Skill trees in NiOh 2


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The hero has access to many abilities and skills in NiOh 2. They have been divided into several categories, which affect different elements of the gameplay. On this page of our guide you will find a description of the skills available in the game.

Skill trees are divided by weapon type and play style - Ninja, Shiftling, Samurai, and Onmyo Magic. Each of them contains a set of different types of passive and active abilities, which you can use during combat. Experience is received separately for each of the ability trees. This means that the more often you use these skills, the faster you will learn new abilities.

Of course, not all abilities are available immediately - most of them are only available when a particular skill has been unlocked - Skill trees in NiOh 2 - Basics - NiOh 2 Guide

Of course, not all abilities are available immediately - most of them are only available when a particular skill has been unlocked. In addition, some abilities have several degrees of advancement, which translates into their effectiveness.

Weapons skills

Each weapon available in the game has its own unique abilities. When you use a particular type of weapon, you will gain further experience points. By collecting them, you can learn new skills.

Weapon skill trees allow you to unlock new types of attacks that can be used in a particular battle stance. With their help, you can make the weapons even more powerful.

Samurai skills

The Samurai's skills are mainly focused on using the Ki impulse and increasing the efficiency of the ranged weapons.




Ki Pulse: Heaven

An active ability that increases the damage for a short time after the Ki bar is fully charged using the Ki pulse. (high stance only)

Basic ability

Ki Pulse: Man

An active ability that is triggered when you restore full Ki with the Ki pulse. Then you don't lose your Ki while blocking the first attack. (mid stance only)

Basic ability

Ki Pulse: Earth

Active ability that negates the Ki cost of the first dodge, after fully charging the Ki bar with the Ki pulse. (low stance only)

Basic ability


Active ability that allows you to switch between stances.

Basic ability


Grab a person who ran out of Ki or a downed Yokai and follow up with a powerful attack.

Stance Ability

Final Blow

With this active skill, you can grab a downed opponent and deliver a powerful blow.

Stance Ability

Ki Pulse

Allows you to restore Ki after performing a combination of attacks.

Stance Ability

Running Water: Heaven

A skill that automatically activates the Ki Pulse when you dodge at the right time. (high stance only)

Ki Pulse: Heaven skill

Purify Yokai Realm: Heaven

Increases the attack power when you perform a purification using a perfectly timed Ki Pulse. (high stance only)

Ki Pulse: Heaven skill

Running Water: Man

A skill that automatically activates the Ki Pulse when you dodge at the right time. (mid stance only)

Ki Pulse: Man

Purify Yokai Realm: Man

Improves your defense when performing purification with a perfectly timed Ki Pulse that restores the maximum Ki (mid stance only)

Ki Pulse: Man

Running Water: Earth

A skill that automatically activates the Ki Pulse when you dodge at the right time. (low stance only)

Ki Pulse: Earth skill

Purify Yokai Realm: Earth

Improves the Ki recovery rate when you perform a purification using a perfectly timed Ki Pulse and restore the maximum amount of Ki (low stance only)

Ki Pulse: Earth skill

Purify Yokai Realm

Activates when you restore the maximum amount of Ki using the Ki Pulse while in the Yokai Realm. Purifies and removes Yokai Realm in your vicinity.

Ki Pulse skill


Changing the stance after the Ki Pulse increases the amount of restored Ki.

Ki Pulse skill

Flux II

This further increases the amount of restored Ki.

Flux skill

Flash Attack

Perform a quick attack when changing weapons after a successful Ki Pulse.

Flux II skill

Deliberate Slice

Increases the maximum amount of Ki that can be restored with a Ki Pulse by 30% for certain active abilities.

Flux II skill

Bowmaster I

Increases bow damage by 5%.

Ki Pulse: Man and Ki Pulse: Heaven skills

Bowmaster II

Increases bow damage by another 3%.

Bowmaster I skill


You can carry 3 extra arrows.

Bowmaster I skill

Matchlock Master I

Increases damage from matchlock weapons by 5%

Bowmaster I skill

Shot Pouch

You can carry 2 extra rounds.

Matchlock Master I skill

Nimble Slice

Reduces damage caused by some active skills by 20%. In return, they consume less Ki.

