No Rest for the Wicked: How does Weight Class work?
The equipment you wear in No Rest for the Wicked significantly affects your hero's move set. On this page we will explain to you how this mechanic works.
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In No Rest for the Wicked, the equipment your character wears affects their moveset. Depending on your preferences, you can play as a nimble and light warrior, a heavy tank, or someone in between. On this page, we will explain the Weight Class mechanics and describe each of the available variations.
What is Weight Class?
Weight Class determines how your character will move. It is divided into 3 groups:
- Fast;
- Normal;
- Heavy.

The weight of the equipment you carry affects your class. When you hover over any equipment item on the inventory screen, a window will appear summarizing the statistics of that item. Its weight is located at the bottom of the window next to the weight icon. When you equip that item, its weight will be added to the total weight of items you wear, which in turn will determine your Weight Class.

You can see the current and maximum possible gear weight in the equipment menu, above the silhouette of your character. At the bottom there is a bar showing where you are currently on the scale. It will help you make a decision on how many more items you need to equip to change the class.
Characters in this class move noticeably faster than heavier warriors. Their dodge takes the form of a quick flash and additionally uses much less stamina. However, to maintain this weight class, you will have to remove some items (e.g. shield) and use lighter substitutes. Light weapons and armor are often characterized by worse statistics.

We recommend playing this type of character to people who value mobility on the battlefield and are not afraid of fighting in a less protecting outfit.
A balanced option. Characters with this weight class can still dodge quite quickly by performing a quick roll. This weight class also has much less restrictions on what your character can wear.

This option will appeal to those who do not want to bother with the limitations of the two extreme options.
In the case of the heavy class, the only concern is your character's maximum equip load. In this state, the hero moves much slower, and their dodge takes the form of a slow roll that consumes a lot of stamina. However, a heavily armored hero can use the special Shoulder Barge skill, during which they ram the opponent, who may be knocked off balance for some time.

This class will appeal to players who like tank characters. However, you will need to get used to the severely limited mobility on the battlefield.
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