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Alita: Battle Angel Director Would Gladly Prepare Sequel for Disney+

Alita: Battle Angel Director Would Gladly Prepare Sequel for Disney+

Alita: Battle Angel 2 is possible, or at least that's what Robert Rodriguez says. The filmmaker wouldn't mind making a movie for Disney's VOD platform.

movies & tv series

Karol Laska

December 31, 2020

Alita: Battle Angel Director Would Gladly Prepare Sequel for Disney+
Mandalorian's Pedro Pascal Doesn't Know How Many Seasons Will be Made

Mandalorian's Pedro Pascal Doesn't Know How Many Seasons Will be Made

In an interview for Entertainment Tonight, Pedro Pascal revealed that he doesn't know how many seasons of The Mandalorian will be produced. The actor playing the eponymous bounty hunter believes that it will be created as long as its high quality can be retained.

movies & tv series

Milosz Szubert

December 30, 2020

Mandalorian's Pedro Pascal Doesn't Know How Many Seasons Will be Made
Here's Boba Fett Dancing Haka for Your Enjoyment

Here's Boba Fett Dancing Haka for Your Enjoyment

Have you ever seen Bob Fett performing the Haka dance? Now you have the opportunity to do so thanks to the recently published recording from the second season of The Mandalorian.

movies & tv series

Karol Laska

December 29, 2020

Here's Boba Fett Dancing Haka for Your Enjoyment
Moon Knight's Multiple Personalities Will Play Major Role in the Show

Moon Knight's Multiple Personalities Will Play Major Role in the Show

The long-awaited Moon Knight series, apart from Batman-style action, will deliver a complex theme of the main character's mental illness, which is one of the most interesting elements of the series.

movies & tv series

December 21, 2020

Moon Knight's Multiple Personalities Will Play Major Role in the Show
Mando May Appear in Other Star Wars Productions

Mando May Appear in Other Star Wars Productions

Pedro Pascal, who plays the lead role in The Mandalorian, is enthusiastic about possible appearance in other Star Wars productions. It turns out that he may be onto something.

movies & tv series

Tom Borys

December 15, 2020

Mando May Appear in Other Star Wars Productions
Obi-Wan Director: Vader vs. Obi-Wan Duel Will Return

Obi-Wan Director: Vader vs. Obi-Wan Duel Will Return

Deborah Chow, creator of the Obi-Wan Kenobi series, coming to Disney+, confirmed that Darth Vader and Obi-Wan will have another lightsaber duel.

movies & tv series

Tom Borys

December 14, 2020

Obi-Wan Director: Vader vs. Obi-Wan Duel Will Return
Vader Returns to Star Wars, Played by Hayden Christensen

Vader Returns to Star Wars, Played by Hayden Christensen

During the Thursday's announcement-packed Disney conference, Lucasfilm's boss presented new info on Star Wars: Obi-Wan. She confirmed that together with Evan McGregor we will see Hayden Christensen, who will reprise his role as Darth Vader/Anakin Skywalker.

movies & tv series

Michael Kulakowski

December 11, 2020

Vader Returns to Star Wars, Played by Hayden Christensen
Fans Want Creators of The Mandalorian and Clone Wars to Take Over Star Wars

Fans Want Creators of The Mandalorian and Clone Wars to Take Over Star Wars

Some fans of The Mandalorian ask Disney to hand over the entire franchise to Jon Favreau and Dave Filoni, the creators of The Mandalorian series, after their recent successes.

movies & tv series

Tom Borys

December 8, 2020

Fans Want Creators of The Mandalorian and Clone Wars to Take Over Star Wars
The Mandalorian Delights Star Wars Fans Yet Again [SPOILERS]

The Mandalorian Delights Star Wars Fans Yet Again [SPOILERS]

Disney+ can be proud of The Mandalorian once again. The sixth episode of the second season is on the lips of all Star Wars fans, all due to the guest appearance of a well-known character from the Star Wars universe.

movies & tv series

Karol Laska

December 5, 2020

The Mandalorian Delights Star Wars Fans Yet Again [SPOILERS]
Rosario Dawson: „Ahsoka is the Best of Jedi”