Running Water: Earth skill

Masterful Slice

Increases the damage done by some active skills by 20%, while increasing Ki consumption.

Running Water: Man skill

Round Carrier

You can carry 1 extra cannon round.

Cannonmaster I

Reckless Slice

Increases the damage caused by some active skills by 10%, but blocks the ability to execute the Ki Pulse.

Running Water: Heaven skill

Hands of Death I

Increases bare-handed attack damage by 20%.

Ki Pulse: Man and Ki Pulse: Earth skills

Hands of Death II

Increases bare-handed attack damage by another 20%.

Hands of Death I

Hands of Death III

Increases bare-handed attack damage by another 20%.

Hands of Death II skill


When a human enemy uses guard, you can take away their weapon and strike. (only in hand-to-hand combat)

Hands of Death I

Damage Boost: Courage

Increases the damage of some active skills based on your Courage. Increases the Ki consumption.

Composure skill

Damage Boost: Magic

Increases the damage of some active skills based on your Magic. Increases the Ki consumption.

Purify Yokai Realm: Earth skill

Damage Boost: Constitution

Increases the damage of some active skills based on your Constitution. Increases the Ki consumption.

Fortitude II skill

Damage Boost: Skill

Increases the damage of some active skills based on your Skill. Increases the Ki consumption.

Bowmaster I and Masterful Slice skills

Damage Boost: Heart

Increases the damage of some active skills based on your Heart. Increases the Ki consumption.

Deliberate Slice skill

Damage Boost: Strength

Increases the damage of some active skills based on your Strength. Increases the Ki consumption.

Reckless Slice skill

Damage Boost: Stamina

Increases the damage of some active skills based on your Stamina. Increases the Ki consumption.

Running Water: Man skill

Damage Boost: Dexterity

Increases the damage of some active skills based on your Dexterity. Increases the Ki consumption.

Nimble Slice skill

Cannonmaster I

Increases damage from cannons by 5%.

Matchlock Master I skill

Fortitude I

Adds 50 health points

Hands of Death I skill

Fortitude II

Adds 30 health points

Fortitude I skill

Fortitude III

Adds 20 health points

Fortitude II and Composure

Ninja Skills

Ninja's abilities allow you to unlock various types of bombs and throwing weapons. This enables you to increase your capabilities associated with ranged combat. It's especially useful against enemies who use melee weapons.





It allows you to ready shurikens.


Shuriken II

Increases the speed of readying shurikens.

Shuriken Ability

Shuriken shooter

With this ability, after throwing a shuriken, pressing the button responsible for this function again allows the next throw to be made.

Shuriken Ability

Kunai I

It allows you to ready kunai.

Shuriken Ability

Makibishi I

It allows you to ready makibishi.

Shuriken Ability

Thrown blade technique I

Increases Shuriken damage by 5%.

Shuriken Shooter ability

Rakansen Coin

It allows you to ready Rakansen coins. Throwing this object doesn't consume it, but it takes away your gold.

Kunai I Ability

Storm Kunai

It allows you to ready Storm Kunai that injures opponents.

Kunai I Ability

Caltrop Ball

It allows the creation of explosives - caltrop balls.

Caltrops I

Fire: Gunpowder Bomb I

It allows you to ready gunpowder bombs that explode and injure opponents.


Smoke Ball I

It allows you to ready smoke balls that will allow you to lose your opponent.

Fire: Gunpowder Bomb I

Shadow arts: Flaming Heron I

It allows you to ready the Flaming Heron's feathers, which inflict damage on the opponent from fire and Ki.

Smoke Ball I

Shadow Arts: Yaroka Water I

It allows you to ready Yaroka Water feathers dealing water and Ki damage.

Smoke Ball I

Fire Shuriken

It allows you to ready fire shurikens - they explode upon touching enemies.

Fire: gunpowder bomb I and Shuriken


Icreases ranged and thrown weapons damage.

Fire: Shuriken


It allows you to ready quick-change scrolls to stop deadly attacks for a period of time.

Shadow Arts: Flaming Heron I, Smoke Ball I, and Shadow Arts: Yaroka Water I


Reduces Ki wear when performing dodges.


