[Blacknet mission 9] Operation: Spotted Cat - p. 1 | Blacknet missions
Hunting Dr. Jariv Kureshi
New objective: Go to a Blacknet terminal
![1 - [Blacknet mission 9] Operation: Spotted Cat - p. 1 | Blacknet missions - Blacknet missions - Prototype 2 Game Guide](/prototype2/gfx/word/174566203.jpg)
![In order to start this mission, you have to get to location [482, 442] - [Blacknet mission 9] Operation: Spotted Cat - p. 1 | Blacknet missions - Blacknet missions - Prototype 2 Game Guide](/prototype2/gfx/word/174566218.jpg)
In order to start this mission, you have to get to location [482, 442]. Very important information is fact, that this terminal can be used only by authorized persons, so you have to consume a scientist or a soldier and disguise yourself. Find the Blacknet terminal and use it (B button), watching out for viral detectors and ignoring "standard" infected running in the area.
New objective: Hunt and consume Dr. Jariv Kureshi
![As you probably remember, it is best to start the hunt with getting to the rooftop of one of the highest building in area - [Blacknet mission 9] Operation: Spotted Cat - p. 1 | Blacknet missions - Blacknet missions - Prototype 2 Game Guide](/prototype2/gfx/word/174566234.jpg)
As you probably remember, it is best to start the hunt with getting to the rooftop of one of the highest building in area. Only then send an impulse (press left analog), so you can easily locate the person you're looking for (screen above).
![2 - [Blacknet mission 9] Operation: Spotted Cat - p. 1 | Blacknet missions - Blacknet missions - Prototype 2 Game Guide](/prototype2/gfx/word/174566250.jpg)
![Approximate location of Dr - [Blacknet mission 9] Operation: Spotted Cat - p. 1 | Blacknet missions - Blacknet missions - Prototype 2 Game Guide](/prototype2/gfx/word/174566265.jpg)
Approximate location of Dr. Jariv Kureshi is [550, 505]. Depending on the fact how quickly you can find him, he can be escaping from infected or lie wounded on the ground. Regardless of the turn of events, you have to consume him.
Joining the Blackwatch squad
New objective: Stealth consume the Blackwatch trooper without entering an alert
![Your nest target is location [657, 670] and since it is Blackwatch post, it is very important to enter the area inaccessible for civilians masked as a soldier or a scientist - [Blacknet mission 9] Operation: Spotted Cat - p. 1 | Blacknet missions - Blacknet missions - Prototype 2 Game Guide](/prototype2/gfx/word/174566281.jpg)
Your nest target is location [657, 670] and since it is Blackwatch post, it is very important to enter the area inaccessible for civilians masked as a soldier or a scientist. The Blackwatch soldier indicated by the game may be observed by one or two other persons. Depending on your preferences, you can wait until those characters go away or turn back, or you can consume them (screen above). In the latter case remember not to expose Heller, because you can't trigger the alarm.
![Wait until the Blackwatch soldier is not observed by anyone (or create such situation) and then approach him to consume him - [Blacknet mission 9] Operation: Spotted Cat - p. 1 | Blacknet missions - Blacknet missions - Prototype 2 Game Guide](/prototype2/gfx/word/174566296.jpg)
Wait until the Blackwatch soldier is not observed by anyone (or create such situation) and then approach him to consume him.
Getting to scientists
New objective: Follow the Blackwatch patrol to the scientists working on the antigen
![Follow the squad leader - [Blacknet mission 9] Operation: Spotted Cat - p. 1 | Blacknet missions - Blacknet missions - Prototype 2 Game Guide](/prototype2/gfx/word/174566312.jpg)
Follow the squad leader. Same as with one of the previously completed main mission, you can't temporarily rely on Heller's abilities, so you must rely on standard melee attacks and (mainly) on firearms. Follow the squad to encounter first group of monsters.
New objective: Kill the infected to protect the Blackwatch patrol
![Right after the battle starts, go to the weapons shed indicated by the game, taking the grenade launcher or rocket launcher - [Blacknet mission 9] Operation: Spotted Cat - p. 1 | Blacknet missions - Blacknet missions - Prototype 2 Game Guide](/prototype2/gfx/word/174566328.jpg)
Right after the battle starts, go to the weapons shed indicated by the game, taking the grenade launcher or rocket launcher. Use mentioned weapons to attack brawlers, remembering about keeping the safe distance and performing many dodges.
![Finally take care of the infected birds - [Blacknet mission 9] Operation: Spotted Cat - p. 1 | Blacknet missions - Blacknet missions - Prototype 2 Game Guide](/prototype2/gfx/word/174566343.jpg)
Finally take care of the infected birds. It is best to use machine guns to eliminate them. Try to dodge air attacks, jumping aside each time you see a monster trying to attacks you. Eliminate all indicated mutants.
