Kingdom Come Deliverance: Side quests in Sasau
This page contains a list of side quests that can be unlocked in Sasau, that is the town itself, the monastery that stands next to it and a few smaller nearby locations.
- In Gods Hand
- Weeds
- New Herbarium
- Saintly Remains
- Rattle
- Damsel in Distress
- A Friend In Need
- Miracles While You Wait
In Gods Hand
How to unlock: Speak with Johanka in Sasau Monastery.

Depending on a time of a day, Johanka can be found in one of the two places and both are in the Sasau Monastery (the picture above) - in the stable or in the infirmary where she attends sick. Ask her if the people here need your help (select all available dialog lines).
Game meat for infirmary
This is one of the easiest requests in this mission. You have to bring Johanka 10 pieces of game meat. It can be raw, boiled or even dried. You can get game meat by hunting, it can be bought from traders (e.g. the innkeeper in the nearby inn) or you can steal it (search rooms with supplies).
Meet with Brother Nicodemus
Brother Nicodemus can be found in the infirmary or in the adjacent room with an alchemy bench (the alchemy bench icon on the monastery's map). Talk with him about the sick and about the ways of improving the infirmary. He orders you to visit the Custodian.
Get additional supplies from the Custodian

Find the Custodian called Sebastian von Berg in the monastery (usually he can be found in the northern building) and speak with him. You can use persuasion to convince him to help you with the sick (Sebastian has 14 points in that category) or you can bribe him (150 Groschen or less if you haggle).
The topic of supplies can be discussed again once you help the people in infirmary. Sebastian goes there and he continues to courtship Johanka. Here are the available options (the picture above):
- Defend Johanka - You won't get anything from that. Also, don't select the second, "aggressive", option because you can be sent to jail for offending the Custodian.
- Use persuasion - Remember, Sebastian has 14 points in that category.
- Leave the infirmary - You won't get any supplies but you also won't worsen your relation with Sebastian.
Wait some time if you succeeded at using persuasion and meet with the Custodian in the northern building. Use persuasion once again. If you succeed the man will give supplies to the infirmary.
Note - Failing at getting supplies won't end the entire quest. You can still help Johanka in other ways.
Reach the infirmary

Infirmary is the western building that is adjacent to the place where Brother Nicodemus works (that person is marked as an herbalist on the map). The building is presented in the picture. Inside you can find a lot of sick people and you can decide to help them.
Infirmary - The man who suffers from insomnia

Speak with the sick and learn about his affliction. Then, speak with Brother Nicodemus. He gives you Lullaby Potion recipe. You can:
- Brew this potion yourself by using alchemy (an alchemy bench can be found in the room next to the infirmary).
- Buy Lullaby Potion from one of the traders. Visit, e.g. one of the bath houses. They usually sell potions for 30-40 Groschen.
Go back to the man and give him the potion.
Infirmary - Quarryman Semek

Speak with Semek and learn that he needs a purple herb. Go to Johanka and then to Brother Nicodemus. Approach the alchemy bench. Select the book and check out its herbs descriptions. The herb you are looking for is called Comfrey. You can get it in two ways:
- Buy it from Brother Nicodemus (see the picture).
- Find the garden located east from the infirmary and pick up one herb.
Go back to the man and give him the herb.
Infirmary - Hans from Skalitz
Speak with Hans. He tells you that he needs 10 bandages. You can find them in the world or you can, e.g. buy them from Brother Nicodemus. Give the bandages to Hans.
Infirmary - The villager with a broken leg

Examine the villager whose broken leg doesn't want to heal properly. Talk to Johanka about his condition. Having at least one point in First Aid perk (connected to the main level) allows you to straighten the man's leg. Otherwise, you can use Herman the Executioner's help.
Visit him in his house in Rattay and speak about the problem. Thanks to that you can learn how to straighten a leg properly. Go back to infirmary and help the villager.
Note - The villager can die if you won't help him fast enough.
Infirmary - Philip from Skalitz

Examine Philip. He suffers from an unknown disease. Speak about that with Johanka. She suggests you to find Father Simon who can remove rare diseases. Father Simon is connected to another side quest called A Man of the Cloth that can be started in Rovna (see the picture above).
You already did that quest - Go to Rovna and ask Father Simon for help.
Find and save Father Simon if you haven't already completed that quest.
Father Simon gives you Artemisia recipe. Reach any of the alchemy benches (e.g. the one next to the infirmary) and brew Artemisia. Give it to Philip and wait for two hours.
Philip can die if you wait for too long with healing him.
Completing the quest
Go back to Johanka after helping everyone in the infirmary (and after completing the optional objective during which you got supplies from the Custodian). This completes the quest.
How to unlock: Speak with Brother Nicodemus in Sasau Monastery.

