News 04 November 2020

First Reviews: Yakuza Like a Dragon - Successful Turn-based Debut
The English version of Yakuza: Like a Dragon has received its first reviews. Despite the change of genre, the new turn-based installment of Ryu Ga Gotoku's series has won the hearts of reviewers, while retaining the best of the previous installments.
video games
Jacob Blazewicz
November 4, 2020

Observer: System Redux 20% Longer And With DualSense Support on PS5
Observer: System Redux will offer new challenges. In a recent interview, the developers revealed that it will take us 20% more time to complete the next-gen edition. PS5 owners will be able to make a good use of the DualSense controller.
video games
Paul Musiolik
November 4, 2020

Blizzard Cracks Down on Multi-boxing in World of Warcraft
An entry on Blizzard's official website informs about a change in the company policy. From now on, simultaneous handling of multiple accounts, i.e. multi-boxing, in World of Warcraft will be prohibited and may be reported by other players.
video games
November 4, 2020

Among Us Gets Great Live-action Short Film
A short live-action movie inspired by Among Us appeared on YouTube. Jay Samuelz and Arya Lee showed the dread of the game's basic premise when it's not hidden behind the simple visuals of the original.
video games
Jacob Blazewicz
November 4, 2020

Windows 10++ Brings Big Changes to Windows 10
We got some information about another major update for Windows 10. The update (known as „Cobalt”, but also as „Windows 10++”) will introduce, among other things, significant changes in the interface of Microsoft's operating system.
hardware & software
Jacob Blazewicz
November 4, 2020

XSS May Not Support Native Full HD in Watch Dogs Legion
Ubisoft has revealed that it aims for dynamic 1080p resolution in Watch Dogs: Legion on Xbox Series S. Microsoft's weaker console will offer ray tracing, however.
video games
Bart Woldanski
November 4, 2020

Ghostrunner Sold Around 500,000 Copies on Steam
According to the estimated sales results of Ghostrunner, the game may have found as much as half a million buyers on Steam alone.
video games
Adrian Werner
November 4, 2020

Door Kickers 2 Available in Early Access
Yesterday, Door Kickers 2: Task Force North, a tactical strategy game from KillHouse Games, debuted in Steam's Early Access.
video games
November 4, 2020

Apotheosis Mod for Skyrim Gets New Trailer
Apotheosis, another big mod for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, was in development for over 5 years. Recently, it has received another trailer. So far, it is not known when the project will launch.
video games
Milosz Szubert
November 4, 2020

WoW: Shadowlands Players Satisfied With New Leveling System
Reddit users like the Timewalker Campaigns mechanic, who enables us to level up our character by completing quests from any of the existing expensions.
video games
Bart Swiatek
November 4, 2020

Apex Legends Launches on Steam Today; Season 7 Begins
According to EA's earlier announcement, today, the battle royale Apex Legends will debut on Steam, and with it the game's 7th season, titled Ascension, bringing a new map (Olympus) and character (Horizon), among other things.
video games
Bart Woldanski
November 4, 2020

Amazon's New Patent Has Toxic Users Play Against Themselves
Amazon obtained an interesting patent, according to which toxic players would be quarantined and could only play against other such users.
video games
Adrian Werner
November 4, 2020

10-hour Demo of Dragon Quest XI S: Definitive Edition Available
If you are not sure about the purchase of Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age, you will be pleased to know that a 10-hour demo has just been made available, and your progress in it can be transferred to the full version.
video games
Paul Musiolik
November 4, 2020

Here's Fortnite With Ray Tracing
A video published on YouTube shows what Fortnite looks like when running in RTX mode. How much does ray tracing change in a game with such peculiar visuals? See for yourself.
video games
Arkadiusz Strzala
November 4, 2020

Pokemon GO Earns Better Than Ever
The first ten months of this year were enough for Pokemon GO to set a new revenue record. Since its launch, the game has already earned over $4 billion.
video games
Adrian Werner
November 4, 2020

20 Minutes of Observer: System Redux on PS5
Observer: System Redux is one of the next-gen launch titles. The game has been completely refreshed, and we can see the effects of Bloober Team's work on a new footage recorded on PS5.
video games
Paul Musiolik
November 4, 2020

DualSense Uses Analog Sticks From DualShock 4
Recently published YouTube video shows that the same analog knobs were used in the controller for PlayStation 5 - DualSense - as in DualShock 4.
video games
Bart Swiatek
November 4, 2020

Xbox Series S Offers Barely Over 300 GB of Storage And it's a Problem
We have bad news for people planning to buy Xbox Series S. It turns out that the platform will offer only 364 GB of storage space for games and user applications.
hardware & software
Adrian Werner
November 4, 2020