1 – Options button.
2 – Statistics button (they will be displayed above the team members and above enemies).
3 – Icon symbolizing the current morale.
4 – Horn used to add willpower points to the characters from the team. Clicking on active yellow star is equal to using the horn.
5 – An example of statistics being displayed above the team member: red color represents strength, blue represents armor and yellow represents willpower.
6 – An example of statistics being displayed above the enemy unit: red color represents strength, blue represents armor and yellow represents willpower.
7 – A circle on the ground which symbolizes an active unit.
8 – Blue field - a character can reach it without having to spend willpower.
9 – Yellow field - a character can reach it only be spending willpower point(s).
10 – Statistics for the active unit.
11 – A list which represents the turn order for the units on the battlefield. Clicking on unit icons allows to see their skills.
12 – Help button.