Faction creator in Stellaris


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This page of the Stellaris guide will tell you more about faction creator. The game enables the players to create own, personalized factions based on a special creator. Using it, you can set up various parameters. After creating a faction, you can begin a campaign with it any number of times.

Each of the sections needs to be set to a certain parameter - Faction creator in Stellaris - Factions - Stellaris Guide

Each of the sections needs to be set to a certain parameter. Some can be saved as default settings, while other need to be modified and filled in. Otherwise, the name of the section will remain red. This will help you go back to the section where further changes need to take place. If you go beyond the limit of available options, the name will remain red as well, and the save button won't be available.


Your only task is to pick the right species from the presented list and decide on its representants - Faction creator in Stellaris - Factions - Stellaris Guide

Your only task is to pick the right species from the presented list and decide on its representants. The game offers the following species: Mammalian, Avian, Reptilian, Fungoid, Arthropoid, and Molluscoid. Each of them, has several types that can become their representants.


Now you have to come up with a name for your race - Faction creator in Stellaris - Factions - Stellaris Guide

Now you have to come up with a name for your race. You can use the generator to help you (marked in the screenshot). Then you will have to give the plural equivalent of your species. Finally, you have to press the other marked button presented in the picture. This will automatically create the adjective. Think carefully about the name, as it will remain throughout the entire campaign.

Name Lists

The next section concerns names of different objects in your empire - Faction creator in Stellaris - Factions - Stellaris Guide

The next section concerns names of different objects in your empire. The list provides you with a wide range of names. Even if you play as Arthpoids, you can choose human names. Draw your attention to the fact that you can use prefixes with names of your space ships - this should help you distinguish them from one another.


The presented picture shows traits that can be associated with your species - Faction creator in Stellaris - Factions - Stellaris Guide

The presented picture shows traits that can be associated with your species. Window two presents traits that you can choose from. Their prices in trait points are visible next to their names. Window 4 is a detailed description of a trait. Window 3 shows traits that have been chosen from the list.

Draw your attention to window 1. You have four traits to choose from, but their total cost can't exceed 2 points. Thus, if you pick a trait that costs 5 points, to balance the score you have to choose three traits that cost -1 point. Traits symbolized by blue icons are the most expensive ones and they provide the best bonuses. The green ones cost 1-2 points and give balanced bonuses. Red icons are negative effects which are symbolized by negative figures, and thus can increase the overall balance.

It is possible to combine traits in such a way that both parameters give a 0 or positive score. You can't pick more than 4 traits. Exceeding this limit will disable the save button.





2 - Faction creator in Stellaris - Factions - Stellaris Guide



Food: +15%

Higher food production increases development of the civilization and improves colonization. Choose this trait if you want to quickly expand and develop terrain for your factories.

2 - Faction creator in Stellaris - Factions - Stellaris Guide



Energy Credits: +15%

Lower energy usage means being able to maintain more buildings and ships without worrying about resources.

2 - Faction creator in Stellaris - Factions - Stellaris Guide



Minerals: +15%

More resources will let you develop your infrastructure more quickly. You will be able to build more battleships or space stations faster.

2 - Faction creator in Stellaris - Factions - Stellaris Guide



Engineering Output: +10%

Society Output: +10%

Physics Output: +10%

This trait will boost all of your researches. It is smaller than a bonus for separate traits, but allows you to develop all the fields systematically.

1 - Faction creator in Stellaris - Factions - Stellaris Guide


Natural Engineers

Engineering Output: +15%

Engineering Output means better buildings, fortification and weapons. If you want to focus on military development, this is a trait for you.

1 - Faction creator in Stellaris - Factions - Stellaris Guide


Natural Sociologists

Society Output: +15%

Society Output allows you to colonize hostile planets and adjust their structures according to your needs.

1 - Faction creator in Stellaris - Factions - Stellaris Guide


Natural Physicists

Physics Output: +15%

Physics Output improves the rate of gathering resources and managing energy. Thus, you will be able to develop your empire more quickly.

