Abilities | Heroes
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Each hero has three branches of the ability tree:
- Left, blue. Depends on the hero's class and it includes the majority of abilities useful to commanders and warriors.
- Right, red. Depends on the hero's faction and includes abilities useful to city governers.
- Middle, green. Identical for each hero, includes abilities useful to both commanders and city governers.
The majority of abilities are useful only in specific situations. For example, an governer that increases food production is useless in a Broken Lords city, because this race does not use food. Just as useless is the ability that decreases the units production costs in cities, if you play as a faction with high production of Dust and which buys armies, instead of producing them. That is why you should find out about a hero's abilities, before hiring one. If his abilities do not suit your needs, find someone else.
Also, note that all of the abilities are connected with each other. This means that you cannot buy Inspirational Leader points, if you do not invest in Thrifty beforehand. That is why, while planning on the hero's development, keep in mind that you will first have to waste some points on worse abilities, before you can access the better ones.
Also, do not hesitate to invest several points into one ability. For example, if you have a city in a coastal region, and there are Dust-producing buildings there, a second , or a third point invested in Aquatic Dust may be more useful than the first point invested in Dust Diviner. Calculate which is more profitable to you, because some abilities provide various bonuses at higher levels. Additionally, there is only one development level, in the case of some of the abilities, instead of three. Most often, that provide the hero with an additional feature of certain value and characteristics.
All abilities accumulate. Buying out all three levels of Natural Resources increases industrial production in the city by 30 (5 + 10 + 15) points.
Wild Walkers
Woodland Forager. +1/+1/+1 to industrial production in the city.
An additional reason, for which it is a good idea to settle in forests. It ensures the city with a bonus to industrial production, on forest terrain so, if you have a city there, it is a perfect choice.
Natural Resources. +5/+10/+15 to industrial production in the city.
Useful to all factions and in each city. 5 points may seem to be a low value, but it can become a considerable one, in combination with other bonuses.
Functioning Insomniac. Decreases time between individual assignments of a hero, by 2 turns/2 turns.
Useful only if you are going to transfer the hero between cities or between armies. Otherwise, invest one point only, in order to gain access to the other abilities.
Living Walls. Decreases the cost of maintaining a city by 30%/30%/30%.
It pays off to invest, at least, one point and save some Dust. Especially in the case of big cities that are expensive to maintain.
Behemoth Tamer. Decreases the cost of erecting buildings in city, by 10%/15%.
Another, very useful ability, especially in combination with the previous ones. Not only does the city generate more industry, but also buildings are put up faster. Especially useful in new cities, devoid of the most important structures.
Natural Architect. Increases industrial production in cities, by 15%/15%/20%.
A skill indispensable to each governer. If possible, buy it.
Broken Lords
Aquatic Dust. Increases Dust production from rivers by 1/2/3.
If you have a city at a river, and especially on several riverside areas, buy the maximum level of this ability. Otherwise, one point is enough.
Dust Diviner. Increases Dust production from Dust-bearing fields, by 1/1/1.
Just like in the case of the Aquatic Dust, only for each terrain. It is a good idea to reach the top level, especially in the case of desert and seaside cities. For riverside cities, it is a good idea to combine this ability with the previous one, to receive a higher bonus.
Distributed Defenses. Increases defense value in garrison units by 10%/10%/10%.
This ability is on the side of the branch and it is useful only in the case of cities that face the threat of a siege. If the governer is in a border city, it is a good idea to buy, at least, one point. Otherwise, ignore it.
Mining Authority. Mines in the region provide 1/1/1 more resources.
A very good ability, for the regions with three, and more, mines, or ones that mine for valuable and rare resources. If the governer is staying in one, buy three levels of this ability. Otherwise, one point is enough.
Siege Engine. Defenses of a besieged city drop by 1/1/1 points, per each unit in the army.
An unique ability on this tree. Useful to commanders, but it has been placed where commanders are not likely to reach it. Invest one point into it and forget all about it, because there is no way to use it, as a matter of fact.
Dust Trickery. Increases Dust in the city, by 15%/15%/20%.
Each governer should have it developed to the top level. In combination with Dust Diviner and Aquatic Dust, this ability turns the city into a Dust factory. Try to invest three points into it, as quickly as possible.
Alchemical Genius. The city center, and each district, produces now more science, by 2/2/2 points.
A good ability for a governer of a big city, especially of a scientific one, with 4 or more districts. Also useful to the smaller ones, although not as much. If you have a big scientific city, invest three points. In the case of smaller ones, one point is enough.
Escape Artist. allows you to flee a besieged city.
This ability blocks off the rest of the tree so, you will have to invest, at least, one point into it anyways, but its usefulness is moderate. With a good tactic, the enemy will have no way of reaching your city walls, in the first place and additionally, you can move your governers still before the city is besieged. Either way, buy it, because you have no other choice.
Thick Skinned. The hero receives 2/3/3 additional defense points.
