The basics | Combat South Park: TSoT Guide
Last update: 11 May 2016
Combat is nothing out of ordinary in the Stick of Truth. You either will be attacked or will attack, nearly in each one of the locations so, it is a good idea to learn the rules that govern it. First of all, this is a turn-based game. This means that the characters perform their actions in turns, while the rest of them are waiting for theirs. The one to start is your character, then your buddy, and then the opposing team. Or the other way around. This depends on who strikes whom first, before the actual battle. When they see you, the opponents will start running towards you and try to hit you. Always try to beat them to it and land your blow as the first one, to gain considerable advantage at the very beginning. The best thing to do is to stand still and press the attack button, when the running opponent is close enough. Also, remember that the effects active on an opponent are carried into the battle itself. This includes stunning with a shot of the ranged weapon. A very good thing to do is shoot at the opponent and run up to him quickly and hit him. This way, the first round of the battle will be yours and additionally, the opponent will be stunned, i.e. as a matter of fact, you will get to use two turns, before he will be able to respond.
Battle in South Park may be turn-based, but it is much more interactive than in the case of the majority of the games of this type. To cast a spell, you first need to perform a certain action. Most of the times, this will only require you to press the attack button, at the moment at which your weapon is highlighted, but it is more difficult in some cases. Jimmy's Lullabye is a musical minigame, where you need to press the correct buttons, as soon as you see them in the circle. Kyle's Rain of Arrows is a QTE (quick time event), where you need to press the correct button at the right moment. Additionally, some of the abilities, e.g. Sling of David that the Jew has, maims you, if you fail to perform the throw sequence properly. The instructions to perform each of the abilities, appear on the screen when you select that ability to perform it. Remember that your time is unlimited so, you should learn them before you attack. In general, you perform your abilities in one of the four ways:
-press the appropriate button at the right moment (once you notice the gleam on your weapon, or when you are prompted to do so) e.g. the Lullabye or the Rain of Arrows;
- hold down the appropriate button for as long as you notice the appropriate effect (e.g. flash of light or a gas cloud, if you use magic) and release it, e.g. magic, Royal Kiss, Gust of Wind;
- mash one button systematically, as fast as you can, until you notice the effect, e.g. Dragon Breath, Brown Note;
-spin your character around, with the analog stick, or press left and right in turns, until you notice the effect, e.g. Hammer of Justice, Sling of David.
Once the enemy has his turn, your task is to block the attacks. Press the block button whenever you notice the white disc under your character's feet. Remember that some of the opponents attack several times within one turn so, you need to block all of the attacks. Blocking is the key to success in this game. By blocking, you limit the amount of damage that you take. For the purposes of easy and comfortable gameplay, it is necessary that you learn blocking intuitively, as fast as possible. Remember that, if you press the block button too early, this will give you nothing, so, mashing the block button is ineffective, when it is the opponents turn and you hope to be able to block This requires a certain amount of battles, but it is easy so, you should pick it pretty quickly. Additionally, if you block all of the opponents attacks, he will fall to the ground and you an counterattack, which will slightly wound him. Simply, press the attack button, or the magic button if you have the Counterfart perk, as your friend.