Injustice Gods Among Us: Lex Luthor - power, special moves, combos
Power. Lex Luthor uses a shield which absorbs a part of the damage dealt to him. The shield will become more powerful the longer you hold the power button.
Super move. Lex Luthor's super move begins with a short combo. The necessary condition which you have to meet is hit with one of the three first and the fourth attack which begin the super move. You should consider the rather hard beginning of the super move if you plan on implementing it into a combo. It's best to launch it after one of the basic combos like [1],[1] or [2],[2] or <+[2],[3].
Special moves
Name | Combination | No of hits | Damage | Additional |
Gravity Pull | v<[1] | 2 | 11 | Knockdown |
Gravity Pull | v<[1],R | 1 | 4 | Stun |
Gravity Mine | vvX, | 1 | 5 | Stun |
Gravity Mine | vvX,R | 2 | 10 | Stun, juggle |
Close Gravity Mine | vvX,< | 1 | 5 | Stun |
Close Gravity Mine | vvX,<,R | 2 | 10 | Stun, juggle |
Far Gravity Mine | vvX,> | 1 | 5 | Stun |
Far Gravity Mine | vvX,>,R | 2 | 10 | Stun, juggle |
Orbital Strike | v>[3] | 1 | 8 | Unblockable |
Orbital Strike | v>[3],R | 3 | 14 | Unblockable, juggle |
Lex Probe | v<[3] | 1 | 2 | Probe shot |
Lex Probe | v<[3],R | 2 | 4 | Probe shot |
Lance Blast | v>[2] | 1 | 3 | Shot |
Up Lance Blast | v<[2] | 1 | 3 | Shot |
Corp Charge (also in the air) | <>[1] | 1 | 9 | Knockdown |
Basic attacks
Name | Combination | No of hits | Dmg. | Additional | Hits |
Mad Man | [2],[2] | 2 | 4 | Open | mm |
Criminal Mind | [2],[2],[1] | 3 | 8 | Open | mma |
Prototype | [2],[2],[3] | 3 | 10 | Open | mmm |
Highest Currency | <+[2],[3] | 2 | 5 | Open | ll |
Die Hard | [1],[2] | 2 | 8 | Open | mm |
World Domination | [1],[2],[3] | 3 | 16 | Knockdown | mmm |
Early Triumph | [1],[1] | 2 | 8 | Open | mm |
New Destiny | [1],[1],<+[3] | 3 | 14 | Knockdown | mml |
Evil Scientist | [1],[1],v+[2] | 3 | 12 | Knockdown | mma |
LexCorp | <+[1],^+[3] | 2 | 12 | Knockdown | am |
Megalomania | <+[1],^+[3],v+[3] | 3 | 16 | Knockdown | amm |
Combo attacks
Combination | No of hits | Dmg. | Beginning hits |
[2],[2]; v<[1] | 4 | 14 | mm |
[2],[2]; <>[1] | 3 | 12 | mm |
[2],[2]; v<[1],R; [2],[2]; <>[1] | 6 | 18 | mm |
[2],[2]; v<[1],R; >+[3]; [1],[1]; v<[1] | 8 | 28 | mm |
[2],[2]; v<[1],R; <+[3]; ^+>,[1]; >+[1]; v<[1] | 8 | 32 | mm |
[2],[2],[1]; v<[1] | 5 | 17 | mma |
[2],[2],[1]; <>[1] | 4 | 16 | mma |
[2],[2],[1]; v<[1],R; [1],[1]; <>[1] | 7 | 24 | mma |
[2],[2],[1]; v<[1],R; <+[3]; ^+>,[1]; >+[1]; v<[1] | 9 | 34 | mma |
[2],[2],[3]; v<[1] | 5 | 18 | mmm |
[2],[2],[3]; <>[1] | 4 | 17 | mmm |
[2],[2],[3]; v<[1],R; [1],[1]; v<[1] | 8 | 25 | mmm |
[2],[2],[3]; v<[1],R; <+[3]; ^+>,[1]; >+[1]; v<[1] | 9 | 33 | mmm |
<+[2],[3]; v<[1] | 4 | 14 | ll |
<+[2],[3]; <>[1] | 3 | 13 | ll |
<+[2],[3]; v<[1],R; [1],[2],[3] | 6 | 22 | ll |
<+[2],[3]; v<[1],R; >+[3]; [1],[1]; v<[1] | 8 | 29 | ll |
<+[2],[3]; v<[1],R; >+[3]; ^+>,[1]; >+[1]; v<[1] | 8 | 33 | ll |
[1],[2]; v<[1] | 4 | 17 | mm |
[1],[2]; <>[1] | 3 | 16 | mm |
[1],[2]; v<[1],R; [1],[2]; v<[1] | 7 | 26 | mm |
[1],[2]; v<[1],R; >+[3]; [1],[1]; v<[1] | 8 | 32 | mm |
[1],[2]; v<[1],R; <+[3]; ^+>,[1]; >+[1]; v<[1] | 8 | 36 | mm |
[1],[1]; v<[1] | 4 | 17 | mm |
[1],[1]; <>[1] | 3 | 16 | mm |
[1],[1]; v<[1],R; [1],[1]; <>[1] | 6 | 25 | mm |
[1],[1]; v<[1],R; [1],[2],[3] | 6 | 25 | mm |
[1],[1]; v<[1],R; >+[3]; [1],[1]; v<[1] | 8 | 32 | mm |
[1],[1]; v<[1],R; <+[3]; ^+>,[1]; >+[1]; v<[1] | 8 | 36 | mm |
