How to betray your friends in the quest Gallows Brothers - Judas trophy guide? | Achievements & trophies


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On this site you can find a detailed description of the Judas trophy from the game Kingdom Come: Deliverance. It's one of the most complicated trophies, which is connected with Matthew, Fritz (colleagues of Henry from Skalitz) and the innkeeper Andrew. The hero must ultimately betray all of the three mentioned people. To make this happen, it will be necessary to take the selected side quests and choose the right decisions when passing through them. All the steps required to unlock your achievement are listed below.

Step 1 - Unlocking and completing a side quest A Friend in Need...

1 - How to betray your friends in the quest Gallows Brothers - Judas trophy guide? | Achievements & trophies - Achievements and trophies - Kingdom Come Deliverance Game Guide
To unlock quest A Friend in Need - How to betray your friends in the quest Gallows Brothers - Judas trophy guide? | Achievements & trophies - Achievements and trophies - Kingdom Come Deliverance Game Guide

To unlock quest A Friend in Need... you must meet with Matthew and Fritz. Both these characters you will find near an inn located south from Sasau Monastery (you can talk with any innkeeper in Sasau earlier to have additional quest markings on your map).

When you talk to Matthew and Fritz, you will find out that they are unemployed - How to betray your friends in the quest Gallows Brothers - Judas trophy guide? | Achievements & trophies - Achievements and trophies - Kingdom Come Deliverance Game Guide

When you talk to Matthew and Fritz, you will find out that they are unemployed. Offer them help in finding a new job and ask them what they specialize in.

As suggested by Matthew and Fritz, it is worth visiting Theresa from the farm of the Miller Peshek in Rattay. Talk to Theresa about it and suggest a meeting with the miller from the village of Ledetchko. Reach Ledetchko (the mill is in the center of the village) and talk with the Miller Oliver. You can make him hire Henry's friends in several ways:

1. Using persuasion, the miller has only 1 point in this category.

2. Using impression/admiration, the miller has only 1 point in this category.

3. Using intimidation, the miller has 4 points in this category.

4. Paying the miller for his work experience of Matthew and Fritz.

Return to your colleagues in the Inn in Rattay and pass on good news.

Step 2 - Waiting to unlock the quest "...Is a Friend Indeed" and completing it

After completing the quest A Friend in Need - How to betray your friends in the quest Gallows Brothers - Judas trophy guide? | Achievements & trophies - Achievements and trophies - Kingdom Come Deliverance Game Guide

After completing the quest A Friend in Need... you have to wait a few days (you can use the option of accelerating the time). The hero's diary will automatically show you a new side quest ...Is a Friend Indeed.

Henry decides to visit his friends and see how they are doing on Oliver's farm in Ledetchko. Talk to Matthew and Fritz after you arrive at the place. You will receive mutually exclusive solutions to the problem related with master Thomas.

Caution - It's not worthwhile to provoke Fritz during a conversation with him, because he can start a fight. You have to hit him several times successfully, so that he will leave Henry in peace (you will still be able to continue this quest).

There are few ways to complete this quest - How to betray your friends in the quest Gallows Brothers - Judas trophy guide? | Achievements & trophies - Achievements and trophies - Kingdom Come Deliverance Game Guide

There are few ways to complete this quest:

  1. Fritz's way - you must provoke Thomas to start a fight. Select the first dialog option and after a successful attempt return to Fritz and Matthew to "enroll" them. Wait around 6:00 p. m., talk to Fritz and follow him to the place of the planned fight. After reaching the hill next to Ledetchko you will start fighting. At first, focus on elimination of Thomas and then help your colleagues to stun two other villagers. Winning this battle will end the quest. You will get 45 groschen.
  2. Matthew's way - you must speak with Thomas and talk some sense into him. Start the conversation and select the second dialogue option. You will succeed in persuading Thomas to abandon the conflict without choosing any unique dialogue options. Return to Matthew, tell him about the matter and collect 45 groschen.
  3. Additional way - Tell Thomas about the Die game. This variant is only available if you have previously completed a side quest The Good Thief from Miller Peshek in Rattay. When talking to Thomas, select the first and then the second dialogue option from the list. This way you will manage to outsmart him. Return to Fritz and tell him about it. Wait for around 6:00 pm, talk to Fritz and watch a cutscene how Thomas is surprisingly beaten on a field road. After watching the events you will obtain 45 groschen.