New objective: Follow the Blackwatch patrol to the scientists working on the antigen
![Before you continue your march, pick up unused machine gun because that weapon will be very useful in few moments - [Blacknet mission 9] Operation: Spotted Cat - p. 1 | Blacknet missions - Blacknet missions - Prototype 2 Game Guide](/prototype2/gfx/word/174566359.jpg)
Before you continue your march, pick up unused machine gun because that weapon will be very useful in few moments. Follow the squad reaching the place of the second battle with infected.
New objective: Kill the infected to protect the Blackwatch patrol
![Note the new bonus objective, which concerns killing 5 enemies without being injured - [Blacknet mission 9] Operation: Spotted Cat - p. 1 | Blacknet missions - Blacknet missions - Prototype 2 Game Guide](/prototype2/gfx/word/174566375.jpg)
Note the new bonus objective, which concerns killing 5 enemies without being injured. Fortunately this is very easy challenge, because you can just attack "normal" infected indicated by the game. They are not very mobile and die fast.
![After completing the bonus objective, focus on attacking new birds flying over the battlefield, remembering about dodging often - [Blacknet mission 9] Operation: Spotted Cat - p. 1 | Blacknet missions - Blacknet missions - Prototype 2 Game Guide](/prototype2/gfx/word/174566390.jpg)
After completing the bonus objective, focus on attacking new birds flying over the battlefield, remembering about dodging often. If needed, go back to the previous weapons shed for supplies. Finally deal with normal infected, who are not big challenge.
New objective: Follow the Blackwatch patrol to the scientists working on the antigen
![For the last time follow the Blackwatch squad leader - [Blacknet mission 9] Operation: Spotted Cat - p. 1 | Blacknet missions - Blacknet missions - Prototype 2 Game Guide](/prototype2/gfx/word/174566406.jpg)
For the last time follow the Blackwatch squad leader. You'll get to the group of scientists after few moments and without more fights.
Consuming scientists
New objective: Consume the scientists working on the antigen that could kill you
![There are three characters to be eliminated in location [583, 740] and instead of starting the fight I recommend to consume them quietly - [Blacknet mission 9] Operation: Spotted Cat - p. 1 | Blacknet missions - Blacknet missions - Prototype 2 Game Guide](/prototype2/gfx/word/174566421.jpg)
There are three characters to be eliminated in location [583, 740] and instead of starting the fight I recommend to consume them quietly. First, deal with the scientist on the left. He is observed by two Blackwatch soldiers, so consume them first and then take care of the character indicated by the game.
![The scientist in the middle is observed by alone Blackwatch soldier, so approach him first and consume him - [Blacknet mission 9] Operation: Spotted Cat - p. 1 | Blacknet missions - Blacknet missions - Prototype 2 Game Guide](/prototype2/gfx/word/174566437.jpg)
The scientist in the middle is observed by alone Blackwatch soldier, so approach him first and consume him. After that you can consume the scientist with no problems.
![The scientist on the right shouldnt be now observed by anyone, so you can consume him without any additional actions - [Blacknet mission 9] Operation: Spotted Cat - p. 1 | Blacknet missions - Blacknet missions - Prototype 2 Game Guide](/prototype2/gfx/word/174566453.jpg)
The scientist on the right shouldn't be now observed by anyone, so you can consume him without any additional actions.
Hunting sergeant Raoul Whitehead
New objective: Go to a Blacknet terminal
![Once again go to location [482, 442] - [Blacknet mission 9] Operation: Spotted Cat - p. 1 | Blacknet missions - Blacknet missions - Prototype 2 Game Guide](/prototype2/gfx/word/174566468.jpg)
Once again go to location [482, 442]. Same as previously, you should approach the terminal masked as a soldier or a scientist, remembering about avoiding viral detectors. Use the terminal again (B button).
New objective: Hunt and consume Sergeant Raoul Whitehead
![3 - [Blacknet mission 9] Operation: Spotted Cat - p. 1 | Blacknet missions - Blacknet missions - Prototype 2 Game Guide](/prototype2/gfx/word/174566484.jpg)
![Act the same as with previous hunt, so get to the rooftop of one of the highest building in the area, to locate the sergeant - [Blacknet mission 9] Operation: Spotted Cat - p. 1 | Blacknet missions - Blacknet missions - Prototype 2 Game Guide](/prototype2/gfx/word/174566500.jpg)
Act the same as with previous hunt, so get to the rooftop of one of the highest building in the area, to locate the sergeant. He should fight with infected near one of the Blackwatch bases and his approximate location is [460, 600]. Depending on your preferences you can wait for opportunity to consume Raoul in disguise or quickly approach him as a Heller and grab him.
Getting to the Whitelight facility
New objective: Go to the Whitelight facility to destroy the remaining barrels of Whitelight
New objective: Destroy the gun turrets to preoccupy Blackwatch forces with infected
![Your new target is location [485, 847] - [Blacknet mission 9] Operation: Spotted Cat - p. 1 | Blacknet missions - Blacknet missions - Prototype 2 Game Guide](/prototype2/gfx/word/174566515.jpg)
Your new target is location [485, 847]. Once you get there, watch a short cut-scene and read information about bonus objective. In order to complete it, you have to pick up any vehicle wreckage (B button) and throw it at one of two defensive turrets in location [470, 837].