5 - Faction creator in Stellaris - Factions - Stellaris Guide


Extremely adaptive

Habitability: +20%

The most expensive trait, but truly worth its price. Allows you to colonize lands that are considered hostile, in contrast to their mother planet. You will be able to colonize the world faster, but without other bonuses.

2 - Faction creator in Stellaris - Factions - Stellaris Guide



Habitability: +10%

Habitability is reduced by half, in comparison to the previous trait. Thus, the chance that your species will colonize planets is also smaller.

-1 - Faction creator in Stellaris - Factions - Stellaris Guide



Habitability: -10%

Choose this trait and the planet that you wish to colonize will have to match environmental standards of your mother planet.

1 - Faction creator in Stellaris - Factions - Stellaris Guide


Rapid breeders

Growth time: -10%

The development of your population means filling empty slots of a colonized planet. It determines how fast you will be able to start work in certain buildings that were built.

-1 - Faction creator in Stellaris - Factions - Stellaris Guide


Slow breeders

Growth time: +15%

This will affect the income of resources and weaker population. One of the traits that you should avoid.

2 - Faction creator in Stellaris - Factions - Stellaris Guide



Leader skill levels: +1

Actions performed by a skilled leader are more likely to succeed. The boost gives you only one level, nevertheless it is a good start for beginners.

1 - Faction creator in Stellaris - Factions - Stellaris Guide


Quick learners

Leader experience gain: +25%

Your ruler can advance to new levels faster, and thus increase the probability of performing certain actions.

-1 - Faction creator in Stellaris - Factions - Stellaris Guide


Slow learners

Leader experience gain:


Your ruler will develop very slowly. Good for a population which policy allows to elect a new ruler every few years.

4 - Faction creator in Stellaris - Factions - Stellaris Guide


Very Strong

Army damage: +40%

Minerals: +10%

One of the most expensive traits. Your firepower will be superior and you will be able to build your army very quickly. A good trait if you want to focus on an offensive approach.

1 - Faction creator in Stellaris - Factions - Stellaris Guide



Army damage: +20%

Minerals: +5%

A very good trait in relation to its price. Greater damage will allow you to eliminate hostile ships more quickly, and you will gather more minerals.

-1 - Faction creator in Stellaris - Factions - Stellaris Guide



Army damage: -20%

This can seriously affect the gameplay. If you don't balance it with the appropriate development of new technologies, you will doom your race.

1 - Faction creator in Stellaris - Factions - Stellaris Guide



Migration time: - 50%

Resettlement cost: -33%

A very useful trait in relation to its cost. Lower resettlement cost is a big advantage and when you combine it with reduced time of colonization, you can colonize many planets with friendly environment.

-1 - Faction creator in Stellaris - Factions - Stellaris Guide



Migration time: +50%

Resettlement cost: +33%

Avoid this trait. Penalties are high and only the gameplay will prove you how painful the consequences can be. That is, unless you decide to take over systems without colonizing any planets.

1 - Faction creator in Stellaris - Factions - Stellaris Guide



Happiness: +5%

Greater happiness will reduce the likelihood of forming anti-government factions. Pay attention to your citizens' happiness, and you will be able to focus on the external enemy.

-1 - Faction creator in Stellaris - Factions - Stellaris Guide



Happiness: -5%

Lower happiness is not the end of the world especially that the value will decrease by 5%. If you decide to choose this trait, remember to pay attention to morals of your society.

1 - Faction creator in Stellaris - Factions - Stellaris Guide



Other Species Happiness per pop: +1%

Especially effect for diplomatic purposes. Nations, which are perceived more positively, have a greater chance to establish political treaties.

-1 - Faction creator in Stellaris - Factions - Stellaris Guide



Other Species Happiness per pop: -1%

It will be harder to establish political treaties and if you do, the terms will be less profitable.

4 - Faction creator in Stellaris - Factions - Stellaris Guide



Leader lifespan: +120 years

A trait that is good for nations that don't change their rulers too often. Each cadence focuses on governance of a single unit, and thus your ruler has more time to gain the required experience.

