The Path of Calydra. Most interesting Polish Games at gamescom
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- The Path of Calydra
The Path of Calydra
Release date: 2021 (PC), 2022 (PS5, Xbox Series X)
Platforms: PC, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X, Nintendo Switch
From the creators of: Bee Simulator.
The Path of Calydra is a co-production by Polish Varsav Game Studios and Brazilian FinalBoss. The name of the protagonist is Matheus, a young boy frustrated with the way other children at school treat him. One day, a mysterious creature called Calydra, which used to hide in his backpack, appears in his room and convinces him to travel to a magical land full of extraordinary beings.
This will be an action adventure game that will focus on exploring colorful locations. During the game, Calydra will help the boy solve various environmental puzzles and fight dangerous creatures. With Calydra's magical powers, Matheus will gain extraordinary abilities using items such as a glider or powerful gloves.
More about The Path of Calydra, including pictures and trailers, can be found on Steam.
Ridiculous Catapult Simulator
Release date: TBA;
Platforms: PC
The recently revealed Ridiculous Catapult Simulator is a three-dimensional tower-defense game with a twist. The goal here is, as befits the genre, defending the base from waves of enemies storming it – in this case, cartoonish creatures that could even be considered amiable, if not for the fact they’re totally onto us.
The twist is that players won't be building towers in Ridiculous Catapult Simulator, but will rather take control of the eponymous catapult, using its capabilities to fend off the invaders. The projectiles it launches are often very unusual – from bathtubs, to pianos, to cars. Different types of projectiles can be combined together to form lethal combinations – for example, the said bathtub can gain deadly properties when filled with water and a battery in it.
More about Ridiculous Catapult, including pictures and trailers, can be found on Steam.
Release date: 2020;
Platforms: PC
From the creators of: Book of Demons (Thing Trunk).
Hellcard grew out of the previous game by Thing Trunk, Book of Demons. It was originally intended as just an extra mode for the Diablo-inspired hack'n’slash, but it grew so much that the creators decided to release it as a stand-alone game. Again, it’s about exploring dark dungeons filled with hordes monsters.
The cornerstone of gameplay will be turn-based battles, in which the protagonist will be able to use special abilities assigned to various cards. Initially there won't be too many of these available, but during the course of the game, the repertoire will grow considerably, thus increasing the hero's combat prowess and the range of available tactics. The game can be done both solo and with up to three friends. Hellcard retains the distinctive graphics style of the original – all the elements of the world look as if made of paper.
Release date: November 2020
Platforms: PC
The puzzle game from Pixel Delusion offers a humorous take on the famous space race of the 1960s. The game depicts the story of a member of the Soviet Union's elite space force, who, using a drone, assembles space ships that will conquer the planets of the Solar System and beyond.
The game presents the action from side perspective, and the screen is full of ship modules and astronauts. Our job is to maneuver the drone and push or pull the elements in such a way as to construct working vehicles. The task seems simple – simply adjust the connectors so that they fit with the right colors. The problem is that the smallest mistake can lead to disaster. Then, there's also time pressure – the astronauts can't stay in space for too long. In between the tasks, we're treated to humorous scenes depicting the absurdities of communism.
Written in cooperation with Indie Games Poland. Remember, you can attend many of the events of this year's gamescom. You can see many of the presented games yourself on the virtual booth.