Mission 5 - Lord Yabu's Palace | Walkthrough

There is a special task ahead of you - to eliminate Kage-sama's henchman - Lord Yabu. Hayato, Yuki and Takuma need to infiltrate the palace and assassinate the Lord. You will start in a small village (1). The only entrance (at least for Takuma) is the gate protected by a samurai (2). There are two ways to approach the target and eliminate the guard rather easily (3). You can taunt the dog and make his master investigate what is going on and kill him with a sniper rifle. An alternative is to add poison to his tea. The dog's pen and the arbor where he drinks tea, were marked with X on the map (4). Later on, you will have to make your way to the starting point; however, each companion will receive a pistol which should make things easier. It's best to eliminate as many opponents as possible in advance.
Take your team through the village and eliminate incoming opponents and civilians. The house by the stairs is protected by a single guard (a straw hat). Wait for the civilian to enter the building and the guard above to turn away. Come as close as possible from the left side, throw a rock to gain additional time, run and throw a shuriken. Deal with the civilian as soon as he exits the house and hide the body. Move the party to the middle part of the stairs.

Now your major concern is the watchman from the watchtower. It may be tempting to use the sniper rifle but it's better to save the bullets for later. Move Kuma to the right side, next to a tree, and lure the opponent. Hayato will throw stones at the guard and the civilian on the left, and use the distraction to reach the bushes. When the group on the left is busy, Hayato should use the grappling hook and deal with the watchman. Now eliminate the civilian and the guard by the well (one by one). It should be easy for Takuma to lure two more enemies by a large bush. Now focus on the guard by the warehouse. He speaks with one of the civilians for the majority of time. You can use the sniper rifle to shoot the rope and make the package smash them. This will be considered an accident, but some enemies will start looking around and can call backup.

Now you need to deal with the samurai. Takuma should climb the wooden watchtower. Now Hayato or Yuki should stand by the stairs, in order to climb the vines quickly. Take the shoot, and make your ninja rapidly approach him from behind and finish the job. You can now walk through the gate without hesitation. Waste no time and eliminate two guards that you come across (if one of them goes missing, the other will start searching for him nervously). Decide whether you want to make your way to the sniper's nest or take the shorter path to the arbor (it's possible to use the upper way but the other one is shorter and grants faster escape). Here's how you can reach the sharpshooter's position:

Clear the way to a little house near the lake. The path to the tower is guarded by two men (straw hats) and a group of opponents on the island. Furthermore, one of the guards located in one of the towers, watches this location from time to time. Use a musket to take him down (1). Now swim Hayato/Yuki to the island. Reach the bushes by a large tree. There is guard that you will kill once another one ends patrolling this area (2). Wait for him to come back and deal with him (3).
Now climb the tower and eliminate the soldier (4). There is one more soldier (by the tower) that needs to be taken care of. You can lure him with a flute or wait for the right moment and let Hayato finish the job (5). The enemy that is patrolling the path between the tower and a small building, can be stopped by Kuma. Stop him between two poles on the island. Now eliminate the two remaining straw hats.

Place Takuma in the tower, and swim Hayato to a passage near the dogs' pen. Kill the guard near the water (1). An alternative would be to shoot the other guard (he patrols the roof) (2). Wait for Yabu - he will be walking near the pen. In the meantime, place Yuki near the gate, in the bushes or the tower. Once Yabu stands near the hedge, throw a rock into the pen and jump into the water immediately. Head for the land (3). Lord Yabu should approach the dog close enough, for your sniper to eliminate (4). Takuma should leave the tower immediately and run as close as possible to the exit (along with other team members).

The map will fill with guards in a matter of moments. Use pistols, grenades or Takuma's shotgun to make your way through them. The closer you were to the gate, the less enemies you will have to defeat.
If you were fast and were able to hide in the bushes or the tower in front of it, it is highly possible to leave the location without being noticed. The only problem is the guard, who will be searching nearby bushes (1) (each bush by the gate will be searched by at least one guard). You can take him out when other patrols are looking in a different direction (2). Throw as many rocks as needed, and let him come closer to the bushes. Now wait for the right moment to sneak up to the bush by the gate (3). Throw some rocks to distract the guards and go through the gate. If you were smart enough to clear the area of guard, you won't encounter any additional obstacles.
Badges and achievements
Poison the tea and leave the palace before Lord Yabu drinks it. Before you do this, make Yuki and Hayato wait in the water and order Takuma to leave the palace. He is the slowest, while others can run very fast. Next, proceed to adding the poison to the tea and, when you are done, leave the island and run to the exit.
Kill Lord Yabu without using the poison or Takuma's riffle. You can do this by attacking him in hand-to-hand combat or using Takuma's grenades. The second option is better but you have to clean the access to the mansion from the enemies. The only passage that allows you to do this is the gate to the mansion guarded by two straw hats. Other options, i.e. jumping at the Lord from the roof, throwing a shuriken or a stone at him as well as using a trap won't work. Using this option will also complete another achievement - Do not enter the water.
Access the highest place in Lord Yabu's area. It is the roof of the building which Lord Yabu leaves and enters. You can get there from the front using the hook.
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