1 - Faction creator in Stellaris - Factions - Stellaris Guide



Leader lifespan: +30 years

Similar to the previous trait. Useful only to totalitarian systems.

-1 - Faction creator in Stellaris - Factions - Stellaris Guide



Resource output without slaves: -10%

It is not easy to obtain slaves at the beginning of your gameplay, so if you decide to pick this trait, remember that you won't have a lot of resources at first.

2 - Faction creator in Stellaris - Factions - Stellaris Guide



Ethics divergence: -20%

Races conquered by other nations often rebel and this trait will make them more tolerant.

1 - Faction creator in Stellaris - Factions - Stellaris Guide



Garrison health: +100%

Fortification Defensive bonus: +50%

A trait which focuses on garrisons of different planets. You will have a greater chance to defend against invasions.


Now you need to choose the starting ruler - Faction creator in Stellaris - Factions - Stellaris Guide

Now you need to choose the starting ruler. Pick the name, sex, appearance. This does not affect the gameplay in any serious way and depending on a political system, your ruler can change very fast.

Homeworld Planet

You will have to define the type of planet that your population will live on. It is an important decision, especially when it comes to your future colonization plans.

You can choose its name and stars that will belong to your system - Faction creator in Stellaris - Factions - Stellaris Guide

You can choose its name and stars that will belong to your system. If you don't pay too much attention to it, you can use the generator to do this for you. It is important to set the starting solar system. If your race lives in a continental world, you can choose the Solar System or Daneb System. In any other case, choose a random system.

Your Starting Solar System will define only your Homeworld planet. Localization on the map is always random.

The screenshot presents symbols of seven planets. Each planet is characterized by a different environment which will affect your race. The following list includes all the relations:


Settlement probability


continental world: 80%

tropical world60%

ocean world: 60%

desert world: 20%

arctic world: 20%


ocean world: 80%

continental world: 60%

arctic world: 60%

tropical world20%

tundra world: 20%


arctic world: 80%

ocean world: 60%

tundra world: 60%

continental world: 20%

arid world: 20%


tundra world: 80%

arctic world: 60%

arid world: 60%

ocean world: 20%

desert world: 20%


arid world: 80%

tundra world: 60%

desert world: 60%

tropical world20%

arctic world: 20%


desert world: 80%

arid world: 60%

tropical world60%

continental world: 20%

tundra world: 20%


tropical world80%

desert world: 60%

continental world: 60%

arid world: 20%

ocean world: 20%

Planets that share a similar ecosystem will have certain factors when it comes to colonization. You should invest in Society Output to adapt living conditions of other planets to those that exist in your homeworld. If you enslave a different race, you can use it to colonize a different planet and avoid penalties that your own nation would have to face.


You only define the visual aspects of your cities: you can decide how cities and building will look like. Your decisions will not affect building statistics.


The screenshot presents two elements of the section - Faction creator in Stellaris - Factions - Stellaris Guide

The screenshot presents two elements of the section. The first one refers to symbols of different ethics. Icons can be orange or green. Orange ones symbolize radical approach, while green ones, liberal. Your government can be established by choosing three liberal ethics or one radical.

The second element refers to icons of different political systems. Colorful icons resemble systems that match your ethics. As ethics change, available political systems will also change. The following list presents correlation between ethics and political systems.


Name and modifiers


Fanatic Militarist - Faction creator in Stellaris - Factions - Stellaris Guide

Fanatic Militarist


Army damage: +20%

Alliance influence cost: +100%

Rivalry influence gain: +50%


War happiness: +10%

For empires that want to use an offensive approach and fight their way through the galaxy. You will receive severe penalties for forming alliances.

Militarist - Faction creator in Stellaris - Factions - Stellaris Guide



Army damage: +10%

Alliance influence cost: +50%

Rivalry influence gain: +25%


War happiness: +5%

Less radical, but effective nevertheless. You can join alliances but they won't be too profitable.

Fanatic Xenophobe - Faction creator in Stellaris - Factions - Stellaris Guide

Fanatic Xenophobe


Xenophobe: +20%

Alien slavery tolerance: +100%

Units of foreign origin will not be tolerated. Citizens believe that authorities have the right to enslave conquered nations.