Fire: Shrapnel Bomb I

It allows you to ready Shrapnel Bombs - when they explode, they scatter shrapnel.

Fire: Gunpowder Bomb I

Fire: Enhanced Shrapnel Bomb I

Allows you to ready enhanced shrapnel bombs.

Fire: Shrapnel Bomb I

Preparing bombs

Increases gunpowder and shrapnel bomb damage by 6%.

Fire: Enhanced Shrapnel I

Groundfire I

It allows you to ready incendiary traps that explode after a certain amount of time, or after being stepped on by an opponent.

Fire: Gunpowder Bomb I


It increases by 1 the limit of carrying gunpowder and shrapnel bombs.

Groundfire I

Tiger Running I

Allows one to ready Tiger Running scrolls which increase running and dash speed


Catwalking I

It allows one to ready catwalking scrolls, which allow the character to move in total silence (apart from when attacking) and nullifies fall damage.

Tiger-Running I

Sneak Attack

It allows you to attack an unaware opponent from behind.

Tiger-Running I

Sneak Thief

The enemy drops the item when you attack him from behind.

Sneak Attack

Sneak Thief Scroll I

It allows you to ready the Sneak Thief scrolls, make detecting you more difficult.

Catwalk I and Sneak Attack

Kodama Transformation I

It allows you to ready Kodata Transformation scrolls to morph into a green creature. That way your enemies will ignore you.

Sneak Thief I


Reduces Ki wear when performing dashes.

Tiger-Running I


It allows you to ready levitation scrolls that protect you from environmental effects for some time.



Increases the running speed by 3%.


Eagle eye I

Allows you to ready Eagle Eye scrolls, which increase arrow damage when you aim at the enemy long enough

Tiger-Running I

Poison arrows I

It allows you to ready poison arrows.

Eagle Eye I

Stun Arrows I

It allows you to ready stun arrows that paralyze your opponents.

Poison Arrows I


It allows the recovery of arrows that killed the opponent by hitting a weak spot.

Poison Arrows I

Poison: Gallnut Broth I

It allows you to ready Gallnut Broth, which grants "poisoned" effect upon being applied on a weapon.


Poison: Hemlock Broth I

Allows you to ready Hemlock Broth - after its application, your weapon paralyzes the opponents.

Poison: Gallnut Broth I

Poison: Medusa Powder I

Allows you to ready Medusa Powder which releases a poisonous cloud.

Poison: Hemlock Broth I

Medicine: Seven-Herb Pills I

It allows you to ready Seven-Herb Pills that cancel paralysis.

Poison: Hemlock Broth I

Medicine: Power Pill I

It allows you to ready power pills that increase the strength of your attack.

Medicine: Seven-Herb Pills I


Increases the limit of carried potions by 1

Medicine: Seven-Herb Pills I

Paralytic Control I

+5 immunity to paralysis.

Medicine: Seven-Herb Pills I

Poison: Blister-Beetle Powder I

It allows you to ready the blister-beetle powder, which releases poison.

Poison: Gallnut Broth I

Medicine: Anti-Toxin Pill I

It allows you to ready Anti-Toxin Pills that counteract the effects of toxins.

Poison: Gallnut Broth I

Poison Control I

+5 to poison resistance.

Medicine: Anti-Toxin Pill I

Blinding Shell I

It allows you to ready blinding shells, which release a cloud that blind your opponents.

Poison: Blister-Beetle Powder I and Poison: Medusa Powder I

Toxic Groundfire I

It allows you to ready Toxic Groundfire that explodes after a certain amount of time, or after being stepped on by an opponent.

Poison: Blister-Beetle Powder I

Paralytic Groundfire I

It allows you to ready Paralytic Groundfire that explodes after a certain period of time, or after being stepped on by an opponent.

Poison: Medusa Iowder I

Toxic Groundfire I

It allows you to ready Toxic Groundfire traps that explode after a certain period of time, or after being stepped on by an opponent.

Toxic Groundfire I and Paralysis Groundfire I

Ninja Tool Mastery I

It allows faster execution of ninjitsu and prolongs its effects.

