Episode 5 | Nuggets of Truth (Secrets) CoJ: Gunslinger Guide
Last update: 11 May 2016
Nugget of Truth #1
The first secret lies in the smaller mine, left of the wagon with explosives. Grab it from inside.
Nugget of Truth #2
The second is in the cave with a plenitude of forks and hallways. Turn right at the first crossroads and go straight ahead. Climb down the ladder and you'll find it on your right.
Nugget of Truth #3
As you go further, you'll reach a storage area with a lot of enemies and a lot or exploding barrels. The secret cache is on the left.
Nugget of Truth #4
The last secret is located in the spot where you can choose either the ladders or the lift. To get the Nugget, take the lift, and grab the secret from a plank as you go up.