Titan | Maps' analysis Battlefield 2142 Guide
Last update: 11 May 2016
The layout of the Titan
- Two arrows in the north mark passages to the starting platform for the airship and gunship;
- Broken lines symbolize special shields. Owners of the Titan may get through them without any problems. Intruders cannot do it;
- Colors mark particular corridors with console rooms inside. There are four corridors: blue, green, red and yellow;
- Ciphers 1, 2, 3 and 4 marks consoles, which - once destroyed - open the reactor core room door;
- Hexagonal room with the reactor core is marked with a circle;
- Black square marks two high containers;
- Surface marked with white color is the gallery placed right below the Titan's ceiling;
- Two arrows in the south mark the Titan's main entrances;
- The cross in the south marks the assault pod/airship main landing platform;
Another presentation
Armament, vehicles:
1 - two anti-aircraft guns;
2 - airships and gunships landing zone;
3 - four guns used to attack hostiles on the ground level.
Steering, assault pods:
4 - control computers assigned to anti-aircraft and anti-tank/personnel guns;
5 - assault pods. Thanks to them, soldiers may get to the landing platforms 7 and 8 and also board nearby enemy Titan.
Platforms, passages:
6 - corridor connecting landing zone w reactor core room;
7 - platform with ventilation shafts, used to get on the gallery placed blow Titan's ceiling;
8 - platform with main Titan entrances, leading to the corridors, consoles and the reactor core room;
Strategic objects:
9 - Titan reactor core room;
10 - corridors with console rooms.
I advise to check the Fighting inside the Titan chapter.