Hitman 2: Story Missions - Chasing a Ghost walkthrough


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This page contains walkthroughs for all 7 Mission Stories available in Chasing a Ghost - Mumbai, one of the levels in Hitman 2. These missions will help you get closer to the targets and assassinate them.

Depending on a Mission Story, you will be able to make preparations for assassinating one or more targets. These aren't the only assassination methods. Other ways of killing your targets are described on the next few pages. Broad Strokes is a more complex mission. It will also unlock two new Mission Stories. Descriptions of all missions from that group are in the same subsection.

A Close Shave

Target: Maelstrom. You can steal the identity of the local barber and open his shop. One of the clients is Maelstrom - this is a great chance to eliminate him in private.

1 - Hitman 2: Story Missions - Chasing a Ghost walkthrough - Chasing a Ghost (Mumbai) - Hitman 2 Guide
Walkthrough for this Mission Story: The barbershop is in the slums (see picture 1) - Hitman 2: Story Missions - Chasing a Ghost walkthrough - Chasing a Ghost (Mumbai) - Hitman 2 Guide

Walkthrough for this Mission Story: The barbershop is in the slums (see picture 1). If you get on the shop's rooftop, you will eavesdrop a conversation between the barber and his wife - you learn that the man forgot how Maelstrom looks like and that he is afraid to open the shop.

One of the ways of learning about the Maelstrom is to visit the Crows hideout - Hitman 2: Story Missions - Chasing a Ghost walkthrough - Chasing a Ghost (Mumbai) - Hitman 2 Guide

One of the ways of learning about the Maelstrom is to visit the Crows hideout. If you want to do that, check How to enter the Crows' hideout? page. You can do that by knocking down/killing one of the Crows and wearing their outfit. A Note to Sagar, the Barber is in the Crows armory (the picture above). After that, go to the people marked with a blue icon. Keep examining them until you find the Maelstrom.

A better way to get the Maelstrom's photo is to knock down the man in the Food District - this variant has been described on How to easily identify the Maelstrom? page. Choosing this method won't cancel the Mission Story - you are still able to complete it.

You can get inside the barbershop by jumping down from the rooftop or by going through the open door on the upper floor - Hitman 2: Story Missions - Chasing a Ghost walkthrough - Chasing a Ghost (Mumbai) - Hitman 2 Guide

You can get inside the barbershop by jumping down from the rooftop or by going through the open door on the upper floor. Knock the barber down or kill him. You should also eliminate his wife - she can unmask you. Go back to the place where you attacked the barber. Wear barber outfit and pick up Barber Razor. The key to the barbershop is lying on the table. Reach the ground floor and use the key to lift the roller-blind in the main room.

Approach the stall in front of the barbershop - Hitman 2: Story Missions - Chasing a Ghost walkthrough - Chasing a Ghost (Mumbai) - Hitman 2 Guide

Approach the stall in front of the barbershop. This mission requires you to shave Maelstrom. Tell other customers that you won't shave them - do that by pressing the right button. Wait for the Maelstrom to appear (you know how he looks like thanks to the photo) and offer him shave.

Wait for the Maelstrom to sit in the chair and start shaving - Hitman 2: Story Missions - Chasing a Ghost walkthrough - Chasing a Ghost (Mumbai) - Hitman 2 Guide

Wait for the Maelstrom to sit in the chair and start shaving. You can use the Barber Razor to slit his throat. Leave his corpse on the chair. No one will enter the shop.

A Dress to Die For

Target: Vanya Shah. Disguise yourself as the local tailor, buy some cloth and finally reach the train yard to show Vanya the cloth. She will ask Agent 47 to enter her wagon.

2 - Hitman 2: Story Missions - Chasing a Ghost walkthrough - Chasing a Ghost (Mumbai) - Hitman 2 Guide
You can learn about this Mission Story by visiting the tailor shop presented in picture 1 - the building is in the slums, near the train yard - Hitman 2: Story Missions - Chasing a Ghost walkthrough - Chasing a Ghost (Mumbai) - Hitman 2 Guide

You can learn about this Mission Story by visiting the tailor shop presented in picture 1 - the building is in the slums, near the train yard. Enter the building and eavesdrop a conversation - you learn that the local tailor avoids meeting Vanya Shah. The man will soon leave the building.

