Camp defense | Setting up a camp Don't Starve Guide
Last update: 11 May 2016
After you build a Fire Pit and a Science Machine You will have to work some more on your camp. It is a good idea to get prepared for defending it, in the first place. Every several days, your character will be attacked by Hounds, whose numbers increase with the passage of time. At first, there is going to be two of them, and most probably, they will attack somewhere between the third and the sixth day.
To defeat them without any problems, it is a good idea to arm yourself with a Spear and a Log Suit. The former one requires 1x Flint, 1x Rope, 2x Twigs, and the latter one 2x Rope and 8x Log. Rope is a rope that you can find in the Refined tab. To create it, you are going to need three pieces of Grass. Both of these pieces of armor should be kept in your inventory (but do not equip them yet). Equip these only right before the beasts attack. Some time before the attack starts, you will hear a dog howl, and your character will warn you by saying "Did you hear that?".