10-hour Demo of Dragon Quest XI S: Definitive Edition Available

If you are not sure about the purchase of Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age, you will be pleased to know that a 10-hour demo has just been made available, and your progress in it can be transferred to the full version.

Paul Musiolik

  1. Square Enix has released a demo version of Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age for PS4, PC and XOne.
  2. It lasts 10 hours and enables us to transfer our progress to the full version of the game, which will debut on December 4.

Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age received a 10-hour long demo version. Square Enix announced it on the official website. The demo will be available on PlayStation 4, PC and Xbox One.

The demo enables us to check the first 10 hours of the game. If we will have liked what we've seen, we will be able to transfer progress from the demo version to the full release, which will debut on December 3, 2020. We will also receive a set items to use.

Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age is an improved version of the game released in 2018. Compared to the previous edition, several features have been added, such as orchestral soundtrack, optional 2D graphics; what's more the item crafting system has been rebuilt and new tasks have been added for each of our party members. It is worth noting that the edition planned to release in December is a port from the Nintendo Switch console, which will offer slightly worse visuals than the basic version on PS4 and PC.

  1. Dragon Quest XI - official website
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Paul Musiolik

Author: Paul Musiolik

Started writing about games on the SquareZone website. Later, he wrote and managed the non-existent PSSite.com, and currently runs his own blog about games. He hasn't yet written a text that he would be 100% satisfied with. He started his adventure with games at the age of 3, when he managed to convince his father to buy a C64 computer. The love for electronic entertainment awakened by Flimbo's Quest blossomed during the first adventures with Heroes of Might & Magic, reaching its peak after purchasing the first PlayStation. As he grew older, he had more encounters with Nintendo portable consoles, and also returned to the PC as an additional gaming platform. He collects games and is a fan of emulation.

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