Kingdom Come Deliverance: Side quests in Rattay
Here you can find walkthrough for side quests in Rattay city in Kingdom Come. Quests: The Good Thief, Pickpocketing, Aquarius, Cook, A Bird in the Hand, Next to Godliness and Tough Love.
This chapter contains a walkthrough of the side quests available in Rattay. You will reach this city after completing the Homecoming main quest, but not all side activities will be available right away.
- The Good Thief
- Pickpocketing
- Aquarius
- Cook
- A Bird in the Hand
- Next to Godliness
- Clothes Make the Man
- Robber Baron
- Tough Love
- Waldensians
- Money for Old Rope
- The Kings Silver
- Scavenger
The Good Thief
How to unlock: This quest is unlocked automatically after completing the Homecoming main quest (the conversation with Theresa).

- After the miller's daughter, Theresa, saves your life, you will learn that her father, Peshek, has covered the expenses of your convalescence. This quest will allow you to settle the debt.
- Find Peshek around his household. There are two ways to settle the debt. You can either give the miller 50 groschen or steal a ring for him. If that's what you want to do, start by finding a spade - it's leaning on the wooden cart (the screen above).

- The first task is to dig out the corpse of the ring's owner - it's an optional step, however. Reach the gallows and look for a new grave. After digging out the corpse, you will find the ring's missing.
- Reach the nearby house inhabited by Hermann, the hangman. The ring can be obtained in two ways. You can either just buy it by talking to the man (you may try to persuade him) - this will cost at least 15 groschen.

The second solution requires you to lie to Hermann (using persuasion) that Peshek called him. If you can manage to do that, the hangman will leave the house - if you fail, he'll stay. In the first case, you will just have to sneak into the house (pry-open the door) and open the chest with the ring.
Take Dead man's ring back to Peshek. He will send our hero to the Miller in Kohelnitz - it's a small household where you can meet Woyzeck. If you have the ring, Woyzeck will be very pleased. You will unlock the option to sell stolen goods (Woyzeck is a fence) and learn Stealth. Furthermore, if you are interested in thievery, Woyzeck will have some additional (well-paid) work for you.
Ho to unlock: Talk to Peshek.

- When talking to Peshek, you can mention the subject of pickpocketing and ask him to teach Henry the basics. Contrary to most lessons, this one will be free.
- Go to the back of the house and do as the miller asks. Sneak up to Peshek from behind and hold the interaction button for at least 10 seconds in order to have enough time to steal from him. Find the dagger in his inventory (as shown above) and steal it. ALSO, close the pickpocketing window before the time runs out.
How to unlock: Speak with the Bailiff in Rattay.
Ask the Bailiff about a job (you can find him inside the rathaus or while he is walking down the streets). He will give you this quest. Help him find the best people from Skalitz who can carry water, can take care of emptying the latrines and do the cooking. Speak with him about every possible topic.
People for water-carrying and emptying latrines

Find Alex, one of the refugees. He is a beggar. Talk to him about finding people who are interested in work. You learn that he needs a little bit of time to gather up everyone in one place. Wait a few hours and reach the yard next to the rathaus. There, you will meet everyone (this place is presented in the picture). Speak with every person and select every possible dialog line.
- Rock - You learn about his injury. This gives you an optional objective where you can bring him a potion that can heal his arm. Rock can be easily convinced to work with latrines. Simply use either a persuasion or impress him (he has only 1 point in each of the categories).
- Pickman - He promises Henry that if he gets a job, he will reward you with a piece of a valuable relict. You can then find him on the bridge (he is one of the beggars) and collect a piece of The Queen of Sheba's Sword. It's one of five pieces that the swordsmith from Sasau will need to forge the sword (The Queen of Sheba's Sword activity).
- Vincent - He won't give you anything if you choose him as a new worker.
- Kornelius - He promises Henry that you will get a great offer from the Sasau's armor smith. Find him on the town's bridge (he is one of the beggars) and speak with the man. You learn a secret password that you have to give to the Sasau's armor smith.
- Tonda - He promises Henry a combat lesson. Find him on the town's bridge (he is one of the beggars) and speak with the man about a lesson (it is only available if that ability has a low level).
You are also approached by Antonia (she wants to work as a water-carrier) and by Theresa who asks Henry to get jobs for both Antonia and Vincent (you don't have to make a decision right away).

