Kingdom Come Deliverance: Nest of Vipers
Nest of Vipers is one of the main quests in Kingdom Come: Deliverance. During this mission Henry needs to sneak into a huge bandits' camp located in Pribyslavitz. Your main objective is to scout that area. However, you will also get a chance to sabotage the enemy. This can help you during the bigger battle that will take place in the next main quest.
- How to prepare for quest
- Find the bandits camp in Pribyslavitz
- Scout the camp in Pribyslavitz
- Sabotaging the enemy camp in Pribyslavitz
- Give your report to Radzig
How to prepare for quest
- Get at least one Saviour Schnapps before you start this quest. You should also reduce the weight of Henry's and his horse's equipment because you get a chance to find and wear (heavy) pieces of Cuman armor.
- Take 4 Poison bottles with you on this mission if you plan on making a "full" reconnaissance. You can get these items, e.g. from the herbalist who lives in the forest near Samopesh. She sells both Poison bottles and the recipe that can help you prepare this item yourself (after reaching an alchemy bench).
Find the bandits camp in Pribyslavitz

Depending on your decisions from the previous main quest you will either know the location of the enemy camp in Pribyslavitz or you will have to find it by following received hints. Regardless of that the best place to start your journey to the camp is the woodcutters' camp located north Talmberg - the point 1 on our map.
- Follow the northern path that goes through the forest. Reach the first fork (the point 2 on our map) and go left which means that you have to keep going north.
- Reach the second fork (the point 3 on our map) and go left.
- Reach the third fork (the point 4 on our map) and go left once again.
- Reach the fourth fork (the point 5 on our map) and choose the middle path - go west.
- Your destination is Pribyslavitz - the point 6 on our map). Of course, you can head here immediately and ignore all the navigation points in the forest.
Scout the camp in Pribyslavitz

You should know about two things before you get closer to the camp in Pribyslavitz:
- There are bandits accompanied by Cumans roaming the area. They won't attack the hero right away. If they notice you, they will approach Henry and block his path. This gives you a little bit of time to leave the area before they start attacking you. However, this won't happen in the later part of your infiltration of Pribyslavitz camp. Be prepared that they can attack you right away if they find you in their camp.
- Making a complete or a partial reconnaissance is optional. You can simply get closer/enter the camp to update the mission objective if you are in a hurry. Then, go back to Radzig and give him an incomplete report. This means that the upcoming battle will be much more difficult.

You don't have to scout the area at a specific time of a day. Completing this task during a day is possible but it can be more difficult even if you wear the disguise described below. We recommend waiting until a night. This reduces enemies' field of view. Also, some of them will go to sleep.
- The reconnaissance can be completed in the currently equipped armor/outfit but you have to stay away from the enemies and don't let anyone catch you while Henry is inside of the camp. Finding pieces of Cuman armor is a much better idea. You can disguise yourself as one of the enemies and travel through the entire Pribyslavitz without any problems. One of the ways of finding pieces of Cuman armor is to attack one of their soldiers who patrol the camp.
- The picture above shows an example. Attack your enemy only when he isn't in someone's field of view. Also, remember to not engage in a regular combat. Instead, you should sneak up on him and stun (you can kill that Cuman afterwards).

- There is also a much safer alternate way of getting one of these armors - you can get it from a chest. Try to sneak into Pribyslavitz from the north. Find the hole presented in the picture and go through it. Stop right after going through it - there is a chest in the hooded area (it is secured with an easy lock). Inside, there are pieces of Cuman armor (these pieces can also be found in other chests but they are more difficult to access).
- Equip this armor (remember about wearing the helmet) and remove all previously worn pieces of armor (you can move them into your horse's inventory if Henry is encumbered).
Note - You should drink a Saviour Schnapps after equipping the armor. You won't have to get the armor again if you are discovered by the enemies prematurely.

Thanks to the armor you can travel around the entire Pribyslavitz but:
- You can be exposed by an enemy if you aren't wearing all pieces of armor (found on an unconscious enemy or in a chest) or if you didn't remove all armor parts that you were using up to this point (you can use the same weapon).
- You can be exposed if you sabotage something in front of an enemy (more details in the later section of this page).
- Some enemies can become suspicious of you and approach Henry(the biggest chance for this to happen is in the norther Cuman camp).This initiates a conversation. You can use persuasion, impressing or intimidation but each of these options can be used only once. Here, you can use the following "tactic" - run around the camp and scout the area if you notice that someone has started moving towards Henry. This won't alarm your enemies prematurely. Speak with that person only when you plan on completing the optional sabotage actions.
Additional note - Failing at using one of the unique dialog options when you get caught won't trigger a fight. The only difference is that you won't get any Speech points. A fight can only happen when you choose "the standard" answer after using all three unique ones.

