Eliminate German Commander | Operation Husky MoH: Airborne Guide
Last update: 11 May 2016
I guess I won't have to add a completely new map here, because you won't leave this area until an enemy sniper has been neutralized. Taking him out will only take a few seconds, however you must be very careful in order to avoid receiving any injuries.
Reaching your target:
First of all, you should be crouching here, so the enemy sniper won't be able to see you right away. Otherwise he would have started firing at you. There's a sniper rifle to the left, next to the dead soldier. Pick it up (Springfield rifle). It would be wise to drop a standard rifle here, because you'll need the Thompson later during the course of this mission. Head on to the left window. Zoom in the view and lean out carefully. You shouldn't have any major problems finding the commander. Kill him with a single shot. I'd strongly recommend that you take the Springfield with you, because it's one of the most useful weapons of this game.