Poison: Gallnut Broth I and Tiger-running I

Poison Shuriken

It allows you to ready Poison Shurikens.

Poison: Gallnut Broth I and Shuriken

Paralysis Shuriken

It allows you to ready Paralysis Shurikens.

Poison shuriken

Snakebite Technique

Increases the spread of injuries by 10%

Poison Shuriken and Medicine: Anti-Toxin Pill I


It decreases received poison and fire damage by 6%.

Snakebite Technique

Shiftling skills

The Shiftling abilities focus more on progressing the potency and capabilities of using the Guardian Spirit and Yokai Shift.




Burst Counter: Phantom

You can block enemy's Burst Attack and inflict Ki damage. (Only for Phantom type Guardian Spirit)


Special Finesse: Invigorate

Increases the rate of Ki recovery after successful Burst Counter.

Burst Counter: Phantom skill

Arcana of Serpents

It gives some skills a passive poison effect.

Special Finesse: Invigorate skill

Blood Moon: Yang

After performing a strong attack, you can throw your weapon (only in the Phantom form).

Burst Counter: Phantom skill

Arcana of Water

It gives some skills a passive water element effect.

Blood Moon: Yang skill

Enduring Awakening I

Extends your Yokai weapon's awakening time by 10%

Arcana of Water skill

Desperate Strike

Restores your health by 30% of the damage dealt with certain active skills when your health is dangerously low

Enduring Awakening I skill

Blood Moon: Yin

Allows you to perform a targeted throw with your weapon. After a hit, you will be transported close to the opponent (only the Phantom form)

Burst Counter: Phantom skill

Demonic Defense I

It reduces the depletion of the Yokai Shift bar by 20% when guarding in the Yokai form.

Blood Moon: Yin skill

Soul Atrophy I

Yokai skills reduce enemy Ki by additional 3%

Arcana of Serpents and Arcana of Water skills

Arcana of Power

It gives some active skills the Corruption element.

Soul Atrophy I skill

Arcana of the dead

Increases damage (also from Ki) inflicted by some active skills. In return, you will lose all the elemental effects of that skill.

Soul Atrophy I skill

Burst Counter: Brute

Allows you to attack the enemy and inflict Ki damage. (Only for Brute type Guardian Spirit)


Demonic Tenacity I

Reduces Yokai Shift consumption rate by 10% when you receive damage while in the Yokai form

Burst Counter: Brute skill

Murderous Strike

Restores 5% of maximum health when you defeat an opponent using some active abilities

Demonic Tenacity I skill

Fang Break

Allows you to deflect the attack and stun the enemy (only for Brute type Guardian Spirit)

Burst Counter: Brute skill

Demonic Destruction I

Reduces Yokai Shift consumption rate by 10% when you perform attacks in the Yokai form

Fang Break skill

Raging Strike

Increases damage inflicted by some active skills by 20%. In return, you will receive damage for using them

Demonic Destruction I skill

Fiendish Maw I

Restore health when you grab an enemy while using the Yokai transformation

Burst Counter: Brute skill

Arcana of Fire

It gives some skills a passive fire element effect.

Fiendish Maw skill

Hasten Awakening I

Increases the speed at which your Yokai weapon gains Sentience by 10%

Arcana of Fire skill

Mercenary Strike

Increases item drop rate by 10% when you defeat an opponent with some active skills

Hasten Awakening I skill

Special Finesse: Recuperate I

When you do a successful Burst Counter and your health is dangerously low, you will recover 20% of your health

Murderous Strike and Arcana of Fire skills

Curative Cores I

Restores 40% of your health when you get a Soul Core

Special Finesse: Recuperate I skill

Ravenous Strike

Restores your health by 1% of the damage dealt with certain active skills

Special Finesse: Recuperate I skill

Guardian Bond: Light I

Increases damage inflicted by guardian spirit abilities by 5%

Blood Moon: Yang and Fiendish Maw skills

Feline Friend I

Scampuss accompanies you 10% longer

Guardian Bond: Light I skill

Burst Counter: Feral

Use 1 Amina to perform a dodge and leave an afterimage. Allows you to perform a follow-up attack and deal immense Ki damage if an enemy's Burst Attack comes into contact with your afterimage



Allows to dodge during fast attack (only in Feral form)

Burst Counter: Feral skill


Allows you to execute a quick attack just after using the Shadowstep (only in Feral form)

Shadowstep skill

Demonic Dexterity I

Reduces Yokai Shift consumption rate by 10% when you perform dodges in the Yokai form

Burst Counter: Feral skill

Arcana of Lightning

It gives some skills a passive lightning element effect.