Xenophobe - Faction creator in Stellaris - Factions - Stellaris Guide



Xenophobe: +10%

Alien slavery tolerance: +50%

Views are similar, but less radical. Authorities will use ethics to condemn other nations.

Fanatic Individualist - Faction creator in Stellaris - Factions - Stellaris Guide

Fanatic Individualist


Energy Credits: +20%

Slavery tolerance: -100%

Ethics divergence: +10%

Government believes that your nation is the only source of power. It bans slavery and can afford to charge the energy budget more.

Individualist - Faction creator in Stellaris - Factions - Stellaris Guide



Energy Credits: +10%

Slavery tolerance: -50%

Ethics divergence: +5%

You no longer consider yourself the chosen nation but you still receive a significant boost to resources. You may accept slavery, but not too much.

Fanatic Materialist - Faction creator in Stellaris - Factions - Stellaris Guide

Fanatic Materialist


Engineering Output: +10%

Society Output: +10%

Physics Output: +10%

Development is the number one notion. Science will give you superior advantage over other nations. Large boost towards all technologies.

Materialist - Faction creator in Stellaris - Factions - Stellaris Guide



Engineering Output: +5%

Society Output: +5%

Physics Output: +5%

Development of technology is important but you shouldn't focus on this one aspect only.

Fanatic Pacifist - Faction creator in Stellaris - Factions - Stellaris Guide

Fanatic Pacifist


Maximum embassies: +2

Rivalry influence gain: -50%

Army damage: -20%


Food: +20%

War happiness: -20%

Hatred for war and need of resolving all conflicts in a peaceful way. Authorities will gladly take control over neutral areas and create embassies in neighboring countries.

Pacifist - Faction creator in Stellaris - Factions - Stellaris Guide



Maximum embassies: +1

Rivalry influence gain: -25%

Army damage: -10%


Food: +10%

War happiness: -10%

War is acceptable, but only if the cause is right. Diplomatic procedures are still important but you don't rely just on them. Increased food production is an important aspect, as your population can constantly develop and colonize further planets.

Fanatic Xenophile - Faction creator in Stellaris - Factions - Stellaris Guide

Fanatic Xenophile


Xenophobe: - 20%

Strong tolerance for other species. Reduces the process of forming groups in the society.

Xenophile - Faction creator in Stellaris - Factions - Stellaris Guide



Xenophobe: - 10%

A less radical approach, but the empire won't harass other species.

Fanatic Collectivist - Faction creator in Stellaris - Factions - Stellaris Guide

Fanatic Collectivist


Slavery tolerance: +100%

Food consumption: -10%

All the nations form a single unit that will form a powerful empire, and thus is it sometimes obligatory to enslave a race for its own good. Greater food consumption reduces development of certain planets.

Collectivist - Faction creator in Stellaris - Factions - Stellaris Guide



Slavery tolerance: +50%

Food consumption: -5%

A liberal approach, but authorities can still enslave certain nations. Lower food consumption will allow to maintain planets in a better way (in terms of resources).

Fanatic Spiritualist - Faction creator in Stellaris - Factions - Stellaris Guide

Fanatic Spiritualist


Happiness: +10%

Population happiness affects different factors: formation of groups or even rebellions. The government has a greenlight and tolerance from its citizens.

Spiritualist - Faction creator in Stellaris - Factions - Stellaris Guide



Happiness: +5%

Similar to the previous approach, but with a smaller approval for actions that would harm humanity.

Ethics define political systems that you can choose from. The more ethics you pick, the less political systems you will be able to choose from.


Name and attributes



Despotic Empire

Each ruler can build a unique and powerful military station.

Building cost: -15%

Slave mineral output: +10%

Slave food output: +10%

Plutocratic Oligarchy - Faction creator in Stellaris - Factions - Stellaris Guide

Plutocratic Oligarchy

Ruler elections every 40-50 years.

