Quests - p. 2 | Silverlake Main Quests Arcania: Gothic 4 Guide
Last update: 01 February 2017
In the Claws of the Orcs
Quest giver: Gilthor the Castellan [North Silverlake - Silverlake Castle]
Description: You will get this quest simultaneously with The Silverlake Orcs. It will remain active until you will complete all tasks connected with rescuing lord Gawaan. That means:
- The Silverlake Orcs
- Soul Seekers
- Scabooze!
- Me Boss, You Not!
- Me Boss, You Not! II
After opening door leading to prison located in the orc cave (M5, 6) speak with lord Gawaan, and you will be asked to kill all Erhag forces. As a matter of fact, the new main quest will be activated.
Rewards: Erhag's Minions, 200 EXP.
Silverlake Orcs
Quest giver: Gilthor [North Silverlake - Silverlake Castle]
Description: Leave the Silverlake Castle. Go down and when it will be possible, turn left #1 (M4, 14). Now you have to go south until you will meet two guard located near the bridge #2 (M4, 15)(M5, 1). Tell Pip the password and you will be able to enter.
Go south and then turn south-east #1 (M5, 2). Beware of some small orc groups #2. As with the battles with goblins - remember to attack the strongest enemies first. Moreover, during this quest, you can be attacked by some lurkers, bloodflies and so on.
Pass the tower (M5, 3) connected with one side quest and get close to the Orc Cave entrance #1 (M5, 4). You have to speak with Ogbosh. You will learn that #2 you can enter the cave only when you will bring him scabooze. As a result, two more quest will be added to your diary - Soul Seekers and Scabooze!.
Rewards: Soul Seekers, Scabooze!, 400 EXP, 98 EXP for each lurker, 68 EXP for each orc, 35 EXP for each Bloodfly, 62 EXP for each wasp.