You have to find a new cook. Meet with Konrad Hagen (he runs a shop in the town). He says that Agnes is the perfect candidate for that job. Find her in the local church. She isn't interested in this work because of her promise made to Father Francis. You can try to find the priest. He stays at the church in Sasau. Speak with him and you will learn that he doesn't plan on going back to Rattay.
Go back to Agnes and tell her about Father Francis' decision. You can also encourage her to work if you impress her.
Completing the quest
Go back to the Bailiff after meeting with all candidates AND after you spoke with Agnes and Father Francis in Sasau.
- You can decide to fulfill Theresa's request when you are choosing a new water-carrier (choose Antonia and Vincent) or make a decision based on offered profits. You should choose Pickman and get a piece of the sword. One of the people will remain jobless.
- Choosing a cook is much easier. Choose Agnes if you found Francis and persuaded her to get this job. Otherwise, you can choose Antonia.
You receive 35 Groschen for completing the quest. Don't forget about visiting those who promised you a reward (they are beggars and can be found in the town's market or on the main street that goes through the town).
A Bird in the Hand
How to unlock: Speak with Huntsman Berthold in Rattay.
Huntsman Berthold can be found outside of his hut in Rattay. He can give you a quest where you have to recover three nightingales. You receive 3 Empty bird cages.
IMPORTANT NOTE - This quest has a lot of bugs which means that completing it can be problematic (the guide for this quest is based on version 1.2.5). Remember about taking a Saviour Schnapps with you to save time if you run into a problem. Also, don't save your game until you complete the quest. Otherwise, the conversation with Berthold will be blocked and you won't be able to finish it.

Nightingales can be found in Vranik forest which is next to the fort with the same name. Start near Peshek's farm, head north, climb a hill when you reach the opposite shore and then go west. Leave your horse when you reach the part of the forest that is marked yellow (riding a horse here can cause a bug) and start searching for the birds. This is also a good moment to use a Saviour Schnapps.

The game doesn't give you any markers during this quest which means that you have to find the nightingales by listening to their song (Berthold can "demonstrate" it to you at the beginning of the quest). The indicative places are presented in the picture above (points B, C and D).

Stand in a place where a nightingale's song is the loudest. Open your inventory and find the bird traps (the last tab). Hold the button to drop the cage and select only one bird trap (see the picture).

That cage should land on the ground - the picture above shows an example. If you don't see it then it means that you have a bug. In that case you have to reload your game before you dropped the cage and repeat all the actions.
Do the same with the remaining two cages that should be placed in different parts of the forest.

Go back to the first cage after you have placed the third. The first nightingale should be inside of it - the picture above shows a "full" trap. Wait a little bit longer if your traps are still empty (or change its location to one where you can hear the bird's singing better).
Go back to Berthold with three full Bird traps (don't save your game between these parts of the quest!). You receive 40 Ordinary arrows and 55 Groschen.
Next to Godliness
How to unlock: Speak with Hans Capon after completing The Prey main quest.
You can speak with Hans Capon again after completing The Prey main quest (after rescuing him from Cumans). Find Capon in the fort (the southern part of Rattay, right next to the refugees' camp). He asks Henry to visit a bath house together.
Meet Capon in the bath house and play dice with Zdena

You have to meet with him during an evening so reach the bath house at around 8:00 pm. Find the door that leads to one of the back rooms and speak with Capon.
Hans suggests that Henry should play dice with Zdena. You must play three times. If you manage to win with Zenia, (try not to bankrupt too often or risk too much money. You can also use Saviour Schnapps in advance) an additional cutscene will take place, and you will receive Strip Die. Regardless of the outcome of the game, the quest will be renewed and its next part will be the same.
Stealing wine

Speak with Lord Capon and place your clothes into the chest. Hans' another request is to bring him wine. Check the nearby chest BEFORE you leave the bath house and take out Sir Hans Capon's keys. Head to Rattay's rathaus. You must go down to the basement. Enter the armor smith's shop, go through it and reach the closed door presented in the picture. You can now act in a few different ways:
- Sneak into the basement - Lockpick the high-level lock or use Hans Capon's key.
- Speak with the guard near the door - Use Speech (the guard has only 2 points) or bribe him.
Inside, the first thing that you have to do is to collect Pitcher for wine. After that you must approach one of the barrels and get Sylvan red wine. Go back to Hans.
Collecting flowers