A good ability, but not for the governer. Commanders may attempt buying it, if they have several spare points thanks to which to reach this ability. In such a case, it is best to buy the third level.
Subterranean Networker. The city receives 2/3/5 additional defense points, per turn.
Useful for the governer of a border city that is exposed to multiple attacks, or which is besieged often. Otherwise, one point is enough, just to unlock the rest of the tree.
Tunnel Rat. This ability seems to be disabled in this version of the game.
Mechanical Exhibitionist. Increases science points that you receive from trading routes, by 1 and 40%/1 and 60%/2 and 100%.
Buy it on the third level if the governer is staying in a city with, at least, two trading routes and high income in science points. Otherwise, you can either invest one point into it, or ignore it.
Necrotic Agriculture. Increases food production in the city, by 5/10/15 points.
A very useful ability, especially in the case of Necrophages. Worth buying, at least on the second and, in a distant future, on the third level.
Slave Driver. Decreases units production costs, in the city, by 10%/15%.
Two points are worth investing, if you are going to play an aggressive game and wage wars. Otherwise, one point is enough.
Roadside Picnic. Increases the army health points regeneration rate, on your and allied terrain, by 0.1/0.1/0.1.
This ability would be useful, had it not been for the low regeneration rate. You can buy it on the third level, only in combination with Iron Constitution. On the other hand, you need this ability to reach Iron Constitution so, you can invest three points just as well.
Cadaverous Pesticides. Increases food production in the city, by 15%/15%/20%.
Again, very useful. It is a good idea to spend three points on it.
Berserker Pheromone. Increases the value of the hero's attack by 5 points.
Useless for city governers and too far away from the rest, for commander to reach. Ignore.
Iron Constitution. Increases health points regeneration rate, in your armies, on your or allied and non-allied territory, by 0.1/0.1/0.1.
Your choice is as follows - you either buy this ability and Roadside Picnic on level three, or you ignore both. 0.6 points of health regeneration seems to be a lot, especially in combination with the increased rate of healing, in the case of the Necrophages, but this will cost you 6 ability points. This is quite a lot, especially that there are other abilities that are more useful to commanders. If you feel the need to, buy it. Otherwise ignore it.
Ardent Mages
Renaissance Thinker. Increases science generation in the city, by 5/10/15 points.
It is a good idea to buy the second level at an early stage of the game, thanks to which you should be able to gain advantage over the rest of the faction quickly. The third level is also useful, but not compulsory.
Seething Fire. +10%/+10%/+10% to attack, per unit in the army.
Useless for the governer and quite the opposite for the commander. If the hero is only supposed to manage the city, ignore it. If you want him to command, buy it at the maximum level.
Deadly Anatomy. Increases the hero's attack by 3/4/5 points.
Again, useless to the governer and highly useful to the commander. Have the former ignore this ability and the second one buy it, at least at the second level.
Scientific Literacy. Increases production of science points, from a field with anomaly, by 2/3/3 points.
Buy on level three if there is one, or several anomalies. Otherwise, you can devote one point to it.
Persuasive Methods. Decreases reluctance towards expansion, in the city, by 50%/50%.
It is imperative that you buy the second level, as quickly as possible. Especially if you have many cities and you are experiencing problems maintaining high support.
Firestarter. Increases production of science points in the city by 15%/15%/20%.
For the governer of the city concerned with science, this one is compulsory. In any other city, it also comes in handy, which is why you should invest, at least, one point. It is a good idea to combine it with Renaissance Thinker and Scientific Literacy.
Roving Clans
Traveling Salesman. Increases Dust production from a field with anomaly, by 2/3/3.
Buy on level three if there is one, or several anomalies. Otherwise, you can devote one point to it.
Travels Light. Allows one event of sailing into the sea or landing without losing movement points . Seems to be disabled in the current version of the game.
Safe Passage. Increases income from trading routes, by 20%/30%/50%
Buy if the hero is administrating a city with two, or more, trading routes. Otherwise, one point is enough.
Game Theory. Decreases units production cost in cities, by 10%/15%.
An useful ability, but on the side of the tree. You can buy the first level, if you are getting prepared to defend your empire. Buy the second level if there are no abilities to buy, which would be more important at the moment.
Fast Trader. Increases Dust income from trading routes by 1 and 40%/1 and 60%/2 and 100%.
A situation identical as the one with Safe Passage. The only difference is that you should buy this ability, at level three, in the first place.
Black Marketer. The city receives a bonus from the black market.
It is not sure if this ability works but, according to the description, it allows you to trade with cities of the faction that you are at war with. If so, the enemy cities have roads, harbors and they are sufficiently big, to make this profitable, you can buy this ability. Not a priority, though.
Indiana Bones. Improves exploration of ruins, at both levels.
You are going to need, at least, one point to be able to access the rest of the tree. You can spend another one only if you explore ruins very often and you want to complete the quests hidden there.