![If the turret is not yet destroyed, keep throwing at it nearby vehicles - [Blacknet mission 9] Operation: Spotted Cat - p. 1 | Blacknet missions - Blacknet missions - Prototype 2 Game Guide](/prototype2/gfx/word/174566531.jpg)
If the turret is not yet destroyed, keep throwing at it nearby vehicles. It is worth noting, that you can perform these actions from a distance, so you won't get into turrets range. After completing bonus objective, deal with the second turret. You can destroy it in the same way (throwing vehicles) or use the rocket launcher or air charged attack.
New objective: Use the hand scanner to sneak into the facility
![Start with shapeshifting, disguising as a soldier or a scientist - [Blacknet mission 9] Operation: Spotted Cat - p. 1 | Blacknet missions - Blacknet missions - Prototype 2 Game Guide](/prototype2/gfx/word/174566546.jpg)
Start with shapeshifting, disguising as a soldier or a scientist. Only now go to the scanner in location [493, 865]. Ignore fights, because you do not have to take part in them. Instead, focus on using the scanner.
New objective: Enter the main room to look for Whitelight
![This is very easy task, because you have only to interact with a new scanner in location [498, 857] - [Blacknet mission 9] Operation: Spotted Cat - p. 1 | Blacknet missions - Blacknet missions - Prototype 2 Game Guide](/prototype2/gfx/word/174566562.jpg)
This is very easy task, because you have only to interact with a new scanner in location [498, 857]. After getting there, watch a new cut-scene, where you'll get to know about found barrels with the virus.
Destroying barrels with the virus
New objective: Use the hand scanner to activate the incinerator
![The scanner can be found on the left from the incinerator in location [517, 852], but before you use it, it would be good to eliminate at least few enemies in this room - [Blacknet mission 9] Operation: Spotted Cat - p. 1 | Blacknet missions - Blacknet missions - Prototype 2 Game Guide](/prototype2/gfx/word/174566578.jpg)
The scanner can be found on the left from the incinerator in location [517, 852], but before you use it, it would be good to eliminate at least few enemies in this room. Depending on your preferences, you can consume them (Y button) or use bio-bombs on them (X button).
![Very important information is that one of your opponents is evolved - [Blacknet mission 9] Operation: Spotted Cat - p. 1 | Blacknet missions - Blacknet missions - Prototype 2 Game Guide](/prototype2/gfx/word/174566593.jpg)
Very important information is that one of your opponents is evolved. This is a right one from two soldiers guarding barrels (screen above). By default you'll learn about it when you try to use the scanner, but he can also reveal himself when you try to grab him. You can of course attack him by surprise and use the Devastator attack before going to the scanner.
New objective: Throw the Whitelight barrels into the incinerator
![Generally you can act here in two ways - [Blacknet mission 9] Operation: Spotted Cat - p. 1 | Blacknet missions - Blacknet missions - Prototype 2 Game Guide](/prototype2/gfx/word/174566609.jpg)
Generally you can act here in two ways. First option is to focus on securing the area. It is worth noting that the evolved opponent has powers similar to the bio-bomber from one of the main missions, so he can create and use bio-bombs on Heller, inflicting him huge damage. In addition, there are Blackwatch soldiers to be eliminated and in this case you should first of all deal with opponents with rocket launchers.
![A second option is to completely ignore your opponents and focus only on destroying barrels with the virus - [Blacknet mission 9] Operation: Spotted Cat - p. 1 | Blacknet missions - Blacknet missions - Prototype 2 Game Guide](/prototype2/gfx/word/174566625.jpg)
A second option is to completely ignore your opponents and focus only on destroying barrels with the virus. Regardless of your choice, eventually you have to go to the barrels shed in location [470, 862].
![Each barrel has to be picked up and thrown (B button) to the incinerator (you can do it from the upper balcony) - [Blacknet mission 9] Operation: Spotted Cat - p. 1 | Blacknet missions - Blacknet missions - Prototype 2 Game Guide](/prototype2/gfx/word/174566640.jpg)
Each barrel has to be picked up and thrown (B button) to the incinerator (you can do it from the upper balcony). Notice also, that the incinerator closes for few seconds after you throw the barrel, so you have to wait until it opens again.
![Even if you have killed all enemies in the room before completing the task, you have to reckon that new opponents might appear - [Blacknet mission 9] Operation: Spotted Cat - p. 1 | Blacknet missions - Blacknet missions - Prototype 2 Game Guide](/prototype2/gfx/word/174566656.jpg)
Even if you have killed all enemies in the room before completing the task, you have to reckon that new opponents might appear. There will be also at least one evolved among them. Keep up with your previous tactics - so eliminate enemies or ignore them, trying to throw all barrels to the incinerator.
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