Horseshoe - #14
South of field 27, you will her in a very characteristic place because of the fence - the horseshoe is in the grass.
GPS coordinates: [1086, 1302].
Horseshoe - #15
The horseshoe lies between rocks to the north of the river beside the Mill.
GPS coordinates: [1008, 1399].
Horseshoe - #16
The horseshoe lies on the east side of the bridge across the river by field 28.
GPS coordinates: [1087, 1406].
Horseshoe - #17
Nearby the place where you can sell wool there's a house with a fountain in the yard. The horseshoe is lying inside of it - you need to jump inside to obtain it.
GPS coordinates: [1295, 1428].
Horseshoe - #18
The horseshoe lies by the entrance to the train tunnel, east of the Mill.
GPS coordinates: [1085, 1549].
Horseshoe - #19
Between the cow pasture and field 28 there's a hill. You need to get to the very top (help yourself by jumping). There, beside a fallen trunk, you will find the horseshoe.
GPS coordinates: [1150, 1588].
Horseshoe - #20
South of the Mill, the horseshoe is leaning against a support pillar of the flyover, on its west side.
GPS coordinates: [890, 1562].
Horseshoe - #21
To the east of the Mill, the horseshoe is lying between the flyover leading to field 40 and the building.
GPS coordinates: [889, 1520].
Horseshoe - #22
To the north-east of field 40 there are two buildings. Between them, beside some crates, there's the horseshoe (on the west side).
GPS coordinates: [1081, 1733].
Horseshoe - #23
The horseshoe lies north-east of field 40, right by the high-voltage pole.
GPS coordinates: [1088, 1808].
Horseshoe - #24
The horseshoe can be found in the building where you unload forage for cows.
GPS coordinates: [1292, 1596].