Compile Heart
Compile Heart is a developer and publisher.
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Compile Heart is a developer of video games. Compile Heart has been active on the market since before 2008. One of its first projects was game Octomania. The developer's most recent work is Hyperdevotion Noire: Goddess Black Heart; company is releasing this game in-house. Production release occurred on 13 February 2025.
Most Popular Games Developed by Compile Heart
Developed Games
List of all released games developed by Compile Heart.
Neptunia: Sisters VS Sisters - January 24, 2023 - PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, XONE, XSX
Death end re;Quest 2 - August 18, 2020 - PC, PS4, Switch
Azur Lane: Crosswave - February 13, 2020 - Switch, PS4, PC
Date A Live: Rio Reincarnation - July 23, 2019 - PS4, PC
Dragon Star Varnir - June 11, 2019 - PS4, PC, Switch
Death end re;Quest - February 19, 2019 - Switch, PS4, PC
Mary Skelter 2 - July 12, 2018 - PC, Switch, PS4
Megadimension Neptunia VIIR - May 8, 2018 - PS4, PC
Cyberdimension Neptunia: 4 Goddesses Online - October 10, 2017 - PS4, PC
Mary Skelter: Nightmares - July 14, 2017 - PSV
Dark Rose Valkyrie - June 6, 2017 - PC, PS4
MeiQ: Labyrinth of Death - December 17, 2015 - PSV
Fairy Fencer F: Advent Dark Force - November 5, 2015 - PS4, Switch, PC
Date A Live: Twin Edition - Rio Reincarnation - July 30, 2015 - PSV
Trillion: God of Destruction - July 23, 2015 - PSV, PC
Moero Chronicle - May 15, 2015 - PC, PSV
Megadimension Neptunia VII - April 23, 2015 - PC, PS4
Hyperdimension Neptunia Hypercollection - April 3, 2015 - PS3
Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth 3: V Generation - December 18, 2014 - PS4, PSV, PC, Switch, PS5
Omega Quintet - October 2, 2014 - PS4, PC
Date A Live: Arusu Install - June 26, 2014 - PS3
Hyperdevotion Noire: Goddess Black Heart - May 29, 2014 - PC, PSV, Switch
Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth 2: Sisters Generation - March 30, 2014 - Switch, PS5, PC, PSV, PS4
Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth 1 - October 31, 2013 - PSV, PC, PS4, Switch, PS5
Fairy Fencer F - September 19, 2013 - PC, PS3
Date A Live: Rinne Utopia - June 27, 2013 - PS3
Hyperdimension Neptunia: Producing Perfection - June 20, 2013 - PSV
Mugen Souls Z - April 25, 2013 - PS3, PC, Switch
Sorcery Saga: The Curse of the Great Curry God - March 28, 2013 - PSV
Monster Monpiece - January 24, 2013 - PSV, PC
Mugen Souls - March 22, 2012 - PS3, Switch
Agarest: Generations of War Zero - July 29, 2010 - X360, PS3, PC, AND, iOS
Octomania - March 11, 2008 - Wii
Released Games
List of all released games published by Compile Heart.
Death end re;Quest 2 - August 18, 2020 - Switch
Date A Live: Twin Edition - Rio Reincarnation - July 30, 2015 - PSV
Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth 3: V Generation - December 18, 2014 - PS4, Switch, PS5
Date A Live: Arusu Install - June 26, 2014 - PS3
Hyperdevotion Noire: Goddess Black Heart - May 29, 2014 - Switch
Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth 2: Sisters Generation - March 30, 2014 - PS4, Switch, PS5
Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth 1 - October 31, 2013 - PS4, Switch, PS5, PSV, PC
Date A Live: Rinne Utopia - June 27, 2013 - PS3