You can either follow the tailor or go straight to the place where he will stay for a while - this area is presented in the picture above - Hitman 2: Story Missions - Chasing a Ghost walkthrough - Chasing a Ghost (Mumbai) - Hitman 2 Guide

You can either follow the tailor or go straight to the place where he will stay for a while - this area is presented in the picture above. The cabin is near the beach and the junkyard.

The tailor has stopped near the tall vegetation - Hitman 2: Story Missions - Chasing a Ghost walkthrough - Chasing a Ghost (Mumbai) - Hitman 2 Guide

The tailor has stopped near the tall vegetation. Use a coin or any other throwable item to distract him. Attack the man when he is in a secluded place (watch out for a person who visits the area from time to time!). Wear the tailor's outfit and pick up the tailor's shop key.

Go back to the tailor shop and open the door on the upper floor. Go inside the room and find Request to the Tailor (the item lies on the table).

Go to the Textile District next to the tailor shop - Hitman 2: Story Missions - Chasing a Ghost walkthrough - Chasing a Ghost (Mumbai) - Hitman 2 Guide

Go to the Textile District next to the tailor shop. The local trader sells various clothes. You need 5 coins to pay for them. You can start the mission with 3 coins in your inventory, another 2 coins are in the tailor shop (near the request). If you still need more coins, you can:

  1. Search the shops on the map. Each one of them should have 1 coin next to a cash register.
  2. Steal the cloth. This method isn't recommended.

You now need to choose the right cloth for Vanya - choose the blue one (Cerulean).

Before you proceed with another step, find a secluded place and remove all weapons and other prohibited items from your inventory - Hitman 2: Story Missions - Chasing a Ghost walkthrough - Chasing a Ghost (Mumbai) - Hitman 2 Guide

Before you proceed with another step, find a secluded place and remove all weapons and other prohibited items from your inventory. After that, meet with the servant standing near the main entrance to the train yard. Approach the guards and let them search you.

Head to the throne room. Stand in front of Vanya Shah and show her the blue cloth. The woman invites Agent 47 to her wagon.

Take the Measuring Tape from the table (this item is also inside the tailor shop) and start measuring the target - Hitman 2: Story Missions - Chasing a Ghost walkthrough - Chasing a Ghost (Mumbai) - Hitman 2 Guide

Take the Measuring Tape from the table (this item is also inside the tailor shop) and start measuring the target. Wait for Vanya Shah to turn around. You should also be sure that the servant won't look in your direction. Garrote Vanya with the measuring tape and either knock down or kill the servant. Hide both bodies in the container in the wagon.

A Matter of Discipline

Target: Vanya Shah. You can learn about the meeting between Vanya and one of the laundry workers. Then, you can try to take the man's identity. This will allow Agent 47 to meet Vanya on the bridge.

Mumbai laundry is in the western part of the map, south of the default starting location - Hitman 2: Story Missions - Chasing a Ghost walkthrough - Chasing a Ghost (Mumbai) - Hitman 2 Guide

Mumbai laundry is in the western part of the map, south of the default starting location. If you want to learn about this Mission Story, reach laundry's southern exit and eavesdrop a conversation between a guard and one of the laundry workers.

The most important step is to reach Foreman's Office (marked in the picture above). You can either sneak through the laundry or reach that place from the east and use a lockpick to open the door. If you chose the latter, watch out for two workers standing nearby - lockpick the door when they aren't looking at the office.

The foreman, accompanied by another worker, is on the upper floor - Hitman 2: Story Missions - Chasing a Ghost walkthrough - Chasing a Ghost (Mumbai) - Hitman 2 Guide

The foreman, accompanied by another worker, is on the upper floor. Turn the radio on and either knock down or kill the person who will appear here. Hide the body in the large container. You can use the radio to force the foreman to go down to the ground floor, or you can attack him when he is upstairs. Knock him down or kill. Then, wear his outfit.

After that, reach the south-east exit from the laundry (this is the area where you eavesdropped the conversation) - Hitman 2: Story Missions - Chasing a Ghost walkthrough - Chasing a Ghost (Mumbai) - Hitman 2 Guide

After that, reach the south-east exit from the laundry (this is the area where you eavesdropped the conversation). Speak with the guard and tell him that you are ready for the meeting. Follow the man. You reach the bridge. Wait for Vanya Shah.