Note - If you have chosen the first variant, Matthew and Fritz may unfortunately be blocked by obstacles. Wait until they unblock or continue your journey while waiting until they "are teleported".

Step 3 - Unlocking and completing the side quest "Masquerade"

You will unlock this quest only after you have completed a side quest in Ledetchko - How to betray your friends in the quest Gallows Brothers - Judas trophy guide? | Achievements & trophies - Achievements and trophies - Kingdom Come Deliverance Game Guide

You will unlock this quest only after you have completed a side quest in Ledetchko ...Is a Friend Indeed and waited a few days. Meet with innkeeper in Ledetchko and ask him for newest gossip. Fritz and Matthew will be expelled from Ledetchko and after that they decide to stay at Inn in the Glade (screenshot above).

Talk to any of the companions - How to betray your friends in the quest Gallows Brothers - Judas trophy guide? | Achievements & trophies - Achievements and trophies - Kingdom Come Deliverance Game Guide

Talk to any of the companions. You will receive 175 groschen without a question. Then talk about the new job. Ask Fritz about his relationship with the Innkeeper Andrew. Henry's task is to get along with Andrew. During a meeting with him, immediately agree to a more private and secluded place. Finish the conversation and follow Andrew to the cellar of the inn. You have to convince Andrew that you are fit for this task - it is best to use intimidation (he's got only 1 point in this category) or give him a bribe (100 groschen or less if you bargain). Discuss with Andrew the plan about getting the Cumans' costumes.

Obtaining three sets of Cuman clothes and helmets

This is a difficult goal of the mission, as it implicitly forces an attack on one of the Cuman camps marked on the world map - How to betray your friends in the quest Gallows Brothers - Judas trophy guide? | Achievements & trophies - Achievements and trophies - Kingdom Come Deliverance Game Guide

This is a difficult goal of the mission, as it implicitly forces an attack on one of the Cuman camps marked on the world map. For example, you can choose a camp located in the forest within a short distance north-west of Inn in the Glade. On your way to this camp, you will probably fall into two Cumans from a smaller camp site (check the screenshot). Another pack of four opponents should be in the main camp. If you don't want to fight with all four - show yourself and start to run away. After leaving the camp, attack only those Kumans who continue their pursuit of Henry. In the case of a large camping site, also watch out for the archers.

Note - If you prefer to hide your actions and play the game in stealth mode, wait for the night to come and sneak into the Cuman camps to quietly kill all the Cumans (with the help of Stealth Kill perk). Watch out for individual enemies who may be on guard.

2 - How to betray your friends in the quest Gallows Brothers - Judas trophy guide? | Achievements & trophies - Achievements and trophies - Kingdom Come Deliverance Game Guide
After you have defeated any Cuman soldier, search his inventory and collect the following items - How to betray your friends in the quest Gallows Brothers - Judas trophy guide? | Achievements & trophies - Achievements and trophies - Kingdom Come Deliverance Game Guide

After you have defeated any Cuman soldier, search his inventory and collect the following items:

  1. Cuman Shishak - An example of helm you need - check the image above
  2. Cuman Hauberk - An example of clothes you need - check the image above
There is also an alternative way to get into possession of the Cuman clothes - How to betray your friends in the quest Gallows Brothers - Judas trophy guide? | Achievements & trophies - Achievements and trophies - Kingdom Come Deliverance Game Guide

There is also an alternative way to get into possession of the Cuman clothes. If you have already completed the main quest Baptism of Fire, you can return to Pribyslawitz where a big battle had taken place in the past. Follow the abandoned Cuman camp. There are chests with different elements of the armor. Open them and look for the items you need. Unfortunately, not every helmet and not every outfit will be considered as suitable by the game. However, this way you can acquire at least some of the items you require.

Once you have collected all of the three sets (you can check the progress in your log) return to Andrew and hand them over to him. Watch a cutscene and after that you will be promoted to the next part of the quest.

Preparation of improved Cuman outfit

From Andrew, Fritz and Matthew you will learn that the current costume is not scary enough. You will need to learn how to improve it. Meet Milomir first and give him 5 groschen. Now you must reach the following people:

  1. Bran the charcoal-burner
  2. Olena in Talmberg
  3. Vashek the stablehand in Uzhitz

Each of these characters will tell you about a different method of "improving" the Cuman's armor.