Brother Nicodemus can be found in the western part of the monastery. He stays in the room with an alchemy bench (marked with a special icon on the map) or in the infirmary that is adjacent to that room. He can give you a quest during which you have to remove weeds from the monastery garden. Listen carefully to his instructions - Nicodemus informs you which herbs must be removed and which ones need to stay intact.
Reach the garden and remove Nettle, Dandelion and Thistle. Leave Mint and Eyebright. Search the entire garden carefully and then go back to Nicodemus. He will go and check your work. Your payment depends on your performance.
New Herbarium
How to unlock: Speak with Brother Nicodemus in Sasau Monastery.

This quest can only be unlocked after completing the previous one given to you by Nicodemus - Weeds. This time you have to help the monk in collecting various herbs. You can:
- Find them in the world.
- Buy (preferably from herbalists).
Find one unit of each of the herbs. Besides that, you also have to bring an old book - you can find them somewhere in the world or buy from a scribe (the picture above shows an example). Go back to Nicodemus and receive your payment for collecting all ingredients.
Saintly Remains
How to unlock: Speak with Urban in Sasau Monastery.

Usually, Urban is guarding the entrance to the northern building in the monastery which serves as the Custodian's office. The guard can give you a quest during which you have to retrieve the titular remains of St. Procopius.
Reach the excavation site in the monastery. Find the entrance to the small cave presented in the picture. The remains aren't there but you can find an optional Bowl from the cave.

You can go back to Urban immediately and give him the bowl or you can use an alternate solution - find fake remains. Go to Sasau. The mission objective can be completed in two ways:
- Go to the local cemetery and find the grave from the picture 1. Dig it out with a shovel and collect the Bone.
- Find Charlatan in the market (the picture 2) and speak with him about the relics. He can sell you a Bone.
Go back to Urban. You can:
- Give him a fake bone. You must use persuasion (Urban has 8 points) to convince him that this object is the authentic one. You can ask for a payment (100 Groschen) or refuse to take the reward.
- Show him the bone from the cave. You are asked to carry it back. You can ask for payment or refuse to get any reward.
How to unlock: Talk to Zach the blacksmith.

Zach is living in a house south from the monastery in Sasau and you can meet him in the location marked with a blacksmith icon. During the main quest called All that Glisters you're able to press Zach after you learn he illegally stores copper. One of the consequences can be this side quest. You can also unlock it later on in the game, off your own bat.
During your conversation with Zach you will learn about his conflict with Otto - promise to help him with that. Exhaust all dialogue options and suggest an alternative solution - stealing the armor.

Otto's workshop is in the town part of Sasau. If you've proposed stealing the armor, you can sneak up there at night. Make sure there are no guards and take off any noisy elements of the armor - open the difficult lock. Go to the 1st floor. The Short common hauberk is in the chest shown above. You can open it with a lockpick (difficult lock) or the key, if you steal it from Otto. Take the armor back to Zach and collect your payment.

A more obvious solution is an honorable duel with Master Otto. Talk to him about it. Otto will give you another offer - loose, to reap an even better reward (you can make the decision during the fight). Find the head of the village and talk to him about organizing the duel. It can only take place during the day. Fast forward or go to sleep if you need.
You will fight with Otto. You can either:
- Win - Watch the stamina and use mainly the alternative attack. If you win, collect the payment from Zach;
- Or lose - allow Otto to win. Henry looses after most of his HPs are depleted. After the fight talk to Zach (no reward). Go back to Otto. You will get your reward and a very valuable Armourer's Ota's cuirass (requires 5 strength points, 11 defense from stab and slash damage, 5 smash defense, 18 charisma, 44 endurance; weights 10 pounds, is worth 894 groschen and works like a charm).
Damsel in Distress
How to unlock: Talk to Florian in Sasau.

Florian is the engraver's apprentice, whom you can meet during the day in one of the buildings in the center of the town. During the main quest, Not all that Glisters you'll have a chance to question him. One of the outcomes is this side quest. You have to find and save Esther. You can also unlock it later on in the game, off your own bat

To find Esther, go to the hills west of Rovna. Your target is the camp shown on the screen. The location will contain 3-4 enemies, who will attack on sight. First take care of the archer, only then proceed to killing the rest. They're not a great challenge if you have good armor and some melee skills.
Esther is being held in a hut on the hill. You can either:
- Find the key at one of the killed bandits;
- Or open the hut with a lockpick - it's an easy lock (you can also sneak up there).
Talk to the girl. If you decided to keep your actions clandestine, take her and carefully sneak away. Talk to her again. Make sure you escort her all the way to Sasau, since otherwise she might be captured again, and the quest will be failed. Talk to Florian to finish the quest.
A Friend In Need
How to unlock: Talk with Matthew or Fritz near a tavern in Sasau.

