How to defeat The Star boss in Furi?
Last update: 29 August 2016
The Star is an additional enemy. The encounter with him will start only if you decide to destroy the mother ship at the end of the game. This is one of the most difficult encounters in the game - if you want to avoid it, select the second ending.
Phase 1
Your task is to destroy the hands protecting the computer and to defend yourself against the robots circling in the area. The robots can use the following attacks:
1. An easy to parry melee attack.
2. Attack with a blue laser - you must dodge it.
3. A pink ball of energy - you can parry it.
4. Additional robots in the back will constantly shoot destroyable balls of energy.
When indestructible balls of energy appear on the battlefield, head to the edge of the arena and shoot from there.
Phase 2
During this phase the robots swap roles. The closer ones will shoot destroyable balls of energy, while the further ones will perform the attacks of the closer ones from the previous phase. Additionally, from time to time the majority of the arena will be flooded with indestructible balls of energy - you must stand in the middle of the arena and dodge them.
Phase 3
During the third phase orange and blue indestructible balls of energy will be constantly shot at you. If you stand on the edge of the arena you will be able to dodge the first one easily. To dodge the latter ones you will need to perform a charged dodge from time to time. Don't forget to shoot at one of the hands while you are dodging the balls.
After the balls the phase with blue lasers will start. To avoid them, select the side where there are more of them and then perform two dodges in that direction (jumping through two lasers), one dodge in the opposite direction and finally a single one to the top. Don't forget to shoot at the enemy whenever you have the opportunity to do so.
When you destroy one of the hands, both of the phases will change slightly. The phase with the balls will be almost identical, but the laser one will become a lot more difficult. The best way to survive through it is to destroy the second hand before the lasers appear.
Phase 4
At the beginning of this phase, two attacks will be available. Three lines of blue balls will move sideways and orange balls will fly in from the front. It's easiest to avoid the projectiles by moving up/down on that spot where two blue lines cross over. It will be somewhat harder when small pink balls appear. Then, you'll have to jump over the blue balls and use a quick dodge.
At the beginning of part two, red circles will appear, and the boss will shoot with orange balls. Avoid both while standing in place and making quick left/right dodhes. When the red circles are substituted by blue waves, the tactics have to be altered. This time, with quick dodhes, go to one of the map's edges (while running away from balls), jump over a wave forward and move to the other side of the location. Repeat that a few times, and part three will begin.
This time, blue and orange balls will head your way. The latter have to be destroyed, thus creating a passage. Unfortunately, the blue ones are indestructible and they will change their position, so you have to move as well. Stand either in the center or on the left or right. The whole thing will be more difficult when red waves appear, which have to be avoided with dodges. If you survive a certain amount of time, the boss will end his attacks, and you'll be able to finish him