Your next objective is to get flowers for Klara. Go to the Upper Castle in Rattay. There, you have to find the passage on the right that lets you access the back of the castle. You reach the garden presented in the picture. Pick up a few flowers (including one rose) and you will get a bouquet.
Fight with Archibald and the end of the quest

The game plays a cut-scene. After that you will have to face Archibald. This fight isn't difficult but don't let the enemy corner you because the room is rather small.
Henry wakes up the next day. Find Hans Capon in the town and speak with him once again (help him decide whether he should punish Archibald or not). You receive a little bit of Groschen and you complete the quest.
Clothes Make the Man
How to unlock: Talk with Sir Hans Capon after completing the side quest Next to Godliness.

This task and the following tasks (Robber Baron) are easy to miss. You won't learn about these quests by meeting NPCs and asking them about the newest gossips. Instead, after completing a side quest Next to Godliness you have to find Hans Capon in Rattay on your own. Depending on the time of day he can be found in the lower castle in the city or in the inn marked in the above screenshot (he should be sitting on one of the benches in front of the inn).
You will learn from Hans about the planned meeting with Hanush, but firstly, you will be asked to wear the appropriate clothes. Go to the lower castle, get to the Hans' room and take out all the clothes from the chest. Wearing them is optional, but if you do this Hans will be satisfied. Go back to Hans and go to a meeting with Hanush, which will start with a quest called Robber Baron.
Robber Baron
How to unlock: Talk with Hans Capon in side quest Clothes make the Man and later with Sir Hanush in the Castel.
Hanush will give you a mission to stop a nobleman robber. Leave the castle, meet in the courtyard with Captain Bernard and set off on a long journey. It will run to an end when you reach the camp in the forest (the same as in the main quest The Prey). Talk once more with Bernard.
Where is Sir Wolflins campsite

Henry's task is to find the camp site of Wolflin and his people. You can start your search for the camp in two locations indicated on the map:
- The northern point on the map is a farm at the roadside. Talk with a peasant. During the conversation, you can accuse her of concealing the truth. If you pass the test with persuasion (the woman has 13 points) or impressiveness (11 points), you will determine that the villager knows the way to a bandit camp. You can ask her to take Henry to the camp. Then, you don't need to visit the southern point.
- The southern point on the map is a farm on the edge of the forest. Talk with a peasant. You will learn about her wounded husband and you can complete a new optional goal of bringing a woman 3 bandages. In addition, there will be an opportunity to follow the traces of blood that could lead Henry to the camp site (example traces are shown in the image - they appear along a narrow path running north through the forest). Choosing this option will allow you to ignore visiting the northern point.

You can locate the Wolflin's camp by asking for the help of a peasant from a northern farm, following blood traces from the southern farm or searching the area yourself. The attached map shows the location of this camp. Don't get close to the camp. Instead, immediately return to your allied camp. Send a report to Captain Bernard (there are 12 people in the camp - it is best to say that you have noticed about 10 enemies).
You can now decide how you want to complete this quest.
Option 1 - Instant attack on the camp

Select the first dialog option and confirm your readiness for an attack. The action will automatically move to the vicinity of the Wolflin camp and its people. When you start fighting, behave in a similar way to the main game battles. Look for the opportunity to injure those enemies who are busy attacking your allies. Attack these enemies from the flanks or from behind, and they will die before turning towards Henry and before they start blocking his attacks. In this battle it is worth to have a good helmet in case one finds himself as a target of an archer. Archers themselves should be killed first.
After fighting you can search and plunder the bodies of the defeated people. Also talk to Bernard.
Option 2 - Negotiations

For the purpose of this option, you will have to suggest a peaceful solution to the conflict during your conversation with Bernard (second dialogue option). You have to convince Bernard of this idea by taking an attempt at persuasion (Bernard has 11 points) or impressiveness (Bernard has 12 points). If it is successful you will receive Oleshnitz waffenrock from Bernard. Put it on and remove all weapons from active slots.
Remember to use a bard mixture that temporarily increases Rhetoric. It may also be useful during the meeting with Wolflin described below.