Important NOTE - There is a very serious game bug related with Olena. If you started this quest a bit too late, Olena might have died (not through your fault) and in such a situation it will not be possible to complete the quest. You can wait for further game updates to correct this bug, or start this quest (and the previous ones with Fritz and Matthew) earlier in the plot, preferably before entering Fort Vranik for the first time.

Bran will recommend Henry to obtain Raven Feathers - How to betray your friends in the quest Gallows Brothers - Judas trophy guide? | Achievements & trophies - Achievements and trophies - Kingdom Come Deliverance Game Guide

Bran will recommend Henry to obtain Raven Feathers. Visit any herbalist in the game world, e. g. a herbalist living in the forest north of Ledechtko. Herbalists have (screenshot) feathers in their offer and they are very cheap.

Olena will instruct Henry to get Wolf Fangs - How to betray your friends in the quest Gallows Brothers - Judas trophy guide? | Achievements & trophies - Achievements and trophies - Kingdom Come Deliverance Game Guide

Olena will instruct Henry to get Wolf Fangs. Fortunately, you don't have to set off for any hunting. Visit Hunter Nicholas in Talmberg and browse his offer. He sells canines at about 20 groschen per piece (check screenshot above).

Vashek will recommend Henry to obtain a Dog Skin - How to betray your friends in the quest Gallows Brothers - Judas trophy guide? | Achievements & trophies - Achievements and trophies - Kingdom Come Deliverance Game Guide

Vashek will recommend Henry to obtain a Dog Skin. According to the given hint, it is best to set off at night. You can go to any farm with dogs - for example, a farm next to the Miller Peshek' house in Rattay or the residence of Executioner Hermann. Make sure there is no one in the area and quickly kill a dog with any kind of melee or projectile weapon. Search the murdered dog for its skin.

Return with all ingredients to Andrew. Giving him all the items will start a cutscene with modified Cuman's outfit "presentation" and finish the quest. You will get a Cuman Disguise and a Cuman Mask.

Note - This is not the end of quests with Andrew, Fritz and Matthew. Talk to Andrew to start a new side quest called Besmirched.

Step 4 - Unlocking and completing the side quest Besmirched

After completing the quest Masquerade described above, chat with Andrew and ask him for new interesting events - How to betray your friends in the quest Gallows Brothers - Judas trophy guide? | Achievements & trophies - Achievements and trophies - Kingdom Come Deliverance Game Guide

After completing the quest Masquerade described above, chat with Andrew and ask him for new interesting events. This quest concerns tracing a thief who has stolen valuable items from Skalitz.

Henry's first task is to locate the abused Adam's refugee. Go to Rattay. You can ask for Adam from any of the beggars/refugees or you can immediately reach the inn from the eastern part of the city (screenshot). Talk to Adam and make a promise to regain his valuables.

3 - How to betray your friends in the quest Gallows Brothers - Judas trophy guide? | Achievements & trophies - Achievements and trophies - Kingdom Come Deliverance Game Guide
One of the new optional objectives of this mission is to speak again with Andrew - How to betray your friends in the quest Gallows Brothers - Judas trophy guide? | Achievements & trophies - Achievements and trophies - Kingdom Come Deliverance Game Guide

One of the new optional objectives of this mission is to speak again with Andrew. You can give him your first report. There is also an opportunity to use a special dialogue option. An attempt of persuasion will be successful if you have a minimum of 13 points  you will learn about charcoal-burner Tonchek. Reach to the coal miners camp near the village of Rovna.

Once you have arrived at the site, you can start asking questions to more coal miners. There is an opportunity to intimidate them (you must have a minimum of 8 points in this category). You can also attack them, but you won't get anything valuable in this way. Tonchek has a shelter in the western part of the camp. This location is shown in the attached screenshots.

At first, look around the area - How to betray your friends in the quest Gallows Brothers - Judas trophy guide? | Achievements & trophies - Achievements and trophies - Kingdom Come Deliverance Game Guide

At first, look around the area. Next to the hut you will find the things stolen most probably from Skalitz. After the conversation with Tonchek has been initiated, you can ask for the Adam's cross and you will learn that it is in Andrew's possession. You can also get a bag with Adam's gold (Bulging purse). To do this, you have to decide whether you stun or kill Tonchek.