Approach Vanya and talk with her - Hitman 2: Story Missions - Chasing a Ghost walkthrough - Chasing a Ghost (Mumbai) - Hitman 2 Guide

Approach Vanya and talk with her. You can assassinate her when she turns her back and starts her speech. Wait for the icon that allows you to push her off the bridge. Despite the witnesses, this assassination method will be treated as an accident. The guards won't attack Agent 47, nor they will be able to find Vanya's body (she fell into a tank).

Broad Strokes

Target: All three targets of this mission. A unique Mission Story that allows you to eliminate all three targets in one go. However, you need to complete all the actions perfectly, especially those related to Rangan and Shah.

To start this Mission Story, visit Chawls, one of the residential buildings - Hitman 2: Story Missions - Chasing a Ghost walkthrough - Chasing a Ghost (Mumbai) - Hitman 2 Guide

To start this Mission Story, visit Chawls, one of the residential buildings. The building is a bit to the south of the default starting location.

Listen to the conversation between the residents and then head upstairs - Hitman 2: Story Missions - Chasing a Ghost walkthrough - Chasing a Ghost (Mumbai) - Hitman 2 Guide

Listen to the conversation between the residents and then head upstairs. Find the blue gate and start sneaking. You need to reach the sniper position of another assassin - the Kashmirian.

The assassin wants to kill Dawood Rangan first. Don't let him detect you. Interact with the Kashmirian's sniper rifle - press the button to change the scope's sharpness. Thanks to that, the Kashmirian will kill his target later.

You now have to infiltrate the high-rise block, the one where you can find Dawood Rangan - Hitman 2: Story Missions - Chasing a Ghost walkthrough - Chasing a Ghost (Mumbai) - Hitman 2 Guide

You now have to infiltrate the high-rise block, the one where you can find Dawood Rangan. If you don't have any outfit, sneak into the construction site right behind the high-rise block. There, you can eliminate one of the guards to get a local guard outfit. Enter the block (avoid the cameras if you didn't sabotage the monitoring system).

Your goal is to reach the studio with the painter on the fourth floor - Hitman 2: Story Missions - Chasing a Ghost walkthrough - Chasing a Ghost (Mumbai) - Hitman 2 Guide

Your goal is to reach the studio with the painter on the fourth floor. You can:

  1. Get an elite guard outfit. Eliminate one of the enemies dressed in black.
  2. Get an access card on the third floor. This card opens the studio's side door.

Eliminate two characters in the studio - the painter and the guard. Wait for them to get separated. If you need to, you can throw an object at the guard to knock him down. Hide the bodies in the wardrobe, and put the Painter Disguise on.

Go to Dawoods office on the fifth floor - Hitman 2: Story Missions - Chasing a Ghost walkthrough - Chasing a Ghost (Mumbai) - Hitman 2 Guide

Go to Dawood's office on the fifth floor. Wait for Dawood Rangan and then go with him back to the studio. Start painting his picture. The scene will get interrupted by the Kashmirian's bullet.

Drag Rangan's corpse towards the elevator shaft (watch out for people in the main room). Throw the body down into the shaft - no one will be able to find the corpse.

Go back to the Chawls and find the Kashmirians room - it is in the southern part of the building, on the second floor - Hitman 2: Story Missions - Chasing a Ghost walkthrough - Chasing a Ghost (Mumbai) - Hitman 2 Guide

Go back to the Chawls and find the Kashmirian's room - it is in the southern part of the building, on the second floor. You can either break into the room (there is a risk that someone can catch you even when Agent 47 uses a lockpick), or reach the balconies and enter the room through the window.

Start sneaking and approach the sniper rifle. Look through the scope (this time, you don't have to change anything). You learn that the Kashmirian is looking for Vanya Shah.

You now have to do A Matter of Discipline Mission Story - find the foremans outfit and meet with Vanya Shah on the bridge near the laundry - Hitman 2: Story Missions - Chasing a Ghost walkthrough - Chasing a Ghost (Mumbai) - Hitman 2 Guide

You now have to do A Matter of Discipline Mission Story - find the foreman's outfit and meet with Vanya Shah on the bridge near the laundry. The only difference here is that Agent 47 doesn't have to push the woman. The Kashmirian will shoot Vanya during her speech.

This next step is very important - Hitman 2: Story Missions - Chasing a Ghost walkthrough - Chasing a Ghost (Mumbai) - Hitman 2 Guide

This next step is very important. Go back to the Chawls. Do that fast, or you will lose the Kashmirian (he won't be marked on the map - you can recognize him by his blue suit and a characteristic hat). Stop on the ground floor and wait for the Kashmirian to leave his flat. Follow the man.