Return to the robbers camp in the forest. You will be arrested by a bandit who will lead you to Wolflin. Now you have two new action options:
- Attempting Wolflin to leave the neighborhood (dialogue options 1-3) - You have three different behavior options, and regardless of the option you select, you will have an opportunity to pass a test of persuasion (Wolflin has 14 points) or impressiveness (Wolflin has 16 points). Unfortunately, even if you pass the test, you will be sent back with a voucher to Bernard and you will have to play the battle described in the main option 1.
- Challenge Wolfin for an honorary duel (fourth dialog option) - Quickly open Henry's inventory and equip him right away just after the duel starts. Wolflin is a very good fighter, so rely on perfect blocks and look for moments when he is exposed. Stay away from other bandits while fighting, so you don't accidentally hit someone. After the killing of Wolflin, return to Bernard, who will be dissatisfied that Henry made the decision without consulting it with him.
Get back to Sir Hanush
Regardless of how you acted in the quest, return to Rattay and meet in the upper castle with Sir Hanush. He will be satisfied if you won the battle with Wolflin and his people, or if you defeated Wolflin in an honorary duel. Hanush will give you a very valuable Magdeburg sword. The game will also unlock the achievement of Robber Baron.
Tough Love
How to unlock: Speak with Executioner Hermann in his farm.

The house of Executioner Hermann is located west from Rattay (the picture above shows its location). You probably went there already while you were doing The Good Thief side quest. Ignore the crying woman for now and speak with Hermann. Learn about Elishka's problem and speak with her. Ask about her relatives.

Go to Rattay and meet with the Bailiff. You should use either persuasion or impressing option during your conversation with the man (the Bailiff has both of these stats at a low level). Speak with the scribe about Elishka's parents-in-law.
You have to reach the farm located south-west from Rattay (see the picture). Don't try to slide down from the steep hill because you will risk a lot. Instead, choose a path that goes around and reach your destination either from the east or the west. There, you have to speak with the old woman. You have to convince her to take in the daughter-in-law - pay 70 Groschen (or less if you haggle a bit) or use one of the unique dialog lines (preferably persuasion).

Go back to the Executioner's farm. Speak with Elishka about her parents-in-law and then talk with the Executioner. You learn that he loves Elishka and he wants to live with her. Go back to the woman. You must give her a "life advice":
- Elishka should live with her parents-in-law.
- Elishka should stay with Hermann.
You receive 175 Groschen. Choosing the second option plays a cut-scene that depicts a conversation between Elishka and Hermann. Speak with the man and receive additional 30 Groschen.
How to unlock: Talk with Sir Hanush.
The opportunity to unlock this quest appears only after sufficient advancement in the main plot of the game. In addition, Henry must learn to read beforehand - this is a part of the side quest Mightier than The Sword from Uzhitz (paying a basic reading lesson at local Scribe).
By default, Sir Hanush resides in the upper castle in Rattay, but as a result of your progress with the main plot he might have moved near Talmberg. Take a quest from him related with the problematic vicar of the Archbishop, whom Hanush wants to get rid of (preferably in a peaceful way).
Meeting the vicar and finding traces of the presence of heretics

For the meeting with the Vicar you must travel to Uzhitz. Depending on the time of day, you will find him near the church in Uzhitz or in the building that Father Godwin used to live in. You can offer your help in finding heretics. From the Vicar you will receive a book (Heretic's testimony) with notes about tortures of one of the heretics. You can view it in the inventory - it contains tips on how to find traces of heretics in Uzhitz.
Your first task is to determine where the Waldensians meet. Information from the Torture Log will guide you to a field, which is surrounded by trees from each side and is located in the vicinity of a larger water reservoir to the northeast of Uzhitz.
Indication of a wooden cross to the Vicar

Find the largest tree in the purlieus of the field. At its base you will find a Wooden cross shown in the screenshot above. Return to Uzhitz and talk to the Vicar. Then, meet with Father Godwin and show him the cross. The Bauer family will be selected. While talking to Godwin, you can express your position on the heretics' tracing, but you will make the final decision about them later.
Investigation in the case of the Bauer family

You can return to the Vicar once again and tell him about the Bauer family's spy plan, but this is an optional step. The Bauer farm is south of Uzhitz. When you arrive at the location, don't get too close to the members of the Bauer family, because the mission's goal can be temporarily cancelled (in case of trouble - go outside the fenced area to see if the quest goal has appeared in the logbook once again). Instead, focus on finding the ladder shown in the screenshot above. It leads to the attic. When you reach the attic, press the interaction key. The game will automatically speed up the lapse of time and you will see a cutscene from the evening prayer in Bauer's house.
Possible solutions to heretics problem

