Side-Ops missions walkthroughs (21-30)
Mission 21 - Extract the Highly-Skilled Soldier 11
Mission objectives: Knock out and exfiltrate a Highly-Skilled Soldier.
Availability: this mission unlocks automatically as you progress through the game (you have to unlock the map of Africa) and complete side ops.
Location: Munoko ya Nioka Station in Africa.

Description: It is best to reach Munoko ya Nioka Station from the northern side, because this is the part where the Highly-Skilled Soldier should be. The target is shown on the picture above. At least one person is escorting the soldier. You can clear out a given part of the base and attack the target, or wait until the soldier goes to a place where there are not many enemies. In both cases, you should sneak to the opponents from behind, then knock out the bodyguard and lastly deal with the main target.
Rewards: 100000 GMP, new member of the base personnel
Mission 22 - Extract the Highly-Skilled Soldier 12
Mission objectives: Knock out and exfiltrate a Highly-Skilled Soldier.
Availability: this mission unlocks automatically as you progress through the game (you have to unlock the map of Africa) and complete side ops.
Location: the area to the east of guard post number 13 in Africa.

Description: Carefully start searching the area to the east of guard post number 13. Your target is a sniper shown on the picture above. There is another sniper with him. Start crawling towards the enemies. You should crawl in the area that is currently out of their range of view (watch out for the regular soldiers patrolling the area!). After reaching your destination, you can use a gun with non-lethal ammunition or quickly deal with the enemies in melee combat.
Rewards: 100000 GMP, new member of the base personnel
Mission 23 - Extract the Highly-Skilled Soldier 13
Mission objectives: You have to stun and extract a highly-skilled soldier.
Availability: This mission should automatically unlock with your progress in the main storyline and by completing other secondary missions.
Location: Area near the 25th outpost, and the Spugmay Keep in Afghanistan.

Description: The highly-trained soldier you are looking for is a sniper and he is stationed between the 25th outpost and the Spugmay Keep. The hill occupied by the sniper is marked on the above screenshot. Start crawling towards the enemy (while watching out for two soldiers patrolling the nearby road), or get to the enemy from behind. When you get to the enemy, knock him down and fulton to your base.
Rewards: 120000 GMP, new crew member.
Mission 24 - Extract the Highly-Skilled Soldier 14
Mission objectives: Knock out and exfiltrate a Highly-Skilled Soldier.
Availability: this mission unlocks automatically as you progress through the game (you have to unlock the map of Africa) and complete side ops.
Location: Afghanistan Central Base Camp

Description: The Highly-Skilled Soldier is a sniper located in Afghanistan Central Base Camp. His exact location is shown in the picture above - it is the roof of the building next to the rifle range.

When heading towards the sniper's location, make sure that you are not seen by him, because besides raising an alarm, he can easily kill the hero. Choosing the main path is not a very good idea. It is better to circle the rifle range from the left and approach the building with your target safely. You can neutralize the two guards or wait until they go away. Find a locked gate, open it and reach the stairs leading to the roof. Lastly, sneak up to the sniper, knock him out and Fulton him.
Rewards: 120000 GMP, new member of the base personnel
Mission 25 - Extract the Highly-Skilled Soldier 15
Mission objectives: Knock out and exfiltrate a Highly-Skilled Soldier.
Availability: this mission unlocks automatically as you progress through the game (you have to unlock the map of Africa) and complete side ops.
Location: Lufwa Valley in Africa.

Description: Your destination is a large mansion in Lufwa Valley, which you've visited when completing the thirtieth main mission (Code Talker). You can approach the mansion from the south-west or from the north-west. In both cases, you should watch out for the enemies that you can meet on the way (for example near the wooden bridge to the south of the mansion). Moreover, there is a sniper located on a hill to the west of the house (shown on the picture above). Eliminating him is your priority.

Highly-Skilled Soldier is busy patrolling the balconies above. You can see him on the picture above. Carefully approach the mansion and use any of the stairs (or the ladder) to get to higher levels. Find a good place to prepare an ambush and wait until your target appears. Knock him out and Fulton him quickly. After that, leave the area before somebody detects you.
Rewards: 140000 GMP, a new member of the base personnel
Mission 26 - Extract the Highly-Skilled Soldier 16
Mission objectives: Knock out and exfiltrate a Highly-Skilled Soldier.
Availability: this mission unlocks automatically as you progress through the game and complete side ops.
Location: OKB Zero in Afghanistan.

Description: Highly-Skilled Soldier in this mission is located in OKB Zero. Infiltrating the base is very complicated, so you should read the walkthrough to mission 30 (Skull Face). All the details, like for example avoiding snipers and going past the main gates are described there. You have to reach the area behind the second main gate. The default location of your target is shown on the picture above. Unfortunately, he has a large escort. You can start eliminating the soldiers (start from the ones patrolling the balconies and the wall) or wait until your target sets out to patrol the territory and attack him when he is only with one other soldier. No matter which option you choose, remember not to kill your target.
Rewards: 180000 GMP, new member of the base personnel
Mission 27 - Prisoner Extraction 01
Mission objectives: Find and extract the prisoner.
Availability: This mission becomes available automatically thanks to your progress into the game and to completing the rest of the side missions.
Location: Eastern Communications Post.

Walkthrough: Reach the Eastern Communications Post. You do not need to secure all of it, although this would make things easier. The prisoner is in the building shown in the above screenshot, in the South-Western part of the base.

The prisoner is being guarded by, at least, two soldiers. Start by sneaking up from behind to the opponent by the crumbled wall, grapple him and knock him down. Jump into the building and deal with the other guard by the entrance. You can now lift the prisoner and carry him out of the building. Place him down on the ground and request fultoning (extraction by the balloon to the Mother Base).
Rewards: 30000 GMP, new crew member
Mission 28 - Prisoner Extraction 02
Mission objectives: Find and extract the prisoner.
Availability: This mission becomes available automatically thanks to your progress into the game and completing the rest of the side missions.
Location: Da Shago Kallai village.

Walkthrough: Go to Da Shago Kallai village. The prisoner is being kept in its center and, as a result of getting there, you need to neutralize, or sneak past, several soldiers. The prisoner is in the place shown in the above screenshots - it is the room at the upper floor of the main building. Pick the prisoner up, carry him outside and make sure that you are under the sky. Only then, fulton him (extract him using the balloon to the Mother Base).
Rewards: 30000 GMP, new crew member
Mission 29 - Prisoner Extraction 03
Mission objectives: You have to find and extract a prisoner.
Availability: This mission should automatically unlock with your progress in the main storyline and by completing other secondary missions.
Location: Afghanistan Central Base Camp.

Description: try to get to the Afghanistan Central Base Camp without alarming the enemies, because when that happens, you will have a hard time completing your objective. Your target is kept hostage in a tent which can be seen on the above screenshot, located in the Western section of the camp (you can use D-Dog to find him). Clear the area around the said tent, carry the captive outside and fulton him to your base.
Rewards: 60000 GMP, new crew member.
Mission 30 - Prisoner Extraction 04
Mission objectives: You have to find and extract a prisoner.
Availability: This mission should automatically unlock with your progress in the main storyline and by completing other secondary missions.
Location: Mountain Relay Base in Afghanistan.

Description: the best way to get into the Mountain Relay Base is to go from the Western side, as the prisoner is kept to the West of the large bridge. You should eliminate all the enemies you happen to stumble upon, and be extra careful while doing so, as some of them carry sniper rifles. Locate the prisoner (D-Dog can help you with that as usual), carry him to a place where you can fulton him and send him to the Mother Base.
Rewards: 60000 GMP, new crew member.
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