The Kashmirian will use the nearby phone booth to contact the Maelstrom. Then, he will move toward the side alley with the Crows.

The last part is to take the Kashmirians identity - Hitman 2: Story Missions - Chasing a Ghost walkthrough - Chasing a Ghost (Mumbai) - Hitman 2 Guide

The last part is to take the Kashmirian's identity. Interact with the fuse box. Move away and attack the Kashmirian when he reaches this place. Restore the power, hide the assassin's body in the container, and wear the Kashmirian outfit.

That is not all - remove all weapons and other prohibited items (knives etc - Hitman 2: Story Missions - Chasing a Ghost walkthrough - Chasing a Ghost (Mumbai) - Hitman 2 Guide

That is not all - remove all weapons and other prohibited items (knives etc.) from your inventory.

After that, go to the Crows' alley. Let the guards search you and then follow one of them. You go down into an underground bunker, the Crows' hideout.

Stop near the entrance to the room guarded by two guards - Hitman 2: Story Missions - Chasing a Ghost walkthrough - Chasing a Ghost (Mumbai) - Hitman 2 Guide

Stop near the entrance to the room guarded by two guards. They will search Agent 47 again. Go inside. You will meet the Maelstrom (you didn't have to identify him by finding his photo). Kill the man however you want to, i.e. by subduing him or by using a garrote.

Flames Rekindled

Target: Maelstrom. You can explore a house watched by Ravens on a hill and lead to a meeting between Maelstrom and his beloved. This opens up the possibility of poisoning him.

This feature mission takes place entirely on the Mumbai Hills, which is shown in the picture above - Hitman 2: Story Missions - Chasing a Ghost walkthrough - Chasing a Ghost (Mumbai) - Hitman 2 Guide

This feature mission takes place entirely on the Mumbai Hills, which is shown in the picture above. By the stairs leading to the hills, you'll come across a group of people and find out that the Ravens has closed the area and nobody is allowed in.

It is best to invigilate the hills in disguise. Eliminate any bandit (e.g. from a nearby house on the beach) and put on a bandit disguise. This will allow you to move freely (with a few exceptions) across the hills.

Take an interest in a house where only a woman is staying (after reaching this place, a new conversation will start) - Hitman 2: Story Missions - Chasing a Ghost walkthrough - Chasing a Ghost (Mumbai) - Hitman 2 Guide

Take an interest in a house where only a woman is staying (after reaching this place, a new conversation will start). Search the building - on the ground floor you will find a rat poison, and on the first floor A Letter from the Maelstrom.

Reach the roof of the building - Hitman 2: Story Missions - Chasing a Ghost walkthrough - Chasing a Ghost (Mumbai) - Hitman 2 Guide

Reach the roof of the building. In order to arrange a meeting between a woman and a Maelstrom, you have to hang a flag. You can do this "by hand" or shoot (preferably from a weapon with a silencer) in the flag lifting mechanism (above picture), so you will get an extra challenge. Maelstrom will go there.

You have some time to get ready - Hitman 2: Story Missions - Chasing a Ghost walkthrough - Chasing a Ghost (Mumbai) - Hitman 2 Guide

You have some time to get ready. Go to the back of the building. Pour the poison into the left glass shown in the picture (looking from the exit side of the building). Maelstrom will meet his beloved and sit down at the table. Poisoned Maelstrom will set off towards the edge of the cliff. You will be able to push him there, but before you do so, make sure nobody is looking towards Agent 47.

You can also use deadly poison (taken on a mission with you or found on a map, e.g. in a Vanyi Shah car in a depot). However, the surroundings will be alerted - you will receive a worse grade for completing the mission.

Gone with the Wind

Target: Dawood Rangan. After reaching the skyscraper, you can find the lost movie script and then sabotage the industrial fan on the set.

This feature mission is entirely played out in a skyscraper - Hitman 2: Story Missions - Chasing a Ghost walkthrough - Chasing a Ghost (Mumbai) - Hitman 2 Guide

This feature mission is entirely played out in a skyscraper. If possible, start the mission in a disguise inside the skyscraper or in its immediate vicinity (e.g. on a barge). Reach the film set and listen to the conversations about the lost screenplay.