After watching the cutscene, you can immediately decide how to finish the quest, or return to Father Godwin and talk to him about it before making any decision. Here are some possible variants for solving the problem of hunting heretics:
- Report to the Vicar: In a conversation with the Vicar, you may lie in saying that the Bauer family members are devotees of Satan, present a more realistic picture of the matter or say that there was nothing suspicious in their prayer. You will receive 325 groschen from the Vicar.
- Convincing Mrs. Bauer to escape - For this variant, meet Mrs. Bauer after watching the cut scenes of evening prayer. Persuading a woman to leave Uzhitz will not be easy. It is best to conceal the fact that you are conducting an investigation on behalf of the Vicar and instead only tell that you want to help. Then use the persuasion option to persuade the woman to change her mind. Henry must have at least 15 points of persuasion to be successful (you can drink a bard's mixture before the conversation, which temporarily increases Speech). Return to the Vicar and tell him about the Bauer's escape.
- Slaughter of the Vicar - You can choose such a step if you don't agree with the worldview of the heretics hunting or if you fail to convince Mrs. Bauer to escape. In the latter case, Mr. Bauer will ask you to murder the Vicar. This variant can be completed quite easily by sneaking to the cottage located next to the church (during the night time) and killing the Vicar with a dagger (a Stealth Kill perk is required). In this way you will avoid the fight with people who usually accompany him.
Finishing the quest
Return to Sir Hanush after finishing all tasks. He will be satisfied and you will receive a payment from him - only if you have helped the Vicar to complete the investigation. On the other hand, Sir Hanush will be angry with Henry if you tell him about helping heretics to escape or murdering the Vicar. If you have completed the quest in one of these ways, it would be best to lie at the meeting with Sir Hanush.
Money for Old Rope
How to unlock: Talk with Executioner Hermann.
The opportunity to unlock this quest will appear after you further progress in the main plot. It may also be necessary to pass the previous executioner's quest - Tough Love. In addition, Henry must learn to read (side quest Mightier than the Sword from Uzhitz). This time you will find out that Hermann is uncomfortable with the planned executions in the city, which will take place without his participation. Henry can help Hermann to sabotage them in order to ridicule Kuttenberg's executioner.
You have about a week to complete this quest. After that time, the prisoners will be executed according to plan and you will fail the quest.
Meeting with the Mayor and reviewing the Black Book

Locate the Mayor - depending on the time of day, he walks around the city or stays in the town hall. Ask him all possible questions about the three people to be executed soon. The next step is to read the Black Book in order to determine what types of executions are envisaged for the crimes committed. The Black Book is on the first floor of the town hall - you will find it as shown in the screenshot - it lies on a stand. If the room with the booklet is closed, use a lockpick, ask Scribe for help, or steal a key from him (it's best to stun him and peacefully remove the key (Scribe Friedrich's study key) from his inventory.
You have to return to Executioner Hermann and share your information. It's important to select the correct penalties based on the information from the Black Book:
- Peter of Dauba - His head will be cut off - a second dialogue option.
- Georg Weiss - He will be hanged - first dialogue option.
- Frost Heralt - He will be a subject of tortures - fifth dialogue option.
Talk exactly with Hermann about the action plan and pick up the old rope (Executioner's rope - rotten) from him.
Sabotage 1/3 - Adding poison the the torture tool

For this variant, you must acquire Poison. If you have already completed the main quest Baptism of Fire, return to Pribyslavitz and find it in the abandoned Kumans' camp - it will be in one of the chests. Otherwise, reach the herbalist living in the forest north of Ledetchko (as shown in the screenshot). He sells poisonous bottles (approx. for 60 groschen) and a recipe for your own handmade production (not needed).

