in the distance. Explore this area thoroughly, thanks to which you will find the patch.