The game recommends getting a Bollywood employee outfit. They are dressed in blue. You can easily get a disguise e.g. at level 3 in the bathroom adjacent to the make-up room. Evoke a flood in the bathroom and stun or kill the person who appears here (if it's a woman, wait for the next character to appear). You can store the dead body in a container.

Reach level 4 of the building and take an interest in the closed elevator shaft adjacent to the studio - Hitman 2: Story Missions - Chasing a Ghost walkthrough - Chasing a Ghost (Mumbai) - Hitman 2 Guide

Reach level 4 of the building and take an interest in the closed elevator shaft adjacent to the studio. Notice that the lost scenario is stuck in the glass. Shoot a few shots in its direction from a weapon with a silencer. Then walk along the edge and go down the pipe to the bottom. This will allow you to pick up The Missing Script.

Return to film set with the script and hand it over to the director (a woman with headphones and a pink baseball cap) - Hitman 2: Story Missions - Chasing a Ghost walkthrough - Chasing a Ghost (Mumbai) - Hitman 2 Guide

Return to film set with the script and hand it over to the director (a woman with headphones and a pink baseball cap). Take an interest in the large fan around you. Next to it there is a screwdriver (picture) to find. Take it with you and use this item to sabotage the fan. You can turn it on right away (the control panel is next to it), but don't increase the speed yet.

Wait until Dawood Rangan appears and plays the scene that is interrupted - Hitman 2: Story Missions - Chasing a Ghost walkthrough - Chasing a Ghost (Mumbai) - Hitman 2 Guide

Wait until Dawood Rangan appears and plays the scene that is interrupted. Do nothing until the actress leaves the set so that Dawood remains alone (as shown in the picture above). Only then increase the fan speed and the Rangoon will be blown away by it.

Picture Perfect

Target: Dawood Rangan. You can find an actor of Bollywood production who was lost in the slums. After taking over his identity, you can take part in a photo shoot with Rangan.

3 - Hitman 2: Story Missions - Chasing a Ghost walkthrough - Chasing a Ghost (Mumbai) - Hitman 2 Guide
You can find out about this mission from a man you meet near the default starting point - Hitman 2: Story Missions - Chasing a Ghost walkthrough - Chasing a Ghost (Mumbai) - Hitman 2 Guide

You can find out about this mission from a man you meet near the default starting point. You will learn about the disappearance of actor Gregory Arthur.

Go to the slums for a search. Take a look at the alley to the north of the central part of the slums marked in picture 1. The sought-after Gregory Arthur has an angel's outfit. Eliminate him when you are in private, e.g. when he vomits into a canal (for example in picture 2). If possible, hide his body (a raven may appear in the canals) and put on the Lead Actor outfit.

Get rid of weapons and other prohibited items and only then set off towards the skyscraper - Hitman 2: Story Missions - Chasing a Ghost walkthrough - Chasing a Ghost (Mumbai) - Hitman 2 Guide

Get rid of weapons and other prohibited items and only then set off towards the skyscraper. If you try to enter it, Agent 47 will be stopped by the guards. You must agree to a search.

It is a good idea to start by exploring the 3rd floor of the skyscraper. This is one of many places where you can get a rat poison.

Reach the film set now at level 4 and let everybody know about your arrival - Hitman 2: Story Missions - Chasing a Ghost walkthrough - Chasing a Ghost (Mumbai) - Hitman 2 Guide

Reach the film set now at level 4 and let everybody know about your arrival. Dawood Rangan will soon be here. Place yourself next to the other people taking part in the photo shoot.

Just before or shortly after the photo shoot there will be an opportunity to pour poison - Hitman 2: Story Missions - Chasing a Ghost walkthrough - Chasing a Ghost (Mumbai) - Hitman 2 Guide

Just before or shortly after the photo shoot there will be an opportunity to pour poison. Select the glass shown in the picture. Take advantage of the fact that other characters temporarily do not look in this direction. If you have used a rat poison, Rangan will go to the studio. Browse the description of the Broad Strokes mission to find out how to get there. Alternatively, you can also use deadly poison (found for example in a Vanyi Shah car in a depot), but then Rangan will die in a public place.

If you don't do anything, you can chat after a photo shoot with Rangan and set out with him on one of the upper floors of the skyscraper. He will want to talk to you in private. Unfortunately, this is not a good place to murder him, because he will always be in the field of vision of at least one bodyguard

Hitman 2

November 13, 2018

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