Demonic Dexterity I skill

Demonic Acumen I

Increases item drop rate by 5% when using Yokai Shift

Arcana of Lightning skill

Quelling Requiem I

Increases the drop rate of Soul Cores by 3%

Demonic Acumen I skill

Dark Acumen I

Increases the drop rate of items by 2% while in the Dark Realm.

Burst Counter: Feral skill

Dark Vitality I

Increases the amount of restored health by 10% when you are in the Dark Realm

Dark Acumen I skill

Arcana of Vermin

It gives some skills a passive paralysis effect.

Dark Vitality I skill

Leechkin I

When you damage your opponents with Yokai skills, you recover 3% of your health

Arcana of Vermin skill

Special Finesse: Refresh I

Recover 40% of Ki when you perform a successful Burst Counter

Shadowstab and Arcana of Lightning

Earth Vein I

Increases the maximum Amina level by 0.5

Special Finesse: Refresh I skill

Special Finesse: Focus

Increases the damage inflicted by your next Yokai skill when you perform a successful Burst Counter

Special Finesse: Refresh I skill

Devour Yokai Realm I

Increases the Amina when you purify a Yokai Realm with a perfectly timed Ki Pulse and regain the maximum possible amount of Ki


Absorb Yokai Realm I

Allows the use of Yokai skills in Yokai Realm to purify it and increases Amina by 0.7

Devour Yokai Realm I skill

The Dragon's Echo I

Restores 5% of the Amina spent on using Yokai skills, if its type matches your guardian spirit

Absorb Yokai Realm I skill

The Yokai Within I

Reduces penalty to Ki regeneration by 15% when you are in Yokai Realm

Devour Yokai Realm I skill

The Dark Within I

Reduces Ki renewal penalty by 15% when you are in Dark Realm

The Yokai Within skill

Silver Lining I

Increases your Luck in the Dark Realm by 5

The Dark Within?( skill

Demonic Discipline I

Increases the duration of Yokai Shift by 7%

Devour Yokai Realm I skill

Demonic Ascension I

Increases the amount of Amrita gained when using the Yokai Shift by 5%

Demonic Discipline I skill

Imperious Strike

Increases the amount of Amina gained when you hit an opponent with certain active skills by 50%

Demonic Ascension and The Dragon's Echo I

Dragon Vein I

Increases the amount of Amina obtained by 3%

Imperious Strike skill

Dark Discipline I

Increases the duration of Yokai Shift while in Dark Realm by 14%

Demonic Discipline I and Dark Acumen I skills

Dark Ascension I

Increases the amount of received Amrita in Dark Realm by 3%

Dark Discipline I skill

Guardian Bond: Aether

Creates a shock wave that is released after using Yokai Shift by using an element specific to your guardian spirit.

The Yokai Within I and Fang Break skills

Refulgent Strike

Increases the amount of Amrita earned when defeating an enemy with certain active skills by 100%

Guardian Bond: Aether skill

Onmyo Magic skills

Onmyo's Magic skills are mainly based on the use of various talismans. By using them you can apply different effects that inflict additional damage.




Purification Talisman I

You can make purification talismans, which apply the purity effect to the weapon and inflict additional Ki damage to Yokai


Resistance Talisman I

Allows you to prepare resistance talismans that increase resistance to poisons and paralysis

Purification Talisman I skill

Steel Talisman I

Allows you to prepare steel talismans that enhance your defense

Resistance Talisman I skill

Resistance Decree

It increases the power of the resistance talisman - its effects will also affect nearby allies

Resistance Talisman I skill

Protection Talisman I

Allows you to prepare protection talismans that nullify a certain amount of damage received.

