community / fans Latest news
Gaming's Biggest Failures of Last 12 Years in One Picture
Reddit users recall the biggest failures of recent years. This is helped by a popular image that lists the most disappointing games, counting from 2010.
video games
Adrian Werner
February 4, 2022
Forza Horizon 5 Gets Highly Anticipated Update; Angers Gamers
We waited for weeks for the new update for Forza Horizon 5, and when it was finally released and introduced dozens of fixes - it turned out to be a disappointment. At least for gamers who love (super)draws.
video games
Christopher Mysiak
February 2, 2022
Players Staged Strike in War Game Foxhole
A group of fans organized a strike in the online game Foxhole, and users performing logistical tasks, who participate in it, demand changes related gameplay mechanics.
video games
Adrian Werner
January 17, 2022
Battlefield 2042's Reddit Too Toxic? Players Outraged by Moderators’ Warning
The Battlefield 2042's Reddit may be temporarily shut down, allegedly due to toxic behavior. The users don't believe the moderators.
video games
Jacob Blazewicz
January 8, 2022
Red Dead Online - Fans Disappointed with New Update and No Development of the Game
The latest Red Dead Online update got negative reviews. Players complain that it does not offer anything new, and the development of this game has practically stopped, while GTA Online gets fresh content all the time.
video games
Adrian Werner
January 8, 2022
'Brutal' Expectations and Removal of Rush - Battlefield 2042 Fans Complain
The creators of Battlefield 2042 have recently lost a lot of fan sympathy. First, players were upset by the mention of their 'brutal' expectations, and later the devs removed the Rush mode from Battlefield Portal.
video games
Jacob Blazewicz
January 7, 2022
New World Bot Fishes 24/7, Approaches Level 60 and Annoys Players
A certain bot in New World fishes incessantly all day long. The players are still wondering what to do with it. The whole situation has become a breeding ground for ideas that could improve/repair the game.
video games
Michael Zegar
January 4, 2022
Veterans Will Show How (Not) to Die in Dark Souls 2
The Dark Souls community has announced the return of the annual Return to Drangleic event to help new players get started with the series, specifically its second installment. Due to the release of Elden Ring the event will start earlier than usual.
video games
Hubert Sledziewski
December 29, 2021
New World Still has A Problem With Ban Reporting Abuse
The MMORPG from Amazon Games has been struggling with a number of problems since its release. Fans are particularly bothered by the abuse of automated ban report system.
video games
Piotr Sadowski
December 29, 2021
Fan Spent Last 5 Years Building City in Minecraft; Started on iPhone
One of Reddit users showed off a project in Minecraft, on which he has already spent five years. The construction of the city is by no means finished and the creator promises more years of hard work.
video games
Adam Krolak
December 29, 2021
1.1 million Items Per Hour From Minecraft's Hoglin Uberfarm
Some Minecraft players bet on scope and complexity, while others... on slaughtering one million hoglins on an extremely efficient item farm.
video games
Jacob Blazewicz
December 23, 2021
Fewer and Fewer People in New World - Gamers Fed Up With Amazon's Idleness
Amazon Games' unique policy is starting to bring „results”. Fewer and fewer players are spending their free time in New World.
video games
Miriam Moszczynska
December 17, 2021
95% Negative - Gamer Reaction to NFT Certificates From Ubisoft
The Ubisoft Quartz trailer posted on YouTube has been flooded with negative comments. Gamers have given an icy-cold shoulder to NFTs in Ghost Recon: Breakpoint.
video games
Michael Zegar
December 8, 2021
Halo Community on Reddit Temporarily Shut Down Due to Toxicity
Last weekend, a thread on Reddit dedicated to the Halo series was temporarily closed. It had to do with, among other things, toxic comments regarding the progression system in Halo Infinite's online mode.
video games
Michael Zegar
December 6, 2021
Cringy Santa Claus Coming to Battlefield 2042 [UPDATED]
Battlefield 2042 will soon receive Christmas skins, including one that enables you to dress up as Santa Claus. Reactions to the new feature have been mostly negative.
video games
Adrian Werner
December 3, 2021
Minecraft 1.18 is Amazing and the Players are Impressed
Minecraft version 1.18 (also known as Caves & Cliffs Update: Part II) was enthusiastically received by the players. Fans appreciate not only the amazing views, but also new additions to gameplay.
video games
Jacob Blazewicz
December 3, 2021
Annoying Firstpicking in LoL - Players are Fed Up
Although matchmaking in League of Legends doesn't seem to cause much of a problem, it does sometimes provide reasons to complain. In this case, it's the order of character selection, which many players feel should be randomized.
video games
Michal Ciezadlik
December 2, 2021
The Internet Loves Crazy Theories About Poppy Playtime
The game Poppy Playtime sparked considerable interest among the players. The title owes its position mainly to the secrets that give a lot of room for speculation about the plot.
video games
Agnes Adamus
November 30, 2021
New World Plagued by Bots
Bots are a problem in every MMO and things are no different when it comes to New World, where the issue is becoming more acute by the day.
video games
Miriam Moszczynska
November 29, 2021
Which Leaders are Likely to Return in Civilization 7 According to Fans
It's been a while since the release of Civilization 6, so players are starting to speculate about the next installment. One fan even created a list of leaders who may return in the seventh game.
video games
Miriam Moszczynska
November 26, 2021