Take the potion and travel east from Rattay where the executioner from Kuttenberg resides temporarily. Sneak there by night, but beware of the dog (you can kill him). Also, watch out for the guardians of the executioner (you can choke or kill them - but the executioner cannot die!). Reach the cart shown in the screenshot and use poison on the torture tool which lies on the chest.
Sabotage 2/3 - Swapping the rope

Travel east of Rattay where an executioner from Kuttenberg has stopped temporarily. Sneak there by night, but beware of the dog (you can kill him). Also, watch out for the guardians of the executioner (you can choke or kill them - but the executioner cannot die!). Search for a small building. Go into the barn, use the ladder and after reaching the attic find the rope shown in the screenshot. Press the interaction key and Henry will replace the good rope for the tearing one - received from Hermann.
Sabotage 3/3 - Damaging executioner's sword

Travel east of Rattay where an executioner from Kuttenberg has stopped temporarily. Sneak there by night, but beware of the dog (you can kill him). Also, watch out for the guardians of the executioner (you can choke or kill them - but the executioner cannot die!). The sword is stored in executioner's chest in the tent on the right side from the entrance of the barn. You can open the chest by stealing the key (Key to Heinz's chest) from executioner from Kuttenberg or by using the lockpick (quite an easy lock but there is a risk of being heard). Locate the Executioner's Sword in your chest and take it with you.

Set off with a sword, e. g. towards the blacksmith's stall in Rattay.
Note - Henry can be stopped on the way by a guard. You must avoid any searching, so use a unique dialog option or bribe the guard.
Reach to the workstation with sanding stone. Start the mini-game, but push the sword to the stone as much as possible so that there is a black smoke symbolizing damage to the weapon. Ultimately, you must lower the sword quality to the lowest level of 0 (image above). Return to the place from where you took the sword. Open the chest and this time go to Henry's inventory. Place the Executioner's Sword (damaged) back in the chest.
Return to Executioner Hermann and finish the quest
Meet Herman to tell him about finished tasks. The executions will take place the next day at 14:00 on a hill near Herman's hut. Get there and use time acceleration. A cutscene from a series of unsuccessful executions will be shown. Have a talk with joyful Hermann after that. If you sabotaged all three executions correctly, you will get a Spoilsport trophy at the same time.
The Kings Silver
How to unlock: Talk with Sir Radzig.

An opportunity to start a quest appears only when you are making serious progress in the main story. Meet Sir Radzig in Rattay, who is usually found in the upper castle. He may have a task to check the situation of the Skalitz mines. Talk to the Chief Engineer Feyfar about this and go to Skalitz. There are a few steps to be done:
- Check the ore storage site - it is worth to save game beforehand, as there are several bandits on the site. Attack them if you are strong enough (pay attention to the archer!) or sneak into the landfill at night. Reach the marked location and press the interaction key (Henry will briefly comment on the finding).
- Checking the condition of the water supply - There should be no enemies in the area. Reach the marked location and press the interaction key (Henry will briefly comment on the finding).
- Mine Foreman Nemoy - Get to the camp on the hill. Mine Foreman Nemoy is one of the miners and is shown in the attached screenshot. You may want to arrest Nemoy (prepare to fight) or bargain with him by collecting a cargo of gold worth 450 groschen.
- Finding a mine shaft - Leave this goal at the end (if you haven't met Nemoy yet - know that he'll die soon!). It is described below.

The entrance to the mine is guarded by one of the miners. You can choose a standard dialogue option (expect aggressive reactions) or use intimidation (the miner has 9 points). Start exploring the mine. You must reach the place where the body of Nemoy's will be thrown into the mine shaft.
Once you have regained control, quickly move back to the nearest corridor, as you will find yourself as archer's target. You must head east. Along the way, use long ladder. If you come across a dead end, examine the opposite corridor. Despite the darkness, it is difficult to get lost in the mine. Exit from the mine is shown in the screenshot (you will start to meet miners after you are close to the exit).
Return to Feyfar and give him the report. The amount of the payment will depend mainly on whether you met with Nemoy and whether you led to capturing him alive.
Note - After receiving the payment from Feyfar, you may bargain with him (persuasion) to get more gold.
How to unlock: Talk with Kunesh in Rattay.

You have already met Kunesh in the prologue of the game. Now he is one of the beggars in Rattay - he is usually found begging in the main square of the city (near the church). Ask him for the overdue payment. You can beat Kunesh or use one of the unique dialogue options (preferably impression - Kunesh has only 3 points).
You will learn about a buried treasure. Go to Skalitz and enter the ruined center of the village. You must reach the dovecote in the eastern part of Skalitz as shown in the screenshots above. Use a shovel to dig the treasure. You'll find a valuable Beran's cup and 50 groschen in the chest.
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