No idle hands. Each unit in the army receives +1/+1/+1 experience point, per turn.
You are going to need, at least, one point here. You can consider investing two although this way of gaining experience is very slow and, in the long run, not worthwhile. Invest the second and the third point if there is nothing else to be bought.
Fast Healer. Speeds up the hero's healing rate by 3/3.
The best way to heal the wounded heroes is with Dust so, this ability is useful only for the races that suffer from dust shortages. Otherwise, you can ignore it.
Defender. The number of the city's defense points rises, by 4/5/6.
Useful to the hero that is meant to defend cities, or one that is made to defend a city right after it is conquered. A situation-dependant ability which you can invest one point into, but not necessarily more.
Master of Disguise. This ability seems to be disabled in the current version. You can invest one point only, to be able to reach what is past this ability, or ignore it and take another path of development.
Thrifty. Decreases the cost of maintaining armies and units, by 50%/50%.
According to the description, costs are reduced both for the armies and the units, which may be misleading. In a nutshell - the army is cheaper and this is the only reason that you need to buy this ability. If possible, both levels.
Inspirational Leader. Industrial, scientific, food and Dust production in the city is higher, by 5%/5%/10%.
It is a problematic ability. It is good for city governers, but they use a separate tree, where it is difficult to reach this ability (the way "up the tree" does not work and you need to buy all of them, from Indiana Bones, up the way). If you can obtain, at least, one point in this ability, the better for you. Still, I do not recommend it as a compulsory one).
Cold Operator. The hero, his army and/or the city are invulnerable to all the adverse effects of winter.
Very useful, later into the game. Earlier, it is a good idea to give it to the commander and send him into battle in winter, without worrying about penalties to movement points and range of vision. If you manage to reach it, do not hesitate to buy it.
Strength of the Wild. Increases the hero's defense value, by 2/2/2.
High defense may make the hero nearly invulnerable to attacks so, for a character in the first line of attack it is perfect.
Iron Taskmaster. Increases the hero's health points by 4/5/7.
The bonus seems to be small, especially in comparison with the better items. Still, a character with high defense values will lose few health points. In combination with Strength of the Wild, it is easy to create a hero with high capability for taking damage and that blocks off the other units. It is a good idea to invest even two points into it.
Armor Engineer. +1 accessory slot in the hero's equipment.
Useful if you are using this type of items. Otherwise, you will have to buy this ability anyways because it is in the way to the successive ones.
Garb of Battle. +1/+1/+2 to defense per unit in the army.
The additional defense points allow units to go on for longer so, it is a good idea to invest, even two points into this ability.
Rallying Call. Allows you to summon more reinforcements into the battlefield.
Considering the difficulty level of battles, choose this ability only to gain access to the last one.
Ice of the Veins. Decreases penalties by 20% during winters.
A context ability. Works well at a later stage of the game, not necessarily at the earlier. Buy it if there is nothing better to buy.
Agile Mover. +1/+1 movement point per unit in the army.
A useful skill, especially for a reconnaissance army. It is worth investing two points into this ability.
Farsighted. +1 to the army's range of vision.
An additional point is a small value, but it always allows you to see the enemy faster than he sees you.
Spare Quiver. +1 accessory slot in the hero's equipment.
Accessories can be highly useful, especially if they strengthen the whole army. If you use them, buy this one.
Staggered Blows. +1/+2/+2 to attack per unit in the army.
Especially useful to big armies of 6 and more units, which are oriented towards quick attacks. If this is an option, buy all three levels.
Perfectly Balanced. +1 to firing range for units.
A necessary ability, if you have many ranged units in the army. Thanks to it, their effectiveness will rise, just like the chance of winning battle, before the opponent manages to approach you.
Artisan's Eye. +2/+2/+2 to chance for a critical hit, per unit.
Very useful, especially in combination with Perfectly Balanced and equipment that increases the chance of a critical hit. Buy all three levels, as quickly as possible.
Defensive Tactician. +1/+1/+1 to defense, per unit in the army.
The first ability for this profession. It is a good idea to invest two and, later into the game, three points into it.
Keen Observer. Allows you to call more reinforcements into the battlefield.
Considering the difficulty level of battles, select this ability only to gain access to what is beyond.
Battle Hymn. +1/+2/+4 to attack, per unit in the army.
Very useful, especially at the third level, although it is not combined with any other ability. To the extent it is possible, spend three points on it.
Practiced Strike. +1/+1/+2 to initiative, per unit in the army.
Another useful ability. More initiative means the ability to make a move before the opponent does, which is especially important to ranged units. Buy the third level as quickly as possible.
Last Reserves. +4/+6/+10 to health points per unit in the army per unit in the army.
It is a good idea to have this one, at least, at the first level. The third level won't harm, but do not haste to obtain it.
Armor Ergonomics. +1 accessory slot in the hero's equipment.
Accessories can be useful, especially if they strengthen the whole army. If you use them, buy this ability.
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