Energy Credits: +5%

Minerals: +5%


Indirect Democracy

Ruler elections every 5 years.

Leader skill levels: +1

Leader recruitment cost : -10%

Moral Democracy - Faction creator in Stellaris - Factions - Stellaris Guide

Moral Democracy

Ruler elections every 5 years.

Happiness: +10%

Peaceful Bureaucracy - Faction creator in Stellaris - Factions - Stellaris Guide

Peaceful Bureaucracy

Ruler elections every 40-50 years.

Leader pool size: +1

Empire leader capacity: +1

Leader recruitment cost : -15%

Enlightened Monarchy - Faction creator in Stellaris - Factions - Stellaris Guide

Enlightened Monarchy

Each monarch can build a unique building, king's Gardens.

Edict Cost: -25%

Edict Duration: +25%

Core sector planets: +1

Despotic Hegemony - Faction creator in Stellaris - Factions - Stellaris Guide

Despotic Hegemony

Each ruler can build an elite impact army.

Research Speed: +5%

Survey speed: +10%

Science Directorate - Faction creator in Stellaris - Factions - Stellaris Guide

Science Directorate

Ruler elections every 40-50 years.

Research alternatives: +1

empire leader capacity: +1

Direct Democracy - Faction creator in Stellaris - Factions - Stellaris Guide

Direct Democracy

Ruler elections every 5 years.

Core sector planets: +2

Theocratic Republic - Faction creator in Stellaris - Factions - Stellaris Guide

Theocratic Republic

Ruler elections every 5 years.

Ethics divergence: -10%

Core sector planets: +2

Theocratic Oligarchy - Faction creator in Stellaris - Factions - Stellaris Guide

Theocratic Oligarchy

Ruler elections every 40-50 years.

Ethics divergence: -10%

Leader recruitment cost : -15%

Divine Mandate - Faction creator in Stellaris - Factions - Stellaris Guide

Divine Mandate

Each ruler can build a unique building, a Tomb.

Slavery tolerance: +50%

Resettlement cost: -15%

Military Dictatorship - Faction creator in Stellaris - Factions - Stellaris Guide

Military Dictatorship

A new ruler is elected when the previous one passed away.

Each ruler can build a unique battleship.

Naval capacity: +20%

Ship upkeep: -5%

Military Junta - Faction creator in Stellaris - Factions - Stellaris Guide

Military Junta

Ruler elections every 40-50 years.

Ship cost: -10%

Ship upgrade cost: -25%

Military Republic - Faction creator in Stellaris - Factions - Stellaris Guide

Military Republic

Ruler elections every 5 years.

Army upkeep: -10%

Ship upkeep: -10%

War happiness: +5%

Empire Name

This section will allow you to pick a name for your empire - Faction creator in Stellaris - Factions - Stellaris Guide

This section will allow you to pick a name for your empire. You can come up with your own name or use the generator to pick a random one. To use the generator, click the marked button. You can use it unlimited number of times to learn about different options.


Another visual addition. You can choose the color, banner and the emblem.

Flag creator provides you with a lot of options, so each player will find something that suits him/her best - Faction creator in Stellaris - Factions - Stellaris Guide

Flag creator provides you with a lot of options, so each player will find something that suits him/her best.

Space warfare

Preparing your navy is an essential part of military operations. Battles take place in real-time, so it's important that you match your primary weapons to your game style. Later on, you will be able to modify your equipment via creator of your own ships.



Projectile weapons

+ high speed

+ good armor penetration

- short range


+ long range

- can be neutralized easily

Energy weapons

+ optimal armor penetration

+ effective at short and medium distance

- ineffective at long distance

The optimal equipment is energy weapon. Good armor penetration and striking force will affect the battle in a positive way.

Lightning super speed

The choice is determined by game experience. If you are not familiar with the game, pick bending speed instead. It does not require any special structures or using space that has already been used. The journey will take longer but it will be a direct one.

Ship appearance

Once again, this will not affect the gameplay. You can decide on the blueprint used to construct your ships. They will differ in terms of appearance but not statistics.


May 9, 2016

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