You can finish this quest in several ways - How to betray your friends in the quest Gallows Brothers - Judas trophy guide? | Achievements & trophies - Achievements and trophies - Kingdom Come Deliverance Game Guide

You can finish this quest in several ways:

  1. Return with gold to Adam and then to Andrew. You can transfer some or all of his (Adam's) gold. Andrew will be uncomfortable if he doesn't receive it.
  2. Return with gold only to Andrew. The mission's goal of returning gold to Adam will be cancelled.
  3. Recover Adam's cross from Andrew. This variant is possible if you have learned from Tonchek that Andrew is in possession of Adam's cross. You can express your desire to buy a cross or steal it during your conversation with Andrew. The cross (Adam's family cross) is stored in the chest in the cellar of the inn (as shown in the screenshot). The chest is a very difficult lock, but you can steal the key from Andrew.

Step 5 - Unlocking the side quest "A Rock and a Hard Place"

A Rock and a Hard Place can be unlocked just after finishing side quest Besmirched - How to betray your friends in the quest Gallows Brothers - Judas trophy guide? | Achievements & trophies - Achievements and trophies - Kingdom Come Deliverance Game Guide

A Rock and a Hard Place can be unlocked just after finishing side quest Besmirched. Meet up with Matthew or Fritz in Inn in the Glade. You will get to know that now they plan to carry out an attack on the Talmberg quarry and steal gold which is intended for miners.

IMPORTANT NOTE - Do not try to score the quest A Rock and a Hard Place. Leave it intact and perform a separate quest from Step 6.

Step 6 - Unlocking the secondary quest "Gallows Brothers"

You must add to the diary a new side quest Gallows Brothers - How to betray your friends in the quest Gallows Brothers - Judas trophy guide? | Achievements & trophies - Achievements and trophies - Kingdom Come Deliverance Game Guide

You must add to the diary a new side quest Gallows Brothers. It's only possible if you have already unlocked the quest A Rock and a Hard Place, and if you have not completed it according to the previous warning.

After you learn from Matthew and Fritz about the planned attack on the quarry, meet with Andrew at Inn in the Glade and tell him about everything. The innkeeper will suggest betraying your colleagues and warning Talmberg of the planned attack. This will unlock the quest of the Gallows Brothers.

Step 7 - Making correct decisions in the side quest "Gallows Brothers"

4 - How to betray your friends in the quest Gallows Brothers - Judas trophy guide? | Achievements & trophies - Achievements and trophies - Kingdom Come Deliverance Game Guide
Get started with the optional quests goal, which concerns Matthews warning of the planned betrayal - How to betray your friends in the quest Gallows Brothers - Judas trophy guide? | Achievements & trophies - Achievements and trophies - Kingdom Come Deliverance Game Guide

Get started with the optional quest's goal, which concerns Matthew's warning of the planned betrayal. He will propose to put Andrew in trouble by stealing a bag of gold and putting it somewhere in the inn. To do this, you need to obtain an Empty sack for miners before an attack can take place. Stay in Talmberg Castle. Reach to the chest shown above in the screenshots, which is located next to the ladder inside one of the watchtowers. You have to open it (it has a difficult lock) and take a bag for the gold from it.

With the obtained bag, set off for Inn in the Glade - How to betray your friends in the quest Gallows Brothers - Judas trophy guide? | Achievements & trophies - Achievements and trophies - Kingdom Come Deliverance Game Guide

With the obtained bag, set off for Inn in the Glade. Don't meet with Andrew, just go to the inn' cellar. Interact with the barrels shown in the screenshot to put a bag of gold there.

You can already return to Talmberg and talk to Sir Robard - How to betray your friends in the quest Gallows Brothers - Judas trophy guide? | Achievements & trophies - Achievements and trophies - Kingdom Come Deliverance Game Guide

You can already return to Talmberg and talk to Sir Robard. Tell him about a plan of stealing miners' gold. During the conversation with Robard, it is necessary to select the second dialogue option from the screenshot above. Henry must accuse Andrew, Matthew and Fritz of stealing gold.

Return to Inn in the Glade - How to betray your friends in the quest Gallows Brothers - Judas trophy guide? | Achievements & trophies - Achievements and trophies - Kingdom Come Deliverance Game Guide

Return to Inn in the Glade. If you behaved correctly then Andrew, Matthew and Fritz were captured and hanged (screenshot). Interact with the gallows to finish your quest and unlock the Judas trophy.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance

February 13, 2018

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