Buildings | Constructing additional buildings Farming Simulator 2013 Guide
Last update: 11 May 2016
The beehouse is the first available building. It requires quite a sum at the beginning, but can provide you with some financial backup. It brings you 30 $ per hour, i.e. 720 $ daily.
Investment: 20 000 $ for a single beehouse;
Return on investment: around 28 days;
Conclusion: an unprofitable investment because of the incorrectly calculated (over valuated) maintenance costs.
Greenhouse (tomatoes)
The greenhouse requires a water tank for 8 000 $ which is quite an expenditure. It brings 80 $ of income per hour, summing up to 1920 $ daily.
Investment: 25 000 $ for a single greenhouse;
Return on investment: around 13 days (however if you include the costs of the water tank, the time stretches to around 17 days);
Conclusion: a very profitable investment, as long as you remember about refilling water and manure every few days (and you first need to have it).
Greenhouse (lettuce)
The greenhouse requires a water tank for 8 000 $ which is a considerable cost. Just like the tomato greenhouse, it gives you 80 $ per hour -1920 $ daily.
Investment: 25 000 $ for a single greenhouse;
Return on investment: around 13 days (however if you include the costs of the water tank, the time stretches to around 17 days);
Conclusion: a very profitable investment, as long as you remember about refilling water and manure every few days.
Greenhouse (herbs)
The greenhouse requires a water tank for 8 000 $ which is a considerable cost. Just like the two previous buildings, it gives you 80 $ per hour -1920 $ daily.
Investment: 25 000 $ for a single greenhouse;
Return on investment: around 13 days (however if you include the costs of the water tank, the time stretches to around 17 days);
Conclusion: a very profitable investment, as long as you remember about refilling water and manure every few days.
Solar collector
One of the most profitable investments. It brings 190 $ per hour, summing up to 4 560 $ daily.
Investment: 125 000 $ for one panel;
Return on investment: around 27-28 days;
Conclusion: despite the wrongly calculated costs (over estimated) of the beehouse, the investment is very profitable if you play at speed of 30x or more; the amount of 125 000 $ isn't such a barrier as the wind converter's price; creating a field of 4-5 panels brings enormous profits.
Wind energy converter
It's a really expensive investment, but if you have a well developed farm with multiple tractors and other machines, you can buy yourself such a fan. In return for building it, every hour 2000 $ will be transferred onto your account (48 000 $ every day). Such a fan also generates costs of 44 $ per hour (1 056 % daily).
Investment: 1 200 000 $ for building one fan;
Return on investment: 25 days (despite the considerable profits, the cost of the investment is very big and some time has to pass before you get a return);
Conclusion: if you're running a well developed farm and have the required amount, you should consider building a fan, especially if you play on one of the higher speeds (30x or more).
A fast way to earn big money
As the three buildings (the beehouse, the solar panel and the wind energy converter) don't require any interference, they give you a great opportunity, though not a completely fair one, to earn a big amount of money:
suspend any farming activities, do not sow anything after harvesting crops, suspend all works on the field;
place a building which doesn't require your interference, at best a solar panel (one or a few of them if you can afford them) or a wind energy converter;
in the menu, turn off missions and set speed to 120x;
finally... leave the game alone for a few or even a dozen or so hours.
This way, despite some controversies surrounding it, is in accordance with the game rules.