How to find Blood Rock in Bloodborne? | FAQ Bloodborne Guide
Last update: 06 March 2018
Each weapon can be upgraded up to level 10. To increase the amount of damage dealt to maximum level you will need a special item. There is only one in the game, so think a lot about which weapon you like the most and upgrade that one.
Important: You should equip a lot of Sedatives, additionally it will be much easier with Deep Sea Rune which greatly improves frenzy resistance.
Start with moving to the Mergo Loft: Middle lamp. Then use the exit ahead and go upstairs. At the end you will find two elevators. The one on the right is interesting you, the one with damaged cage. When you use it to ride down you can go out of it and get to a small window (screen). You must do it accurately, when you're almost at the level of that window (it seems to be easier done when riding up). If you jump too early or too late you will fall down and die.
After a successful jump you will get to a small corridor. Walk a while and take Inflicted Organ. Now your task is to run through the bridge, between rocks where a "brain" is that increase frenzy. If you will be quick enough and have large frenzy resistance, you can try killing it. Otherwise it will be too hard as you probably won't manage to drink Sedatives and you will be captured by enemy (he spreads his hands trying to catch player). It is possible to quickly run near him (look around for Kin Coldblood in the body under the barrier on the right). When you reach the round tower on the wall you will be safe for a while.
But only for a while as not far further you will find two similar enemies. This time it is much easier to run near them as at the end there is a chamber to which they won't follow you.
You're not alone inside - few spiders will attack you. Luckily, if you're not moving too fast, you can kill some of them one after another. Finally jump down (another spider on the way) and use the lever at the end if the road. A short cutscene will start, after you regain control of your character jump to the lower chamber through the hole in the wall.
At the bottom go back a little and exit the chamber. On the bridge you will find some bodies and inside them Arcane Damp Bloodgem and 4x Great One's Wisdom. Then walk down the stairs - here you will find (on the left) another Damn Bloodgem and (ahead) Madman's Knowledge.
Most interesting item can be found on the right, behind columns. At the bottom you will see a stone platform on which you can jump (more to the left side). You will lose some health points but it is worth it - in the body under the wall you will find the Blood Rock you're looking for that allows for maximum weapon upgrade.
You will leave the room through the hole in the wall, from the bridge you can go to the castle.
Important: If at the beginning you haven't thrown the brain down now he will be here, blocking the way.
You can get to the bridge from which you get to the body with Blood Rock also from inside the castle. In that case, from the Mergo Loft: Middle lamp go to the place where you fought Micolash and to the mirror behind the bridge. Then walk down (to the left near the mirror) and then straight to the exit from the fogged territory. On the bridge you will face two enemies. Then in the place shown on the screen (crossroad) don't walk down, instead from the stairs go down the corridor.
Through the fog you will go twice to lower level. Then at the bottom you can turn right and or left. Choose right and them go along the wall on the left. After a short while behind the turn you will see a small alcove and a gate at end of it. You will open it with the Iron Door Key.
Important: If you don't have that key go to the place where you fought Micolash (three clouded levels, mirror on each) and walk to the bottom where you will find the key.