Horseshoe - #74
The horseshoe lies between rocks, trees and stumps east of field 5.
GPS coordinates: [1346, 216].
Horseshoe - #75
The horseshoe lies by a bonfire north-east of field 5.
GPS coordinates: [1317, 133].
Horseshoe - #76
North of field 5, by the riverside there's an old cart. Jump onto it to collect the horseshoe.
GPS coordinates: [1249, 84].
Horseshoe - #77
North of field 4, by the river, there's an old mill. The horseshoe lies on its stairs.
GPS coordinates: [1021, 85].
Horseshoe - #78
After collecting horseshoe #77, climb the stairs to the mill and follow the platform. Look down behind the corner and you should see a horseshoe at the riverside.
GPS coordinates: [1003, 79].
Horseshoe - #79
Firstly locate a staircase leading to the top of the building with three domes at the top. The horseshoe is beside a flower-bed in the centre.
GPS coordinates: [1409, 307].
Horseshoe - #80
The horseshoe is on the area of the biogas plant as #79. Approach the building in the western part of the complex with a tractor so that you can jump along the wheel arch, bonnet and roof onto the building. The horseshoe lies between the folding chairs.
GPS coordinates: [1351, 337].
Horseshoe - #81
The horseshoe lies on a hill north-west of field 6.
GPS coordinates: [1244, 402].
Horseshoe - #82
Slightly to the west of horseshoe #81, right by the fence you will find another horseshoe.
GPS coordinates: [1188, 436].
Horseshoe - #83
Driving from the town along the road leading north, you should see a fence on the right. Right beside it, on a boulder, you will find the horseshoe.
GPS coordinates: [1131, 473].
Horseshoe - #84
North of the town, on a hill, by the wooden benches you will find another horseshoe.
GPS coordinates: [1075, 543].
Horseshoe - #85
By the road leading north of the town, on the left there are some boulders. On one of them you will find the horseshoe.
GPS coordinates: [1040, 497].
Horseshoe - #86
The horseshoe lies below a shelter south of field 4.
GPS coordinates: [1010, 404].
Horseshoe - #87
The horseshoe can be found at the Farm Shop. Go up the stairs at the front.
GPS coordinates: [852, 345].
Horseshoe - #88
At the back of the Farm shop there's a nook with pallets. The horseshoe is behind them.
GPS coordinates: [802, 339].
Horseshoe - #89
At the back of the Farm Shop there's a shelter. The horseshoe is behind it.
GPS coordinates: [795, 283].