Milk the goat | Chapter five Deponia Doomsday Guide
Last update: 11 May 2016
Being in the lecture hall, take a blackboard bin which is standing above the blackboard. Leave the lecture hall and go to the right. Pick some weeds from the pots. Go to the front of the building and to the admin office. Talk with Dean.
Take a pipe from the frame on the right. Use weeds on the pipe and give a plugged pipe to Dean. Talk with Mac. Take a key hanging above the desk. Get outside.
Go to the right and open the lab door by using the key taken from admin office. Notice a time machine. Put the bin under the bronze tap on the left. Rufus will fill it with oil. Leave the lab and go to the lecture hall.
After the conversation with the class in the lab, go once again to the lecture hall and to the tower. Pour the oil into the gutter.
Return to the lecture hall and take a chewing gum from the first chair in the last row on the right side (the only one which is not closed).
Go to the front of the building where move the switch which is on the left side of the wall. The goat will fall down and hang on the hook where was earlier a pinata. If you want to get the achievement Goat Team, move the switch ten times before you use the oil on the gutter. The goat will be jumping from one flag to another.
Now talk with the junkball student, When he drops his Groucho glasses, take them. Then milk the goat (click it) - you will get feta cheese.