Help Elysians and Goal | Chapter two Deponia Doomsday Guide
Last update: 11 May 2016
Go to the balcony (right). An Elysian is lying there under the pipe. Try to move the pipe, but it is too heavy, so take a pole behind it. Try to activate an ice cream elevator, but there is no power. Return to the corridor.
Try to open door to the storeroom, you can't, but Rufus will say that it is partially open. Use the pole on the door. Push the main fuse (don't click on the paintball gun if you want to get the achievement Pacifist). Talk with Ronny who will appear in the pot on the right side of the door.
Go near the balcony and click on the ice cream elevator. Push one of the three buttons to order ice creams. Take ice creams (in the elevator) and order another serving. Rufus will eat ice creams (you need to click on the elevator) immediately, so order the next serving. After five servings you will get the achievement Brainfreeze.
Go back to the corridor and to the car. Talk with Mac and open the lid on the right. Try to take a fire extinguisher (or whatever that is), then ask Mac to give it to you. Leave the zoom in by using the arrow icon on the top.
Go to the balcony. Use the fire extinguisher on the ice cream elevator. Push one of the buttons and then click on the broken ice cream elevator. Push the button again and the rope with hook will fall down near the window box. Take the hook and connect it with the pipe. Take a cable reel which falls down near the railings and put it to the window box. Put the pole into the gap in the floor (on the left from the box). Push it three times by clicking LPM rapidly (before you will be run of time) to break off the railings.
After conversation with Goal, who appears on the other side of the abyss, take a hook. Throw it on the beams above characters. Then climb to the cable, grab the cable, and pull it up.
Pull the cable to wake Goal up. Jump in the direction of the cable.
After another journey in time and coming to Elysium once again, you will get the achievement Burn, Elysium, Burn!