Matthew and Fritz are former friends of Henry from Skalitz. You can find them again at the tavern, south of the Sasau Monastery. When you talk to them, you will find out that they are unemployed. Offer them help in finding a new job and ask them what they specialize in.
As suggested by Matthew and Fritz, it is worth visiting Theresa from the farm of the Miller Peshek in Rattay. Talk to Theresa about it and suggest a meeting with the miller from the village of Ledetchko. Reach Ledetchko (the mill is in the center of the village) and talk with the Miller Oliver. You can convince him to hire Henry's friends in several ways:
- Using persuasion - the miller has only 1 point in this category.
- Using impression/admiration - the miller has only 1 point.
- Using intimidation - the miller has 4 points.
- Pay the miller for accepting the work of Matthew and Fritz.
Return to your colleagues in the tavern in Rattay and pass on the good news. You will not receive any payment from them, but you can visit them later in the game in the village of Ledetchko and start an additional side quest. After few days the game will automatically switch on a side quest ...Is a Friend Indeed. Check the guide section about Ledetchko to find a proper walkthrough.
Miracles While You Wait
How to unlock: Talk with Charlatan in the town of Sasau.
Depending on the time of day, you will find Charlatan at his stall in the central part of Sasau or in the inn. You can take a quest from him in which you are asked to acquire various objects and items. He wants to sell them later to his potential customers as artifacts which bring luck and fulfill all dreams of their owners.
This quest has several major bugs that can make it difficult or even impossible to finish it. If you encounter any serious problems while completing a task, consider taking care of it later - after the game will get a major update.
How to get Procopius tooth

From Charlatan you will find out about a farmhand with a sick tooth. After being torn out, this tooth can be sold as belonging to St. Procopius. Procopius works during the day on the farm to the south of the Sasau Monastery. Procopius' tooth can be obtained in several ways:
- Provoke the farmhand to fight during the conversation. You have to defeat him in a fist fight and search him when he is unconscious.
- Pickpocketing the farmhand. Do it from behind, choke him and search him. Before you'll attack him make sure there is no one around.
- Convincing the farmhand to extract the tooth. You have to convince him to visit the local blacksmith by using persuasion (farmhand has 5 points) or by demonstrating medical knowledge (required perk - First Aid). Then, you must accompany him on his way to the blacksmith and from time to time support him with a chat if he decides to withdraw. After you reach the place, the cutscene will be switched on and you will get a tooth.
The last of the described variants is unfortunately heavily bugged. A farmhand can easily block on some objects from the environment, e. g. on bushes or fences. In this case, use the speed up time option and skip 1 or 2 hours. This should result in moving the farmhand to the place where the blacksmith is staying or immediately displaying a cutscene from tooth extraction.
Getting the Topping-out of the rafter

In order to obtain the Topping-out (the branch), you must reach the construction site located in the Sasau Monastery. Check out the scaffolding shown in the screenshot. You must use a few ladders to reach the top of the scaffolding.
Turn to the direction shown in the next screenshot. You will see the Topping-out. Do not try to jump near it or touch it. In order to get a branch, you must hit the tree from the bow. After a successful operation, return to the bottom of the scaffolding and find the Topping-out.
Getting the Cats paw

Cat's paw is in the possession of a local player (Gambler) and you can often meet him at the tavern in the town of Sasau. You can get this "talisman" in several ways:
- Steal it from the Gambler - it is best to wait until the man leaves the area around the tavern. You can use pickpocketing or choke him and search his body after he gets unconscious.
- Pay him for Cat's paw - you have to give him 150 groschen or even less if you decide to bargain with him.
- Take it by force - you have to intimidate him during your talk. The attempt will be successful if you have at least 13 points in this category.
- Win it in a Die game - You have to bet 100 groschen at the stake. If you win the hand, the player will give you a Cat's paw.
How to steal the shroud and finish the quest

Return with all the "artifacts" back to Charlatan:
- In exchange for tooth you will get 5 Bandages.
- In exchange for Topping-out you will get 3x Bowman's Brew
- In exchange for Cat's paw you will get Holy Trinity Die
The Charlatan has another task for Henry and it concerns the theft of a shroud of a recently deceased man (you can ask about this passed man in the city, but it's optional). Get to the church in Sasau. A priest is residing in the church. You can quickly steal the shroud or stun the priest first. Go to the corpse and steal the Monk's habit. Return with it to the Charlatan. He will invite you for a meeting at his house in the city.
Travel to the Charlatan's house and wait for his arrival (use the option of accelerating the time if necessary). Give him the shroud. In front of the house an angry crowd will appear. Charlatan will escape and Henry has to find a way to solve new problem. After leaving the house you may attack the villagers or defend yourself with persuasion by having a talk. Regardless of the selected variant, you will finish the quest.
In the console version of Kingdom Come during the chat with Charlatan in his house, a serious bug may appear which will make it impossible to complete the conversation. If you've encountered such issue, turn off the game and try the following alternatives:
Chat with Charlatan when he plans to take some time for rest.
Chat with Charlatan when he is in standing (~ in standing position).
Chat with Charlatan without skipping any of the dialog options (patiently wait until the game allows you to select a dialog option or until you end your conversation with him).
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