Steel Talisman I skill

Steel Decree

It increases the power of the steel talisman - its effects will also affect nearby allies

Steel Talisman I skill

Evil Ward I

Reduces damage received from Yokai by 1%

Protection Talisman I skill

Protection Decree

It increases the power of the protection talisman - its effects will also affect nearby allies

Protection Talisman I skill

Pure Mind I

Increases Yokai Realm resistance by 10%

Purification Talisman I skill

Divination Talisman I

Allows you to make divination talismans, which increase the compass's detection ability

Purification Talisman I skill

Pleiades Talisman I

Allows you to make Pleiades talismans, which increase the speed of filling up the Amrita bar

Divination Talisman I skill

Extraction Talisman I

Allows you to prepare extraction talismans thanks to which you can steal Amrita every time you hit an opponent

Pleiades Talisman I skill

Wealthbringer Talismans I

The skill allows you to prepare wealthbringer talismans that increase the amount of gold you earn

Extraction Talisman I skill

Vital Spirit I

+2% to Amrita

Pleiades Talisman I and Extraction Talisman I skills

Lightning Talisman I

Allows you to prepare lightning talismans, which imbue your weapon with this element


Gust Talisman I

Allows you to prepare a gust talisman that surrounds you with the wind. This barrier will deflect projectiles for a limited time.

Lightning Talisman I skill

Cutting Blast Talisman I

The ability allows you to prepare cutting blast talismans that can emit shockwaves

Gust Talisman I skill

Blessed Bolt Talisman I

The ability allows you to prepare blessed bolt talismans, which allow you to fire a divine arrow that hits an opponent's weak spot

Gust Talisman I skill

Guardian Spirit Talisman I

Allows you to prepare guardian spirit talismans, which allow you to summon the guardian spirit to attack enemies

Blessed Bolt Talisman I skill

Lightning Shot Talisman I

Allows you to prepare lightning shot talismans, which shoot a ball of energy to at enemies

Lightning Talisman I skill

Thunderstorm Shot Talisman I

Allows you to prepare thunderstorm shot talismans thanks to which you to control lightning element

Lightning Shot Talisman I skill

Lightning Shikigami I

Allows you to prepare lightning shinigami - objects that, when touched by an opponent, release lightning and inflict damage

Lightning Shot Talisman I skill

Shockwave Talisman I

Allows you to prepare shockwave talismans, which release a wave that inflicts damage with every Ki Pulse

Thunderstorm Shot Talisman I and Cutting Blast Talisman I skills

Incantation Mastery I

Increases Onmyo Magic capacity by 3

Shockwave Talisman I skill

Ki Burst Talisman I

Allows you to prepare Ki Burst talismans, which release an explosion of Ki energy that injures nearby opponents.

Shockwave Talisman I skill

Lifeseal Talisman I

Allows you to prepare lifeseal talismans, which slow your opponent's Ki restoration

Shockwave Talisman I skill

Lightningstop Talisman I

Allows you to prepare lightningstop talismans which increase resistance to lightning

Lightning Talisman I skill

Lightningbreak I

+5 to lightning resistance

Lightningstop Talisman I skill

Lightningstop Decree

It increases the power of the lightningstop talisman - its effects will also affect nearby allies

Lightningstop Talisman I skill

Earthfolding Talisman

Allows you to prepare earthfolding talismans that take you back to the last shrine you have prayed at

Lightningstop Decree and Lightningbreak I skills

Water Talisman I

Allows you to prepare water talismans, which make your weapon deal additional damage from this element


Water Shot Talisman I

Allows you to prepare water shot talismans, which shoot a water ball at enemies

Water Talisman I skill

Geyser Shot Talisman I

Allows you to prepare geyser shot talismans, which summon a water stream that inflicts damage

Water Shot Talisman I skill

Water Shikigami I

Allows you to prepare water shikigami - objects that, when touched by an opponent, inflict water element damage

Water Shot Talisman I skill

Life Leech Talisman I

Allows you to prepare life leech talismans, which cause wounded enemies to drop vitality. You can absorb it to regenerate your health.