>+[1]; v<[1] | 3 | 19 | a |
>+[1]; <>[1] | 2 | 17 | a |
>+[1]; v<[1],R | 2 | 13 | a |
>+[1]; v<[1],R; >+[3]; >+[1]; v<[1] | 6 | 34 | a |
>+[1]; v<[1],R; <+[3]; ^+>,[1]; >+[1]; v<[1] | 7 | 37 | a |
^+>,[1]; [1],[2],[3] | 4 | 21 | a |
^+>,[1]; >+[1]; v<[1] | 4 | 24 | a |
^+>,[1]; >+[1]; <>[1] | 3 | 22 | a |
^+>,[1]; >+[1]; v<[1],R; >+[1]; v<[1] | 6 | 33 | a |
v>[3],R; >>; [1],[1]; <>[1] (less than the jump) | 6 | 26 | Unb. |
v>[3],R; >>; [1],[1]; v<[1] (less than the jump) | 7 | 27 | Unb. |
v>[3],R; >>; >+[1]; <>[1] (less than the jump) | 5 | 27 | Unb. |
v>[3],R; >>; >+[1]; v<[1] (less than the jump) | 6 | 28 | Unb. |
v>[3],R; >>; >+[1]; v<[1],R; >+[1]; v<[1] (less than the jump) | 8 | 35 | Unb. |
v>[3],R; ^+>,[1]; >+[1]; <>[1] (close) | 6 | 30 | Unb. |
v>[3],R; ^+>,[1]; [1],[1]; v<[1] (close) | 8 | 31 | Unb. |
v>[3],R; ^+>,[1]; >+[1]; v<[1],R; >+[1]; <>[1] (close) | 8 | 37 | Unb. |
>+[3]; [1],[2],[3]; | 4 | 23 | a |
>+[3]; [1],[1]; <>[1] | 4 | 23 | a |
>+[3]; >+[1]; <>[1] | 3 | 24 | a |
>+[3]; >+[1]; v<[1] | 4 | 25 | a |
>+[3]; ^+>,[1]; >+[1]; <>[1] | 4 | 28 | a |
<+[3]; ^+>,[1]; >+[1]; v<[1] | 5 | 29 | m |
>+[3]; >+[1]; v<[1],R; >+[1]; v<[1] | 6 | 32 | a |
<+[3]; ^+>,[1]; [1],[1]; v<[1],R; [1],[1]; v<[1] | 9 | 34 | m |
>+[3]; ^+>,[1]; >+[1]; v<[1],R; >+[1]; v<[1] | 7 | 35 | a |
v<[1],R; [1],[1]; v<[1] | 5 | 21 | m |
v<[1],R; >+[1]; v<[1] | 4 | 22 | m |
v<[1],R; >+[3]; >+[1]; <>[1] | 4 | 27 | m |
v<[1],R; >+[3];^+>,[1]; >+[1]; <>[1] | 5 | 30 | m |
v<[1],R; <+[3];^+>,[1]; [1],[1]; <>[1] | 6 | 30 | m |
Gravity Mine is an attack which leaves a mine on the arena after being used. If the enemy steps onto it, he will be stunned, which is a perfect opportunity to lead out a combo. In the table below you can see example combos which can be performed on an enemy who steps onto a mine.
The "Mine" on the beginning of the combo assumes that the enemy steps onto the mine and you have to approach him as fast as possible. For combos which begin with (^+>,[1]) you need to be at a jump distance from the enemy when the mine explodes or right afterwards.
Combo attacks - Gravity Mines
Combination | No of hits | Dmg. | Beginning hits |
Mine; [2],[2], v<[1],R; <+[3];^+>,[1]; [1]; v<[1] | 9 | 35 | Mine |
Mine; >+[1]; v<[1],R; <+[3];^+>,[1]; >+[1]; v<[1] | 8 | 42 | Mine |
Mine; <+[3]; ^+>,[1]; [1],[1]; v<[1],R; [1],[1]; v<[1] | 10 | 39 | Mine |
Mine; ^+>,[1]; <+[1],^+[3],v+[3]; | 5 | 27 | Mine |
Mine; ^+>,[1]; >+[1]; v<[1] | 5 | 29 | Mine |
Mine; ^+>,[1]; >+[1]; v<[1],R; >+[1]; v<[1] | 7 | 38 | Mine |
Mine; ^+>,[1]; >+[1]; v<[1],R;<+[3];^+>,[1];>+[1]; <>[1] | 8 | 45 | Mine |
In the bellow table you can find full combos which begin with placing a mine and attacks which push the enemy into the trap. Unfortunately they are hard to make the most of during a fight.
Combo attacks - Gravity Mines with pushing the enemy
Combination | No of hits | Dmg. | Beginning hits |
vvX; v+[3]; >>; >+[3] | 3 | 22 | l |
vvX; v+[3]; >>; >+[3]; >+[1]; <>[1] | 5 | 34 | l |
vvX; v+[3];>>; <+[3];^+>,[1]; [1],[1]; v<[1],R; [1],[1];v<[1] | 11 | 44 | l |
vvX; v+[3]; >>; <+[3]; ^+>,[1]; [1],[1]; super | 11 | 48 | l |
vvX; <+[1],^+[3]; <+[3]; ^+>,[1]; >+[1]; <>[1] | 7 | 41 | am |
vvX>; [1],[1],v+[2]; >>; <+[3]; ^+>,[1]; [1],[1]; <>[1] | 9 | 35 | mma |
vvX>; <+[1],^+[3],v+[3]; <+[3]; ^+>,[1]; [1],[1]; <>[1] | 9 | 44 | amm |
vvX>;<+[1],^+[3],v+[3];<+[3];^+>,[1]; [1]; v<[1],R;[1],[1]; v<[1] | 12 | 49 | amm |
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