Quests | Korden's Fall (Beyond)
A Secret Medicine

Tamika (1), the barmaid in the tavern, has told you that if you come to her after dusk, she'll have a job for you. Wait until night settles is and enter the tavern - you'll learn about the illness of her husband. She's already asked the cleric for help, but he demanded too much for her to afford. She doesn't know anything about brewing medicinal potions, but she needs 4 Annora Roots (2) and 2 Iron Thorns (3). One grows ahead of the bridge, the other a little beyond.
Reward: XP
Missing Cargo
One of the drunks, Gorn (4) told you about a wreckage in the north-west. If you wish to check it out, go and have a look around. Once you're there, keep an eye out for Kvarilan's things for him.

Leave the city and go north, across the fields. Cross the bridge, indicated as "Bridge" on the map, and proceed forward. In the middle of the island, turn left and if you see crystal elementals, it means you're on the right path. Fight them and go down to the beach. (5).
Shortly, you'll see the wreckage of the ship; follow it, killing more crystal enemies. When you kill the last one, you should see a crate near the rocks. Kvarilan's things are inside. Take them and go back to Gorn.
Reward: XP, Golden Amulet
Abandoned Cemetery
Approach Anitmun (6), a hairdresser with a lovely parlour located in the eastern part of the village, near the gate. When he asks you whether you want a haircut, say no.
He'll then proceed to the heart of the matter. You'll learn about a cemetery in the north, which is supposedly cursed. Apparently, some bandits had hidden their robbed treasures there. What's more, when the hairdresser went down into the crypt, he had stumbled upon a Vampire Echorider.

Naturally, as a professional adventurer, your job is to go there immediately and investigate. Leave through the north gate and make your way towards the north drawbridge, called the High Bridge.
When you cross it, you'll be on the Northern Feron Plains. Turn right and you'll see the cemetery (7), along with the cathedral, shortly. It's all going to be guarded by bandits, so take them out before entering the catacombs.
The catacombs are quite vast and you may encounter bandits, earth elementals and bats there. To complete the quest, keep going straight ahead until you come across two guarding towers. Destroy them, then turn right. Now up the stairs, left and through the hallway.
At the end of the hallway there will be a room with bats, and among them the Vampire Echorider, which you must slay. If you want to collect things from the other rooms, be careful, because there are many more enemies all over the catacombs. The trick is to drag them out from behind in ones or twos. Fighting a swarm may end in death.
When you kill the Echorider, report back to the hairdresser (6).
Reward: XP
Alatea (8), the wife of the baker, has a big problem. She would like to refresh her family grave, which is located on a cemetery on the other side of the river. Of course, since you're the hero of this story, agree to do it for her - the roads are dangerous and impassable to regular folk.

Leave the city, cross the High Bridge and you'll find yourself in the cemetery in no time. If you've already completed the "Abandoned Cemetery" quest, you shouldn't encounter any problems getting there.
Enter the cemetery (7) and find the grave without any markings. Interact with it, then report back to the thankful woman.
Reward: XP, Tin Ring of Intelligence (Int+1)
Flying Beast
The local blacksmith is the quest giver here (9). Note, however, that you can only accept the quest during the night. Approach the blacksmith and he'll ask you to bring him six wings of Vampire Nightriders.

Make your way out of the gates and north. Keep running in that direction until you find yourself beyond a bridge on the right-most side. Turn a little to the right and you'll find the bats when the ground elevates (10).
You can also collect the wings from the cemetery (7), which is located in the same area, but a little more to the west. You're going to need to go down to the catacombs and up the floor. Be on your guard, though, because there are many enemies lurking down there.
Once you have what you need, report back for your reward.
Reward: XP, Hammer (attack: 6)
Shrine of Varunaj
Tamundo (11) is a miner who lives in the cabin near the blacksmith's forge. When you talk to him, he'll tell you about a shrine of the Varunaj cult, and ask that you go to Northern Feron Plains and clear the place of any beasts.

Go north, through the city gates. Keep running in that direction until you find yourself beyond a bridge. Turn right until you reach your destination (12). Inside the Varunaj circle, there will be three beasts. Kill them and go back to Tamundo (11).
Reward: XP, Scroll of Faith
Black Omen
As soon as you complete the "Grave Darkness" quest, talk to Kordalis the marquis again (13). He'll give you another quest - to find a man named Saber, who is hiding somewhere within the Northern Feron Plains. Go through the gate next to the hairdresser's parlour and take the path up north. Cross the Navara Bridge.

Once you're on the other side, go right. Watch out - the monsters here are much stronger that the ones ahead of the bridge.
Eventually, you'll come across a cabin (14) and few bandits in front of it. Eliminate them and go inside. You'll find a lot of blood, but no sign of the wanted man. Make your way back to the marquis at once.
Reward: XP
Harbinger Sword
The governor will ask you to retrieve a certain sword that is currently in the possession of bandits in the Talboa keep (15).
Use the house from the "Black Omen" quest as your landmark. From the house, go north until you see the keep. It's quite small, but filled with armed men nonetheless.

As soon as you're within the walls, go right, breaking through waves of enemies. When you see a catapult set by the path, turn right and go through the door in the wall.
You'll go down into some small catacombs, where two bandits will attack you. Ahead, there is some sort of an altar. Take the sword out of it and report back to the marquis.
Reward: XP
Sarium Outpost
The local priest (20) asks you to go to one of the outposts in the north-east. It's very far, so consult the map for directions. Leave the village and make your way north. When you're high enough, go through the village and turn right. Run until you reach the outpost (21).

There will be some Skittlers inside, and many rooms. Start going through them one by one, until you reach the one with sarcophaguses. Take the head out of one of them. On the map, it's the highest room located on the right-most side. Armed with the head, make your way back to the cleric.
Reward: XP, Minor Healing Potion
The Last Warrior of the Clan
Marquis Kordelis (13) will tell you that more and more people are being robbed in the mountains and nobody knows what's going on. Go investigate.
You need to find a cave located on the eastern side of the mountains, above the forest (16).

Leave the village and make your way north. Go across the bridge called "Bridge" and turn left. You'll reach the mountains, but won't be able to cross them on this side, so head north until the map ends. You'll have the entrance on the right.
Inside, you'll find a dwarf, who will tell you about a weird Skipper. The dwarf is also sick and he'll ask you to get him some curatives.
He's going to need:
4 Snakespikes (17) - you can find in the Ardan Mountain near the Korivasur village (9 in Herbalism will be enough)
1 Heavy Silken Thread (18) - can be bought from the merchant in the Korlivan settlement
3 Pah Rouns Tears (19) - you can find them in the Northern Feron Plains, but they can only be gathered at night (starting at 20:00)
1 Rakia (1) - can be bought in the village tavern
With all items taken care of, go back to the dwarf. As thanks, he'll tell you his story and give you a one handed hammer.
Reward: XP, Hammer (attack: 8)
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