Silence in the Ranks [SQ] | Chapter 6 - Alester Sarwyck Game of Thrones Guide
Last update: 11 May 2016
Red Keep
Point 1
In the throne room you met Uthor, knight. He is one of the Godric's house member, who you've killed recently. He came here to complain about queen. If you try to solve this quest without blood (what impressed queen) try to convince him, what won't work for the first try.
Point 2
Tell about this event queen and try to follow her will. She doesn't want a blood in the throne room.
Return to Uthor and frighten him, making him aware about the consequences of his behavior. He'll calm down and go away.
Return to the queen who will be satisfied about what you've done. Besides XP you receive a precious shiny thing: Ring of the Lioness.