Mission 5: Happy Tet Day - p. 2
New objective: Mine the howitzers. [3/3]
A third howitzer is in [12], but before you reach it, silently kill a guard in [11] and after that, throw a knife at the second guard in [12] standing next to the third howitzer (he can be seen in the picture below). Put the explosive charge in the howitzer. You'll execute the next to last objective of this mission. Additionally, clear some parts of the base of enemy soldiers and vehicles, which will help your allies perform the attack. Start by quietly finishing off three guards - in [13], [14] and [15] (watch out for the guards patrolling the trenches and the tank in [16] - don't go into his field of view!).

New objective: Eliminate engineer officers.
It's time for the enemies in the trenches. Make sure one of your men has at least two knives (if he doesn't, give him a knife that belongs to somebody else in your team). Order him to lie down at the entrance to the trench in [17] in a way shown in the picture below. Your soldier should wait for the first and then the second guard patiently - just as the latter comes into the range of throw, kill him with a knife. Immediately, choose the second knife as the main weapon and run to the first guard, who will start moving away. You have to kill him before he turns left - you can slow down the game to make this task easier.
![Collect all the knives and eliminate two guards standing in [18] and [19] - do it before the next pair of patrolling enemies comes here - Mission 5: Happy Tet Day - p. 2 - North Vietnamese - Men of War: Vietnam - Game Guide and Walkthrough](/menofwarvietnam/gfx/word/961684312.jpg)
Collect all the knives and eliminate two guards standing in [18] and [19] - do it before the next pair of patrolling enemies comes here. Hide in [19], exactly in the same spot where the guard was standing previously. Select another soldier from your squad and place him in [20]. Look at the one in [19] and wait until the abovementioned pair comes to the place. Let the first guard leave, wait for a while, and when the second starts going away, sneak past him and kill him with a knife. Save your game.
![Select a second soldier from [20] and place him exactly in the position, which is shown in the picture below - Mission 5: Happy Tet Day - p. 2 - North Vietnamese - Men of War: Vietnam - Game Guide and Walkthrough](/menofwarvietnam/gfx/word/961684328.jpg)
Select a second soldier from [20] and place him exactly in the position, which is shown in the picture below. Wait for the first guard who will come from [19] to [20]. He will stop and wait for a moment, then start to come back - immediately slow your game, lean out and throw a knife at him. No one should hear anything. Take two knives and quietly kill the guards standing in [21] and [22]. You won't have any trouble with them.
![Now, there's quite a challenge ahead - killing four guards standing in [23] simultaneously - Mission 5: Happy Tet Day - p. 2 - North Vietnamese - Men of War: Vietnam - Game Guide and Walkthrough](/menofwarvietnam/gfx/word/961684343.jpg)
Now, there's quite a challenge ahead - killing four guards standing in [23] simultaneously. To be more effective, group your men using Shift key and the numbers from 1 to 4, which will allow you to act more quickly. Order them to lie down in positions shown in the picture below. Select a knife as the main weapon for everyone (also, make sure each of your men has at least one). Slow down the game and remember to keep your mouse cursor on targets, or (after you've given the order to throw a knife) in the vicinity of another target. This way, your soldiers will not lose time on aiming. One opponent stands on the left, the other three are on the right. Before the entire operation, of course, save the game, and be careful when taking the aforementioned positions - enemies who are about to be killed by you mustn't see you.
![A similar task awaits you in [24] and [25], except that here two pairs of soldiers are at a distance from each other - the first is near the boxes and the second near the tank - Mission 5: Happy Tet Day - p. 2 - North Vietnamese - Men of War: Vietnam - Game Guide and Walkthrough](/menofwarvietnam/gfx/word/961684359.jpg)
A similar task awaits you in [24] and [25], except that here two pairs of soldiers are at a distance from each other - the first is near the boxes and the second near the tank. Place your men in a way shown in the picture below, save your game, slow it down and perform the simultaneous killing of the four enemy soldiers using hotkeys. Make sure enemies will not manage to scream - it is usually the equivalent of raising the alarm, but not always. Also, to hit two enemies at the same time, place one of your men closer and another further from each pair of enemies. Let the one who's further throw first and immediately after that order the one who's closer to also throw a knife at the second enemy. In this way, the two knives should reach targets simultaneously.
![Another pair, which is going to be killed this way, is standing by a tank in [26] - Mission 5: Happy Tet Day - p. 2 - North Vietnamese - Men of War: Vietnam - Game Guide and Walkthrough](/menofwarvietnam/gfx/word/961684375.jpg)
Another pair, which is going to be killed this way, is standing by a tank in [26]. Here, however, you must watch out for the tank in [25], as its field of view is directed towards the opponents that you must kill. Yet, you can crawl near the enemies without alerting the tank and both of the enemies (look at picture below). Again, place one of your men closer and another further from the pair of enemies and see to it that their knives hit the targets at the same time.
![There will be no difficulty in eliminating the next four opponents in [27] and [28] - the first is on the watchtower - Mission 5: Happy Tet Day - p. 2 - North Vietnamese - Men of War: Vietnam - Game Guide and Walkthrough](/menofwarvietnam/gfx/word/961684390.jpg)
There will be no difficulty in eliminating the next four opponents in [27] and [28] - the first is on the watchtower. You must save the game before throwing a knife at him in case you miss. What's more, you'll lose this knife. However, you'll no longer need it, because you have three knives left. Another two enemies are in the trenches and the last one is standing near the gate. Get back into the base and crawl close to the junk next to the tanks [29]. Then, when the time is right, go behind the rocks [30] - when one of the two patrolling guards goes away. You need to hurry, because another one will come here shortly.