Water Talisman I skill

Oasis Talisman I

Allows you to prepare oasis talismans that heal nearby allies

Life Leech Talisman I skill

Rejuvenation Talisman I

Allows you to prepare rejuvenation talismans that slowly restore your health

Oasis Talisman I skill

Panacea Curefast I

Increases the amount of health recovered from potions by 5%

Rejuvenation Talisman I skill

Rejuvenation Decree

It increases the power of the rejuvenation talisman - its effects will also affect nearby allies

Rejuvenation Talisman I skill

Waterstop Talisman I

Allows you to prepare waterstop talismans that increase water resistance

Water Talisman I skill

Waterbreak I

+5 to water resistance

Waterstop Talisman I skill

Waterstop Decree

It increases the power of the waterstop talisman - its effects will also affect nearby allies

Waterstop Talisman I skill

Fire Talisman I

Allows you to prepare fire talismans, which make your weapon deal additional damage from this element


Fire Shot Talisman I

Allows you to prepare water shot talismans, which shoot a fire ball at enemies

Fire Talisman I skill

Fire Shikigami I

Allows you to prepare water shikigami - objects that, when touched by an opponent, inflict fire element damage

Fire Shot Talisman I skill

Fire Familiar Talisman I

Allows you to prepare fire familiar talismans, which summon several fireballs rotating around the character

Fire Shikigami I skill

Soul Release Talisman I

Allows you to prepare soul release talismans, which reduce the weapon familiarity to 0 (provided it is bigger than 300) and turns it into a blade of light

Fire Familiar Talisman I skill

Soul Purge Talisman I

Allows you to prepare soul purge talismans, which reduce the weapon familiarity to 0 (provided it is bigger than 300) and increase attack strength and luck

Fire Familiar Talisman I skill

Firestop Talisman I

Allows you to prepare firestop talismans that increase fire resistance

Fire Talisman I skill

Devigorate Talisman I

Allows you to prepare devigorate talismans, which reduce the strength of enemy attacks

Fire Talisman I skill

Firebreak I

+5 to fire resistance

Firestop Talisman I skill

Firebreak Decree

It increases the power of the firestop talisman - its effects will also affect nearby allies

Firestop Talisman I skill

Explosive Shot Talisman I

Allows you to prepare explosive shot talismans, which shoot a fire ball at enemies

Fire Shot Talisman I skill

Sensory Overload Talisman I

Allows you to prepare sensory overload talismans - when an enemy gets killed, knocked down or burned, they explode

Devigorate Talisman I and Explosive Shot Talisman I skills


Cast Onmyo Spells faster

Fire Talisman I and Purification Talisman I skills

Archyokai Talisman I

Allows you to prepare Archyokai talismans, which increase the amount of Amrita gained for a limited time

Firestop Talisman I and Divination Talisman I skills

Carnage Talisman I

Allows you to prepare carnage talismans, which lower your defence but increase the melee attack strength

Archyokai Talisman I skill

Pure Heaven Cursed Earth

Extends purification range

Purification Talisman I and Lightning Talisman I skills

Sloth Talisman I

Allows you to prepare sloth talismans that slow down the opponent

Pure Mind I and the Pure Heaven Cursed Earth

Barrier Talisman I

Allows you to prepare barrier talismans that increase Ki restoration and allow you to purify Yokai Realm by touching it

Pure Heaven Cursed Earth skill

Spirit Water I

Increases duration of Sacred Water by 20%

Barrier Talisman I skill

Sanctity Talisman I

Allows you to prepare sanctity talismans that negate all status effects

Barrier Talisman I skill

Barrier Decree

It increases the power of the barrier talisman - its effects will also affect nearby allies

Barrier Talisman I skill


Increases sacred water limit that can be carried by 2

Sanctity Talisman I skill


Prolongs the effects of Onmyo items

Lightning Talisman I and Water Talisman I skills

Luckbringer Talisman I

Allows you to prepare luckbringer talismans, which help in finding rare objects

Water Talisman I and Fire Talisman I skills

Weakness Talisman I

Allows you to prepare weakness talismans that reduce the opponent's defense

Waterstop Talisman I and Weakness Talisman I skills

Talisman of the Fist I

Allows you to prepare talisman of the fist, which amplifies the power of bare handed attacks

Weakness Talisman I skill

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