You can reach the locations in Pribyslavitz connected to the reconnaissance either while you are wearing a Cuman armor or without it. Henry comments his findings with one or a few sentences every time you reach one of those places (e.g. what protection can your allies get from a given location once they start assaulting this place). Try to examine the following parts of the camp:
- Two main bridges (the one that you can reach by following the main path and the one in the south).
- South and south-west parts of Pribyslavitz (Henry will say that it is a good place for a surprise attack).
- The center of Pribyslavitz (the hero talks about, e.g. a palisade).
- The smaller northern camp.
- The bigger western camp - here, you should be able to watch a cut-scene during which Runt kills one of his men.
Sabotaging the enemy camp in Pribyslavitz
Besides making the basic reconnaissance you can also decide to complete two optional objectives related to sabotaging the enemy camp. Completing them can reduce the enemy numbers as well as reduce the enemy archers' efficiency.
- Remember that the mission objectives don't have to be completed in 100%. You can finish them partially (e.g. by poisoning only one kettle) but this won't weaken the entire army.
- You can focus on sabotaging one type of objects (first the kettles and then all the arrow barrels) or you can do that accordingly to the location you are currently in. As for the second variant, the best way to start is to visit the northern and "the most difficult" Cuman camp and moving towards the western bandits' camp.

- The first sabotage option is to poison kettles with soup. They are located in different parts of Pribyslavitz- there are two kettles in the northern Cuman camp (the one with the chest that holds pieces of Cuman armor); another two kettles are in the western camp, the one next to the church's ruins.This objective can only be completed if you have a poison but you don't have to get it before you start this quest. If you followed the previous tip then you probably already have Poison bottles with you. If not then don't worry - poison can be found in the camp.One bottle is near the northern chest that holds pieces of armor (the picture 1), other bottles are, e.g. inside locked chests placed somewhere in the camp.
- Approach a kettle and select the option that lets you place something into it. Find a poison (the picture 2) and confirm the action. Note - Be sure that no one is looking at Henry when he pours the poison into a kettle!

- Another option for sabotaging your enemy is to set their arrows on fire. They are kept in various parts of Pribyslavitz (the picture above shows an example). Two barrels withs arrow are in northern Cuman camp (the one with pieces of Cuman armor) and another two in the western camp next to the church's ruins.
- Here, the risk of getting caught is even higher. You can leave this step for last and do it during a night. Also, drink Saviour Schnapps to save the progress that you have made so far. Move away from a barrel that was set on fire because enemies will soon arrive there.
Give your report to Radzig

You can go back to Radzig after:
- Making a provisional reconnaissance of the camp.
- Making a full reconnaissance of the camp.
- Making a full reconnaissance of the camp and completing a few of the optional objectives.
- Making a full reconnaissance of the camp and completing all optional objectives - this variant gives you the biggest help after starting the battle in the next main quest.
Start running away if you raise the alarm in the camp. Don't try to fight, you won't stand a chance. Keep running until you increase your distance from the enemies. Quickly call your horse, mount it and lose your pursuers. If you didn't get caught then you can leave this location at any moment.
During his report Henry can give his opinion on the following topics:
- The camp's location - Henry's comment is automatic.
- Enemy numbers - - You must select the last dialog option and inform Radzig that there are a lot of enemies in Pribyslavitz. The battle, that takes place in the next mission, can be much more difficult if you tell him that there are less enemies.
- Bandits in the camp - Henry's comment is automatic.
- Cumans in the camp - Henry's comment is automatic.
- Enemies' equipment - Choose the middle option and tell Radzig that the enemies are well placed.
- Ladders in the camp - Henry's comment is automatic.

- After telling Radzig that there are multiple enemies in the camp he will send Henry to Talmberg for reinforcements (you also receive 125 Groschen). Reach the castle and speak with Sir Divish.
Note - At the end of the conversation with Divish you can tell him that you are ready for attack or that you need more time (this moment is presented in the picture). Confirming your readiness automatically starts.Baptism of Fire main quest. However, it is better to prepare yourself well for the upcoming battle so select the second option and go back to Divish once you finish all preparations. Our suggestions can be found in the walkthrough for Baptism by Fire main quest.
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