Hide two men with knives in the position shown in the picture below. Wait for one of the guards until he comes out from behind a rock and throw a knife at him. Choose another soldier and order him to lie down just in front of the entrance to the trench next to the rocks. Wait for another guard and throw a knife at him as well. You should kill him before he notices you, even though he's already facing you.
![Pick up the knives and use them to eliminate a few more enemies - the first, standing by the building next to the rocks, the second on the watchtower in [31] (you will lose a second knife), and then two sleeping on the junk in [32] and [33] - Mission 5: Happy Tet Day - p. 2 - North Vietnamese - Men of War: Vietnam - Game Guide and Walkthrough](/menofwarvietnam/gfx/word/961684421.jpg)
Pick up the knives and use them to eliminate a few more enemies - the first, standing by the building next to the rocks, the second on the watchtower in [31] (you will lose a second knife), and then two sleeping on the junk in [32] and [33]. But watch out for enemies patrolling the trenches and make sure that sleeping enemies won't notice you when you start crawling towards them. Save your game and have two men with knives stand in front of the officers' tent in [34]. Kill the two officers simultaneously (in a way you eliminated pairs of enemies before) to complete another mission objective. However, don't alarm the enemies, because there is still one thing left to do.

New objective: Destroy the howitzers.
Before you execute this new mission objective, first go to [35] and search the boxes. You'll find some explosives there. Give one charge to each of your three men and save your game. Place each of your men a few yards from the back of each of the enemy tanks in [26], [25] and [16]. In this order and having your game slowed down, place an explosive charge under the back of each of the three tanks. Having placed the explosive charge, each of your men will automatically go away. Select all of your soldiers and group them in one place (watch out for explosions). Then, destroy the howitzers using the button in the lower right corner of the screen (above the command icons) and finally... run away as soon as possible to [36]!

New objective: Help capture the base, avoiding heavy casualties among allies.
New objective: Do not lose the helicopter.
Order your men to lie down in [36] and simply speed up the game. Wait until the allied troops break through the enemy defences. You have depleted the enemy forces and destroyed all vehicles, so you don't have to worry about the allies. But try to keep moving and staying right behind them and finally, when the area around the helicopter is clear, place your men in [37]. Order them to lie down and change the mode of firing to "Fire at will". Now, you just have to wait until the officers and pilots run out of the building (you are lying next to it). They'll want to get into the helicopter and escape, but you can't let this happen. Wait patiently and save your game often, to avoid missing the crucial moment. After killing the commanders and pilots, the last mission in this campaign and the campaign itself will be completed.

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