Rosario Dawson: „Ahsoka is the Best of Jedi”

Rosario Dawson, the actress playing Ahsoka Tano in The Mandalorian, shared a few thoughts about her character.

movies & tv series

Tom Borys

December 2, 2020

Rosario Dawson: „Ahsoka is the Best of Jedi”
There are Talks at Disney About Alien TV Series

There are Talks at Disney About Alien TV Series

For some time now there have been media mentions of a possible TV series set in the universe of Alien, prepared by Disney. However, the future of the project is uncertain.

movies & tv series

Tom Borys

December 1, 2020

There are Talks at Disney About Alien TV Series
Crew of The Mandalorian Explains Changes in Ahsoka's Chara Design

Crew of The Mandalorian Explains Changes in Ahsoka's Chara Design

The character designer from LucasFilm explained to the fans why in The Mandalorian some elements of Ahsoka Tano's appearance were changed compared to the animated version.

movies & tv series

Adrian Werner

November 30, 2020

Crew of The Mandalorian Explains Changes in Ahsoka's Chara Design
Disney Has No Chill? Blooper in The Mandalorian Removed

Disney Has No Chill? Blooper in The Mandalorian Removed

The premiere of the fourth episode of season 2 of The Mandalorian animated the Internet with an unexpected blooper. Unfortunately, Disney has already erased all traces of the mistake.

movies & tv series

Tom Borys

November 27, 2020

Disney Has No Chill? Blooper in The Mandalorian Removed
Star Wars Fan Fulfills Dream in The Mandalorian

Star Wars Fan Fulfills Dream in The Mandalorian

Actor Paul Sun-Hyung Lee shared his experiences from his performance in The Mandalorian. He is such a big fan of Star Wars that he has several cosplay costumes and played in one of them in the show.

movies & tv series

Adrian Werner

November 23, 2020

Star Wars Fan Fulfills Dream in The Mandalorian
Disney Rides the Mandalorian Wave; Announces Boba Fett Spin-off

Disney Rides the Mandalorian Wave; Announces Boba Fett Spin-off

There's a lot going on around The Mandalorian and the Star Wars universe in general. The third season of the show, a spin-off with Boba Fett, and the involvement of a new actress are only a part of the latest news.

movies & tv series

Karol Laska

November 6, 2020

Disney Rides the Mandalorian Wave; Announces Boba Fett Spin-off
The Mandalorian S2 Opening With Smaller Audience Than The Boys S2

The Mandalorian S2 Opening With Smaller Audience Than The Boys S2

The first episode of the second season of The Mandalorian reached quite a good viewing numbers, although it did not best this year's score of The Boys. It doesn't change the fact that Disney did better than a dozen months ago.

movies & tv series

Karol Laska

November 5, 2020

The Mandalorian S2 Opening With Smaller Audience Than The Boys S2
The Mandalorian Season 2 Launches

The Mandalorian Season 2 Launches

The first episode of the second season of The Mandalorian was released on Disney+.

movies & tv series

Adrian Werner

October 30, 2020

The Mandalorian Season 2 Launches
New Trailer of Mandalorian With Baby Yoda and Space Boxing

New Trailer of Mandalorian With Baby Yoda and Space Boxing

The advertising campaign of the second season of Mandalorian is in full swing. A new trailer has appeared on the web, featuring mostly familiar faces.

movies & tv series

Karol Laska

October 20, 2020

New Trailer of Mandalorian With Baby Yoda and Space Boxing
The Mandalorian Season 2 Teaser With New Footage

The Mandalorian Season 2 Teaser With New Footage

Disney released a new teaser for the second season of Star Wars: The Mandalorian. It contains a lot of new scenes.

movies & tv series

Adrian Werner

October 14, 2020

The Mandalorian Season 2 Teaser With New Footage
Disney Turns Away From Cinemas

Disney Turns Away From Cinemas

Beginning with today, The Walt Disney Company will focus on streaming. This is directly related to the current situation in the world, but also to the latest box office results of Mulan. Is that a good decision? It certainly is more financially secure.

movies & tv series

Karol Laska

October 13, 2020

Disney Turns Away From Cinemas